Puppy Contract

Due North Kennels

Dustin and Nalissa Seiler


Buyer Name(s):______




Breed: ______

Sire Name: ______

Dam Name:______

Date Born: ______

AKC Litter Register # If Available______

Sex: ______Color:______

Price: $______

This pup is sold with:

[ ] Full AKC Registration

[ ] Limited AKC Registration

[ ] Limited AKC Registration with an additional Spay/Neuter Agreement


General health information will be provided verbally by the Seller, which includes information on diet, shots, worming, bathing, and any other treatments given this dog at the time of sale. A health record will be given to the Buyer and explained to them.

Seller states this puppy is a purebred, of good health, and free of communicable diseases as far as Seller can see. This puppy has been checked by a veterinarian and was found to be healthy.

All puppies receive their first set of shots and wormer (Pyrantal Promate Wormer) at 6weeks, second set at 8 weeks, third set at 12 weeks. No puppies will be placed in a home until they have had their first set of shots at 6 weeks.

This puppy comes with a health guarantee, which is “if a licensed veterinarian finds a significant health problem with the puppy within 72 hours of when the Buyer takes possession, and this health problem was present before the Buyer took possession, the puppy may be returned within that 72 hours and Buyer may choose a replacement puppy from the current litter (if available) or the next litter born”. Replacement puppy would be of similar value to the refunded puppy. A “significant health problem” under this contract is defined as a condition that is life threatening or that is expected to be a chronic condition that would have a long term detrimental effect on the dog’s quality of life. This would exclude common, minor puppy conditions such as, fleas, worms or other intestinal infection/parasites that can be cleared with a round of dewormer or antibiotic, or any issues or disorders after the initial 72 hour time frame. Also excluded are minor anomalies such as umbilical hernias, cryptorchidism, under bite or over bite. Should a return be indicated, Buyer must notify Seller within 72 hours of possession, and the arrangement and cost of returning the dog is the Buyer’s responsibility. Any vet bills incurred are also the responsibility of the Buyer. A written statement by the examining vet will be required. In our ongoing commitment to breeding dogs with excellent health backgrounds, we do ask Buyer to notify Due North Kennels of any health problems that arise in a dog bred here, that may have a genetic basis.

We do not make any guarantee as to breeding or show capabilities of the animal, and same will not be held liable for any failure in attempts at breeding or showing. We are selling this puppy for companion purposes only; any other use of dog by Purchaser is not covered in any way by this guarantee.

Sellers are not responsible for any veterinary, transportation, or boarding expenses thorough out this contract.


Registration papers will be furnished to Buyer when complete payment is made for the puppy orwhen the registration papers are provided to Seller from the A.K.C. office. All registration paperswill be held until the puppy has been paid for and all funds are clear.


Buyer agrees to notify Seller if the Buyer either chooses not to, or is unable to keep the dog for anyreason. Buyer may give the puppy back to the Seller at any time, provided Seller has room for saidpuppy at their home. Seller may also help find a good home for said puppy if Buyer can no longercare for said puppy.

Buyer agrees to maintain current vaccinations and preventivemedical care, proper food, water and lodging. Furthermore, Buyer agrees not to tie or chain the dogunless supervised by an adult at all times.

Puppies will be fed a high quality puppy/dog food. We recommend using Diamond Puppy Food.

This guarantee is null and void for any of the following reasons:

The dog changes ownership.

Evidence of abuse is present.

Any agreements in this Contract are not met.

If Buyer violates any part of this contract, all guarantees made by Seller in this Contract become VOID immediately. Furthermore, any legal action or litigation is to be in the county of Pipestone County MN, the Seller's residenceat time of claim. All of the seller’s attorney expenses will be paid by the buyer if seller is not at fault.

I/We have read the details of this contractand fully understand what I have read. I agree to abide to the conditions of this contract and if I donot comply with said contract, I understand the Contract becomes VOID immediately.

Buyers Signature______Date______

Buyers Signature ______Date______

Seller’s Signature______Date______

Seller’s Signature______Date______

Photos & current updates are highly appreciated!

Note: Contract is not binding until all parties involved have signed (All Buyer’s and1 Seller must sign). Upon all signature completion, this contract will become a legal and binding document, as agreed by and between Buyer and Seller.