The 2012-13 school year is just around the corner and we are very excited to welcome you to the Stivers family! Be sure to mark the dates below on your calendar and call us @ 542-7380 if you have questions.

Scheduling Information Sessions- Tuesday, July 31, 10:00 – 11:00 am or 6:00 -7:00 pm

This year we are offering two information sessions for parents who want to hear specific information about schedule options for 7th grade. Parents are invited to attend one of the two meetings above. Parents will fill out a schedule request worksheet during the session that will be converted into an actual schedule. DRAFT copies of the schedules will be available for pick up on Schedule Preview Day, August 2, 2012.We apologize for the late notice; however, we were waiting for confirmation of new staff members which will allow us to offer some of the courses listed below.

Schedule Preview Day – Thursday, August 2, 3:00 – 6:00 P.M.

Schedule Preview Day is the first opportunity for students in grades 7 – 12 to pick up draft copies of their schedules. We usually have over 600 schedules that are picked up during this time frame – it is a very busy afternoon! If you would like to make a change to the schedule, there will be a form you may complete and leave it with a staff member. We will work through the requests, make as many changes as possible, and revise the schedule. The revised schedules will be available for 7th graders on August 13 at Orientation. We ask you to make requests for changes PRIOR to Orientation. We will not have the manpower to address your concerns during orientation and schedules will be set by that late date. It is the responsibility of the parent to email the principal, Erin Dooley, at to request any changes. Please note that not all requests may be accommodated.

Calendars and information packets will be available for pick up during this time. Stivers utilizes an electronic newsletter. Parents are asked to enter email addresses into laptops during this event so that we can get you on our email lists.

7th Grade Schedules

All students have seven classes per day. We have prepared schedules that include the appropriate academic and magnet classes listed below. You will have an opportunity to request changes to the schedule that has been created for you. A summary of the classes available for seventh graders is listed below.

1. Arts Magnet Class(orchestra, band, choir, piano, dance, creative writing, visual art, or theatre).

2. Science 7(aligned to the academic content standards, emphasis on life science)

3. Social Studies 7(aligned to the academic content standards, emphasis on ancient world cultures)

4. Language Arts 7

5. Pre-Algebra 7

The 6thand 7thclasses may include:

  • 2nd Arts magnet class (year)
  • Intro. to Spanish(7th graders only)(year)
  • French(year)accelerated reading scores required for French
  • Latin(year)
  • Language Arts 7 R (for students who need more language arts time during the day due to low OAA test scores. The Read 180 program will be utilized during some of the class time) (year)
  • Reading Enrichment 7 – an accelerated literature elective to be taken in addition to Language Arts 7. (year)
  • Music Theory (required for music students)(year)
  • Music Survey (beginning piano)(year)
  • Computer Literacy(semester)
  • Phys. Ed. (semester)
  • Health(semester)
  • Keyboarding (Word, Power Point)(semester)
  • Reading Lab (intervention for all subjects)(semester)
  • Ceramics (for visual arts students)(semester)
  • Film/Photo (for visual arts students)(semester)

7th Grade Orientation Monday, August 13 6:30 – 7:30 P.M.

Seventh grade orientation will provide students and parents an opportunity to meet many of the teachers, receive information about the school, receive a copy of the class schedule, and travel throughout the building to find classrooms. Stivers spirit t-shirts will be on sale during orientation – cash or checks only.


Middle school students who are eligible for DPS bus transportation should receive information directly from the transportation department, 542-4010. We will likely have a master list of pick up/drop off times by 7th grade orientation. It is the responsibility of the parent to work with the transportation department to resolve any concerns.

School Attendance

Students are expected to report to school daily and on time. The first class begins at 7:45 A.M., and breakfast is served from 7:25 – 7:40 am. Parents who want their child to eat breakfast should plan to drop him/her off by 7:25 A.M. All students will report to the cafeteria in the morning for breakfast and will be released as a group to attend their lockers and 1st period. Dropping off students at 7:45 A.M. will cause them to be tardy to their first class. Please plan early so that your student does not miss any instructional time. Breakfast will NOT be available on the 1st day of school.

If your child is absent from school, you may call the main office to report the absence. Ms. Ileen Finley is in charge of our attendance and can be reached at 542-7380.

Opportunities for Parent Involvement

Stivers has many active parent groups. Each of the eight art magnet areas has a core group of parents who help with productions, ticket sales, cast parties, etc. Look for correspondence from your child’s magnet director for volunteer opportunities.

Seedling Foundation – is a non-profit group made of community leaders, parents, and artists who work collaboratively to raise money to support the arts. The seedling Foundation has raised over $200,000 for two consecutive years to support our adjunct campaign. Adjuncts are professional artists in the community who provide arts instruction, master classes, and private lessons to Stivers students during the day.

Stivers Parent Association – formerly CEC, is a group of parents who meet monthly to support the academic programs, teaching faculty, and student body. This group has done fundraising to provide incentives for students on the honor roll, teacher appreciation luncheons, holiday gifts for staff members, and volunteers at most of our major functions. We have a wonderful core group of parents who are organized and eager to get involved this year. Their first meeting of the new school year is Thursday, August 23, 6:00 P.M., in the Stivers library. All parents are welcome to attend.

Organization is the Key!

Please read the attached supply list provided by the 7th grade academic teachers. It is imperative that 7th graders develop strong organizational skills and good work habits to ensure success in both middle and high school. Students are expected to color code their binders as is identified on the supply list –a theme consistently carried through 9th grade. Every student is provided a student agenda that includes calendar pages for planning purposes, recording homework, and scheduling tests and special events.

Lost and Found Items

Please mark lunch bags, calculators, coats, binders and notebooks, etc., with a permanent marker. Middle school students often misplace their belongings and end up in barrels of lost and found shoes, purses, coats, and binders. Taking time to mark items will help us return lost items to your child.

Vaccination Requirements

A dose of Tdap or Td vaccine is required for all students in Ohio prior to entering the 7th grade. You may call the Ohio Dept. of Health Immunization Program @ 1-800-282-0546 or 614-466-4643 with your questions.

Electronic Devices

Cell phones, IPods, and portable games have become very disruptive at school. Students are permitted to have cell phones in their possession; however, they are to be powered off and put away during the class time. Parents are asked NOT to text their students during the school day. There are over 100 telephones in the building for students to use and for parents to access. Cell phones are used to text, cheat, take photos, videotape, access the Internet, etc. If your child doesn’t need his/her phone to contact you after hours, please leave the phone at home. It is one less distraction at school. IPods are not allowed in school – kids put their earbuds in and then are completely disengaged from conversation, directions, instruction, etc. They are an additional distraction at school and should be left at home. Ipods will be confiscated and will remain in the office until a parent comes in to pick up.

Important Phone Numbers

Mrs. Jenifer BurnsLanguage Arts 7 & Cluster Leader542-7403

Mrs. Nikole Boddie-TreeceScience 7542-7413

Mrs. Linda HitchcockPre-Algebra 7 & Math Enrichment 7542-7418

Mrs. Cindy Ambrose Social Studies 7542-7395

Ms. Erin E. DooleyPrincipal542-7380

Mr. Dorian GloverAssistant Principal542-7382

Ms. Debra CorbinAssistant Principal542-7391

Mrs. Liz WhippsArts Magnet Director542-7448

Ms. Ileen FinleyAttendance542-7380

Summary of Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, July 317th grade Schedule Information Sessions

Session #1, 10:00 – 11:00 am

Session #2, 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Thursday, August 2Schedule Preview Day, 3:00 – 6:00 pm (schedule pick up)

Monday, August 137th Grade Orientation, 6:30 – 7:30 pm, Stivers Centennial

Wednesday, August 15First day of school for all students

Thursday, August 23Parent Association Meeting, 6:00 pm, Stivers library

Home Access Center training, 5:00 – 6:00 pm

Thursday, August 30Open House, 6:30 – 8:30 pm (more info coming!)

Home Access Center training, 5:30 – 6:30 pm

Thursday, September 6Fall Auditions, grades 7 – 12 (students may audition for an additional magnet during this event), 3:30 – 6:00 pm

Thursday, September 6Picture Day! Schwabe Studios will photograph all students.

Friday, September 7First 7th grade progress report distributed to 7th graders to be hand carried home

Are you working through your flash cards? You should know your multiplication facts at rapid-fire speed! You can do it.

Are you working through your vocabulary workbook? Complete as much as you can and bring it to school on the first day.