Day ONE - Spend 15 minutes just LOOKING at the art. NO TALKING about the art. Then, begin answering the questions.

A.  What Middle Ages Art technique is demonstrated in picture #2&#3?

B.  Which shape does Da Vinci use in The Last Supper? #6

C.  Compare the Baroque Art #46 & #47 with the Neo-Classicism Art #36 & #37

D.  Looking at the paintings in the two categories, what’s the difference between Impressionism and Post-Impressionism?

E.  How are the Surrealists influenced by the events going on during their time period? Use the article from the QR Code to help you.

F.  In painting #25, can you identify the guitar and the candlestick? What are the characteristics of Cubism? Google three (3) other works of Cubism and list here.

G.  Compare Raphael’s School of Athens and Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon for artistic style.

H.  In Renior’s Bal du Moulin de la Galette (#15) painted in 1876, what does it say about the people of that time? Relate it to what is going on in Europe according to your knowledge from class.

Start on Day Two (especially #4) when finished.


Day Two:

1.  L1, L2, and attempt L3 on this surrealist painting by Dali -

2.  Watch the video (QR Code) on this painting. In (#27) Picasso’s Guernica, identify the meaning of these symbols:

a.  Woman with lamp

b.  Bull

c.  Dying horse

d.  Figure in far right-hand side

e.  What other famous sculpture did Picasso model his woman with child on her lap as seen in the far left-hand side of the painting.

3.  Existentialism-read the key ideas of Existentialism in the Age of Anxiety handout pg. 192. Explain, with specifics, the statue Striding Man by Alberto Giacometti represents Existentialism?

4.  What political, economic, and social generalities can you make about all of the artwork in this room? (at least three)

5.  Rembrandt’s Night Watch

a.  What is the name of the Renaissance lighting and shading technique that is used.

b.  How does the content give you a hint to WHERE the painter is from?

c.  Google other works by Rembrandt, then write down common similarities you see.