Millersburg Fire Company #1

Standard Operating Guideline

Chapter 3-Emergency Operations

Helicopter Operations


To establish guidelines for the establishment and operation ofa safe Landing Zone for helicopter/Air Medical operations.



  1. When dispatched to establish a landing zone for helicopter operations at a minimum there shall be a Landing Zone Officer and one piece of firefighting apparatus. The preferred apparatus for establishing a Landing zone should be Attack 20, Engine 20 or Engine 201. If the previous mentioned apparatus are not available Tanker 20 or Truck 20 may be utilized.

Landing Zone Requirements:

  1. The Landing Zone shall be established on a preferably flat area that is unobstructed by power lines, poles, towers, buildings, trees etc. for a minimum of200feet. The Landing Zone should not be on a loose gravel area due to ingestion issues and FOD issues for the helicopter and emergency response personnel.
  2. The Landing Zone shall be marked utilizing the landing zone lighting kit on Engine 20 or Attack 20, or by using road cones.Fusees shall not be used.Markers shall be placed in such an arrangement to mark four corners of a 100' X 100' landing area with a fifth marker on the windward side to indicate wind direction on the ground.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

  1. Full Personal Protective Gear shall be worn while the helicopter is on approach, on the ground and until the landing zone is secured after the helicopters departure.
  2. Personal Protective Equipment shall include at a minimum turnout gear, helmet with chin strap attached, gloves, and eye protection. Hearing protection may be worn.
  3. If assisting with loading a patient for transport PPE shall also include at a minimum Latex Gloves to protect against body fluid exposure.

Apparatus Placement:

  1. Apparatus and the Landing Zone Officer are to be positioned in such a way as to be able to ensure security of the landing area and be ready to respond in the event of a mishap. During night time landings ALLapparatus lighting shall be turned off(Lighting may be left on to mark the LZ for the helicopter, but shall be turned off once the helicopter confirms sighting the LZ).


  1. The Landing Zone Officer shall request from Dauphin County Communications an operations channel. County will link the helicopter frequency to the operations channel.
  2. Communications with the helicopter shall be established as soon as possible to ensure that the link has been successful.
  3. Once communications is established, a landing zone brief is to be conducted. A Landing Zone Brief shall include a description of the area including any obstructions and estimated heightwith the compass direction and distance from the LZ; type of surface of the LZ; estimated wind direction and speed on the ground; and best angle of approach to the LZ(The pilot will have the final decision). See attached sheet for LZ Briefing example.
  4. After the briefing the pilot may ask for more details which are to be provided as requested. In the event that the LZ becomes fouled during approach or there is a safety issue noted the phrase "WAVE OFF, WAVE OFF" is to be used to indicate to the helicopter to abort the landing.
  5. Once the helicopter has landed communicate to Dauphin County Communications that the helicopter has landed and once the helicopter has taken off notify county that the helicopter is airborne.


  1. Response personnel are on scene to establish a safe and secure Landing Zone and to provide assistance as requested with loading a patient.
  2. No personnel are to approach the helicopter without direction from the Landing Zone Officer and flight crew.


  1. Life Safety of responders, helicopter crew, patients, and bystanders.
  2. Security of the Landing Zone.


  1. Life Lion Dispatch 1-800-225-4837

Douglas A. Snyder January 15, 2011


Fire Chief Date

Millersburg Fire Company Landing Zone Briefing/Check List

1. _____Establish location of the Landing Zone that is flat, free from overhead obstructions, free from FOD.

2. _____Request Communications link and Operations Channel for communications with the incoming helicopter.

3. _____Mark the LZ with the Marker Kit or Cones on the corners ofa Minimum of 100' X 100" with a fifth marker indicating the wind direction on the ground.

4. _____Position fire apparatus and personnel clear of the LZ and turn off all lighting prior to helicopter landing.

5. _____Establish Communications with the helicopter and provide the below information at a minimum

The LZ is a 100' X 100" marked area consisting of


(Grass paved parking lot, etc...... )

The LZ islocated at______

(Example: MYOPark located between the river and Route 147 just south of Millersburg)

Obstructions are to the:





(Overhead lines, poles, trees, towers, estimated height; distance from LZ)

The Wind Direction is from the______@ ______MPH.

(N, NNE, NE, E, ESE, SE, S, SSW, SW, W, WNW, NW)

Your best approach is form the ______(In to the wind, pilot has final decision)

6. _____Notify DauphinCounty Communications when the helicopter has landed.

7. _____Notify DauphinCounty Communications when the helicopter has taken off.

8._____NotifyCounty that the LZ is secured and release the operations channel after the helicopter confirms they are enroute the medical facility(This could be as long as 15 minutes).

9. _____Place the box in service

*In the event ofthe need to abort the landing the phrase "WAVE OFF, WAVE OFF" is to be used.

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