Teachers at Oakwood

Attitude towards Teaching

We endeavour to provide quality first teaching to all pupils in our care.

We are highly motivated and desire to make a difference in the education and wellbeing of the children in our care.

We work hard to maintain whole school systems within and between Foundation, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 departments and amongst all members of staff.

We endeavour to be smartly dressed and professional in appearance, setting a good example to our pupils.

Relationships with Pupils and pupil welfare

We have an ethos of fairness and respect in our classes.

We maintain a warm, caring atmosphere in the class with firm but fair discipline.

We give good pastoral care to all pupils.

We endeavour to give all children equal attention and opportunity regardless of age, ability, sex, colour, race or religion.

We seek to know each child in our class thoroughly, their hobbies, their family background, their friendship groups, their personality.

We keep the SLT informed about relevant issues.

Relationships with parents

We offer a sympathetic approach to parents and involve them in a constructive relationship.

We involve parents through early intervention and through encouraging a supportive and unified approach to dealing with behavioural or educational issues.

Preparation for Teaching

We ensure we have sound subject knowledge of what we teach.

We spend appropriate time in preparation, planning and assessment in line with the National Curriculum, school policies and Government guidance.

We set realistic targets and plan work that stimulates, challenges, motivates and encourages good progression in learning.

We ensure planning shows appropriate differentiation as well as precision intervention so that the needs of each child are met appropriately.

We ensure that written plans enable children to make good progress by incorporating learning outcomes, success criteria and assessment opportunities, as appropriate.

We organise the selection of resources and materials appropriate for the task in hand.

Teaching Techniques

We demonstrate clear learning objectives with a specific focus.

We maintain an appropriate balance between individual, group and class teaching.

We use appropriate questioning and discussion techniques which are encouraging and challenging to pupils.

We vary the pace in our lessons and use strategies to aid all learners- kinaesthetic, visual and auditory.

We model good handwriting and spelling at all times.

Record Keeping

We maintain accurate and up to date pupil records according to current procedures.

We maintain other notes and records to assist us and our colleagues in carrying out our duties more effectively.

Classroom Management and Positive Behaviour

We present an attractive and stimulating classroom environment where displays of work reflect a broad curriculum and convey a concern for quality.

We encourage self discipline based on rewards and positive reinforcement.

We use positive strategies to ensure fair and constructive discipline.

We ensure we take responsibility for any behavioural issues in our class. We supervise any children kept in at playtime.

We involve the SLT in behavioural issues when we have followed through the school policy.

Teachers at Oakwood Sept 2011