Steering Committee Meeting
Monday 13th March 2017
Minutes (Draft)
Those Present
Sarah Bulmer (Chair) (SB)Gill Hood (GH)Jo Nunn(JN)
Charles Coombe-Tennant (CCT)Stephen Roggendorff (SR)Lee Lovett (LL) Nigel King –Tours (NKT) Amanda Jupp (AJ) Nigel Jupp (NJ) Paul Richards (Parish Clerk) (PR) Nicky Wiltshire (Secretary) (NW)
Tim Bulmer, Mark Beckett, Ginny de Zoete, Thomas Hayes, Gordon Lindsay
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by the committee
SB confirmed that the action to email Norman Kwan (NHP Planning Office HDC)in relation to the higher than expected fee proposal from Troy Navigus remained outstanding
ACTION:Further clarification was awaited from the Parish Council regarding this.
NHP Survey
SB advised that agreement of a revised date of issue (and return) was required prior to sending the draft survey back to the Parish Council for approval.
SB suggested a return date of 11th July, allowing time for the Parish Council to approve, Easter holidays, printing and despatch.
SB suggested a meeting early June to prepare the surveys for despatch and to plan deliveries.
LL queried whether we could bring the date forward to May and SB advised that at the end of the meeting she would be submitting her resignation as Committee Chair, due to work commitments and time constraints.
The committee agreed the 11th July as the proposed return date for the surveys.
ACTION: SB to amend the survey draft to reflect a return date of 11th July.
SB handed out a draft copy of the School survey (for pupils of local schools to complete so that we can ascertain who attends our schools and how they get there) and advised that this would be sent out at the same time as the survey, following approval from the Parish Council.
ACTION: AJ to liaise with School Head-teachers on this to advise them of the survey and secure engagement.
All agreed happy to progress with submitting surveys to the Parish Council for approval.
ACTION: SB advised that once surveys approved, she will arrange printing of the surveys.
Budget & Finance
SB submitted minor return for out of pocket expenses – this was approved by the committee.
SB stated that current grant money expires on the 31st March, but that there would be a new grant of £9k available after this date and PR confirmed that extra funding may be available.
Call for Sites
JN queried whether the Call for Sites notification would go out at the same time as the survey.
PR advised that this was still to be agreed by the Steering Committee and the Parish Council in due course.
LL asked PR if he was happy that the wording indicates a Call for Sites as opposed to a request to join a register which would then need to be approved.
PR advised wording would be considered and agreed to ensure correct message.
A query was raised in relation to what happens at the Referendum if no clear decision is made at this stage.
PR advised that this would depend on a number of factors (i.e. plan content) and that this was a question that could be better answered by Norman Kwan (HDC) in due course.
It was raised that Shipley Parish day was taking place on 29th May.
SB suggested to the Council that the Steering Committee had a presence at the event with perhaps a table and banners with a leaflet to be handed out to the community.
AJ suggested a newsletter highlighting current progress and future plans.
AJ suggested a meeting date after Easter to prepare for Village Day and the 8th May was suggested and agreed.
JN asked PR whether the Steering Committee had license to make any decisions or whether everything needed to be referred to the Parish Council.
PR advised that the Parish Council needs to determine anything with a financial impact.
NKT raised a query on how the Steering Committee would know when to refer to the Parish Council.
PR stated that he would review and amend the Terms of Reference to provide some further clarity in this area, and arrange for the ToR to be approved by the Parish Council prior to re-circulation to the Steering Committee.
AJ requested that all meeting dates for the Steering Committee were noted on the Parish Website and to highlight that anyone can attend.
PR advised that he could also highlight the meetings on the Shipley Community Facebook page.
SB re-stated her intention to resign from the Committee, following a notice period of 1 month.
SB advised that Tim Bulmer had also submitted his resignation due to work/ time constraints.
AJ stated that the considerable time and effort put in by Sarah and Tim should be recognised and highlighted at the next Parish Council meeting to show appreciation of their hard work and the time they have given up.
ACTION: JNto liaise with Bookings to secure the Coolham Village Hall for the next 3 meetings:
10th April @ 7.30pm
8th May @ 7:30pm
5th June @ 7.30pm