Pre-AP Algebra II Syllabus

The third course in a sequence of upper-level math offered at Belton High School which leads to the AP Calculus courses that are offered during the junior/senior year. A solid background in Algebra I is an absolute prerequisite for success in Pre-Advance Algebra II. The primary objectives of this class are to:

·  develop the critical thinking skills, mechanics, and discipline that are required in Pre-AP Pre-Calculus and AP Calculus .

·  Connect practical mathematics to real world situations

·  prepare students according to college readiness standards.

Course Materials & Supplies

Binder (1-1.5 in)

Students are expected to develop a reference binder to use during the course and beyond

Binders will be checked during the year

Graph Paper Pencils Calculator-may be checked out from bookroom

Grading policy

On Level Courses

Minor grades-35% Major Grades-65%

Pre-Advanced Placement and Advanced Placement Courses

Minor Grades-25% Major Grades-75%

Examples of minor grades may include, but are not limited to, the following: homework, weekly notebook checks, pop quizzes, warm-ups, worksheets, vocabulary, short essays, short presentations, cooperative learning group work, mini-assessments, etc. Minor grades are primarily based on the student’s practice of academic skills.

Examples of major grades may include, but are not limited to, the following: projects, major papers, major tests, presentations, labs, unit tests, unit projects, 9 week tests, notebooks, etc. Major grades measure a student’s academic achievement.

Progress Reports will be issued every three weeks to every student. On level courses will provide a minimum of 9 minor and 3 major grades in any 9-week grading period. Pre-AP and AP courses will provide a minimum of 6 minor and 3 major grades in a 9-week grading period.

Retakes & Re-dos of Assignments

Students will be allowed to redo an assignment or retake an examination for which the student originally made a failing grade up to five days after the grade has been posted.

Make-Up Work due to Absences

Students will receive the number of days the student was absent to complete and submit make-up work.

Class Information

·  Late Work will be accepted with a cap of 75% within five days of the grade being posted in Skyward .

·  Failing grades can be made up to a 75% within the five days of the grade being posted in Skyward.

·  Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated.

·  A calendar will be kept on Homeroom website which will show when assignments are due and when test/quizzes will occur.

·  Tutorial hours : Monday and Wednesday after school in room B-08.

Classroom Expectations:

EXPECTATION #1 Be Respectful to yourself and to others in the classroom.

EXPECTATION #2 Be Prepared with homework and materials.

EXPECTATION #3 Ask Questions when you need clarification or do not understand.

EXPECTATION #4 Keep Technology put away unless utilizing as part of the lesson as instructed by the teacher.

·  Consequences for any misbehavior will follow according to school policy.

·  The Tardy policy enforcement will be as specified in the student handbook. Student must be in room when bell rings with picture I.D. visible.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at:

n  Phone: 254-215-2244

n  E-mail:

Keith Meyer

Room A-14

Print Student Name______Date______

Parent Signature______

Contact Email______Contact Phone #______

My signature above confirms understanding of expectations and grading procedures outlined.