President: Clyde Pendleton Vice-President: Larry Pinkham Co-Secretary/Treasurer: Adrienne Rollo & Debbie McCarthy
Toothaker Pond Association is a non-profit organization in which membership is voluntary and open to all. The Association is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of the lake, its shores and the wildlife as a recreation area to be enjoyed by all for future generations.
It’s true! We have finally gotten the all clear from DEP to reconstruct the dam at the outlet of the pond. The existing spillway is currently a crude dike that doesn’t allow for controlled flushing of the pond.
The new design will be a permanent concrete structure with flashboards that will allow the TPA to release a controlled amount of water during late summer, thereby flushing phosphorus from the pond and improving water quality.
The project will involve drawing the pond down by two feet using a sandbag cofferdam similar to the two previous drawdowns in 2007 and 2009. With the water level lowered, the construction of the new dam will begin and should be completed by mid September.
A huge thank you to the Opportunity Center of North Franklin County for obtaining a grant from the Davis Conservation Foundation on behalf of the TPA to help fund this project. We are extremely appreciative for all the support the OC has given the TPA through the years.
Clarity readings continue to improve and we are proud of our progress to date. However, though we have not experienced a serious algae bloom since 2007, water quality remains substandard.
We are continuing to divert water from nearby Meadow Brook at the rate of 50,000 gallons per day. This method of flushing is key to improving overall
water quality.
The summer of 2011 presented camp owners with an unexpected delight. During August, a pair of adult loons were observed raising two chicks on Toothaker Pond! This was a sight not seen since 1986. We will eagerly watch for a repeat this summer.
We will be sponsoring our 4th annual “Picnic in the Park” once again this summer during the Old Home Days celebration on Saturday, August 18th at 12 noon in the Park by the Bridge on River Road.
We will be featuring hamburgers, hot dogs, many homemade salads and desserts made by Association members and plenty of watermelon for all.
And it’s FREE!
Please join us and bring your appetite!
In case of rain, we will host the picnic at the Phillips Area Community Center located on Depot St.
The Association is fortunate to have many area businesses assisting our efforts with support and donations. Without them, this event would not be possible.
It’s hard to believe but the Association is celebrating its five year anniversary this summer. Below is a list of TPA’s accomplishments since its inception.
2007 – bathymetric mapping of the pond by Professor Dan Buckley of UMF
2007 – sediment cores extracted from bottom of the pond determined that no sawmill waste had been deposited from the early 1900’s
2007 – first drawdown of the pond to reduce phosphorus.
2008 – UMF Professor Dan Buckley included Toothaker Pond in a global warming study on 100 Maine lakes.
2009 – second drawdown of the pond
2009 – severe beach erosion was stabilized with rip rap at the beach area
2011 – Meadow Brook diverted into Toothaker Pond
The Association would like to thank Senator Tom Saviello for introducing three legislative bills over the years and for championing the TPA’s efforts to restore the pond.
The TPA continues to have multiple and ongoing discussions with area scientists, engineers and DEP staff. We also continue to monitor the pond’s clarity, temperature and oxygen levels and collect water samples for analysis by University of Maine at Orono on a bi-weekly basis.
The TPA annual meeting will be held on Saturday, August 18th immediately following the Picnic in the Park. At that time we will hold election of officers and discuss the project to reconstruct the dam. All Association members are welcome to attend.
Don’t forget to attend the bathtub races held at the pond every year during Old Home Days.
This year’s races sponsored by Marie Pillsbury will be held on Saturday, August 18th at 3:00 p.m. This is a popular event so don’t miss it. It’s great fun for all ages!
New members are always welcome! Current members should renew their dues no later than August 15, 2012. Thanks for your continued support!
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(Saves on mailing costs)
Dues: $10 per person
Checks should be made payable to:
Toothaker Pond Association
Complete form and mail to:
Toothaker Pond Association
57 East Shore Drive
New Vineyard, ME 04956
Visit our website at