Monday / DAC E-Mail
/ Monday DAC E-Mail

April 23, 2018



Assessment Calendar


/ When will the Student Data Review and Rosters (SDRR) application open for spring testing rosters? /

In this Issue:


/ SDRR will openon Wednesday, April 25 at 9 a.m. ET, for schools and districts to begin work with spring testing rosters. It will close on June 13 at 5 p.m. ET for change requests.
Spring rosters include the re-opening of ACT rosters for changes.
Additional details will be available in a Special DAC E-Mail on Wednesday. / ACCESS for ELLs Reports
ACT Scores in IC
DAC Spotlight Entries
K-PREP Test Materials
TAMs Revisions
Town Hall Meetings
DAC Spotlight
Previous Topics

Important Dates

Apr. 24: / ACT Makeup Test Administration
Apr. 16-May 25: / Alternate K-PREP Testing Window 2
Apr. 16-27: / Kentucky End-of-Course Field Testing Window
Kentucky End-of-Course Field Test Site Visits
Apr. 25-Jun. 13: / Student Data Review and Roster (SDRR) Open for Spring Rosters
May 8: / Administration Code/Inclusion of Special Populations Training in Frankfort
May 17: / Administration Code/Inclusion of Special Populations Training in Frankfort


Printing errors were discovered with some of the Test Administration Manuals (TAMs). The information below explains the changes to make to the local copies.
End-of-Course (EOC) Field Test Manuals
In the EOC Field Test DAC/BAC Manual and Test Administrator Manual, a sentence was inadvertently overlooked in the manuals. In Part 3: Accommodations, Bullet 1, please strike through the sentence: “Technology must be marked in the student’s IEP, 504 Plan or PSP in order to receive access to the EOC field test.”
K-PREP Test Administrator Manuals
Grade 8: A timing issue was found in the Grade 8 TAM, Social Studies Part A. The Test Format Items and Times Chart reflects Social Studies Part A with 85 minutes. The script indicates 90 minutes. Please use 85 minutes as the allowed time and make the corrections in the Grade 8 Script.
Note: The 2018 Test Format Items and Times Chart is correct and should be used as a guide in developing the school’s testing schedule.
Grade 6: On page 42, the table lists the content area tested as Reading, but should be Mathematics.
Grade 7: Mathematics Part B. There is a note that reads, “Put away calculators at the beginning of Part C.” This was an oversight and Part C should read Part B. There is no Mathematics Part C for 2018 spring testing.
Grade 8: Mathematics Part B is a No Calculator Section. In the script under Additional Materials to Provide, it states to have “Calculators (minimal 4-function requirement).” Please strike through the line as this is a No Calculator Section and calculators should not be available.
The Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA) appreciates the diligence of the DACs and BACs who discovered these discrepancies and brought it to our attention. We sincerely hope that this does not cause frustration or confusion this spring. If there are further questions, please contact KDE DAC Information.


New Commissioner Wayne Lewis has decided to streamline the process of gathering input on new graduation requirements by using an online survey. Therefore, the Town Hall Meetings have been cancelled. Below is the press release with further details.
(Frankfort, KY) – To speed the process for developing new graduation requirements, Interim Commissioner Wayne Lewis has taken action to streamline the stakeholder engagement process.
Instead of Town Hall meetings, as former commissioner Stephen Pruitt had planned, the Kentucky Department of Education now will collect input online through an expanded survey. This will cut down on staff time and expense, and expedite the development process so that schools have ample time to implement the new requirements for the incoming class of freshmen in the fall of 2019.
“It is still critical to get input from parents, educators and others,” Lewis said. “But we want to be more aggressive with the timeline for developing and implementing more rigorous, meaningful, and flexible requirements for graduation. We intend to present the Kentucky Board of Education with a framework for consideration and feedback in June, and have a draft regulation prepared for a first reading in August. Kentucky’s students, colleges and the business community cannot wait another year.”
Despite changes in the economy and the expectations of employers and postsecondary institutions, Kentucky’s minimum high school graduation requirements have not changed in more than six years.
The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) along with education and business partners from across the Commonwealth have begun to develop the “Profile of a Kentucky High School Graduate.” The profile is intended to identify the competencies needed for high school graduates to successfully transition to the next step in life, whether that be a two-year or four-year college, apprenticeship, and/or the workforce.
Lewis is encouraging parents, educators, students, business and industry partners, and community members to provide feedback to some basic survey questions around high school graduation requirements. Go online to access information about current graduation requirements and the survey. The survey will close May 15.
Input that has already been collected through the Town Hall process will be used along with that gathered through the expanded survey to inform the revision of the graduation requirements.
MEDIA CONTACT: Nancy Rodriguez /


Secure Web App
  • ACT


Alternate K-PREP
DAC E-Mails
School Report Card
Open House

Helpful Links

Admin Code Training Registration


The New District Assessment Coordinator Informational Seminar sponsored by the Kentucky Association for Assessment Coordinators (KAAC) will be held Monday, July 23 at the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) Office Building, 100 Airport Road, Frankfort, Kentucky.The targeted audience is the new DAC; however, relatively inexperienced DACs may also register for the training. The meeting is set for 8 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. ET.
Registration / Top of Page


The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) strives to publish assessment data in IC as it becomes available. In this spirit, ACT scores from the February 2018 National ACT test have been imported in the State Edition of IC. KDE will publish these scores to all districts beginning on Tuesday, April 24.
Please e-mail Raymond Carter with any questions on this matter.


Regular and accommodated K-PREP test materials (grades 3-8 and 11) will arrive April 23 for districts that selected Shipping Option #3.


Kentucky’s score reports for ACCESS 2.0 will be available in WIDA AMS as well as paper copies arriving in districts on April 23.


The Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA) has been featuring District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) and their districts for their hard work and creative efforts to help all students succeed. The purpose of this spotlight is to work collaboratively with DACs to share your good ideas with others, and to give you the needed recognition you deserve.
This is a recurrent feature in the Monday DAC E-Mail. The requests for submission are selected from districts across the state.
For the article submission, OAA will contact randomly selected districts and then will ask the DAC to tell a little about the overall district demographics (number of students, number of schools, etc.). Then share something of interest to others that one of your schools is doing to help students learn and be successful (this may be a good resource to share, a special event, a tip for other BACs/proctors, etc.). DACs may provide a small photo of themselves (possibly use your photo on e-mail).
We know that you are very busy, but westrongly encourage you to participate when you receive the request.

DAC Spotlight

The Allen County School District is located 25 miles southeast of Bowling Green. The district has a student population of around 3,000 in the rural community situated on the Tennessee border. The district consists of four schools: Allen County Primary Center (K-3) with 1,000 students; Allen County Intermediate Center (4-6) with 750 students; Bazzell Middle School (7-8) with 450 students and Allen County-Scottsville High School (9-12) with 950 students. All four schools are located on a 200 acre campus along with the Allen County Career and Technical Center and the Allen County central office. This offers a unique opportunity for collaboration between all schools and the community. The district has developed strong ties to many community partners and staff work closely with those members to improve student achievement and the community as a whole. One example of this collaboration is the OneLibrary partnership that has been developed with the public library. Each of the four schools serves as a “branch” of the public library, which gives students access to all the resources available at the public library as well as resources located in the schools. This has been a tremendous advantage to students as they have access to digital and other resources that the district could not provide.
In 2015-16, three of the four schools were designated as Proficient; whereas Bazzell Middle was designated as Distinguished and a School of Distinction. The district earned an overall Distinguished label. Much of the continued growth in Allen County Schools can be attributed to the unified academic vision in the district. All schools are working on similar goals and instructional practices. The school district has been involved with the Public Education and Business Coalition (PEBC) from Denver for a number of years. This initiative has focused the district on best practices such as literacy skills, thinking strategies and gradual release. Major growth in student achievement is evident as all teachers have been trained and implement these practices. /
Chad Cooper
Allen County
Disclaimer: Any views or opinions presented in the article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE).

Previous Topics


The Kentucky Occupational Skills Standards Assessment (KOSSA) results and certificates have been released to schools through the Technological Fluency Institute, Inc. (TFI) online assessment system E-SESS.
  • KOSSA results and certificates are available in E-SESS Monday, April 16.KOSSA Coordinators will print the KOSSA certificates from E-SESS and will distribute the certificates to students.
  • 2017-18 KOSSA State Report and 2017-18 Statewide KOSSA Standards Performance Summary Reports will be posted to the KOSSA webpage by April 30.
For questions regarding KOSSA, please contact Sherri Craig by phone (502) 564-4286, ext. 4226. / Top of Page


As discussed during the February DAC meetings/trainings, the Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA) will ask that districts review and request changes made to the Alternate K-PREP roster housed in the SRD during Window 2.
The information provided in the following documents will assist in the review, as the primary purpose of conducting this work now is to eliminate unnecessary work for districts in the fall during the official data review period. The intended goal is to make the data as clean and up to date as possible before it is delivered for first round reports released in August. The documents include a PowerPoint, which describes the process and the requested work to be completed. There is also a two page document that walks one through the steps to completion. The Clean-Up spreadsheet will contain the information being requested for change; it also contains an example of how to mark the requested changes that need to be completed by OAA staff.
Most changes will have to be completed by department level staff. Select which option along with the student information being requested and those corrections will be applied once the spreadsheet has been submitted. On slide 16 of the PowerPoint, it displays how to name the spreadsheet before submitting to assist in identifying and tracking changes for each individual district. All changes must be submitted by May 25. It is recommended to submit as early as possible to be able to assist in answering any questions if those situations occur.
Please submit your completed spreadsheet named as shown in slide 16 of the training to Kevin O’Hair.


KDE and Infinite Campus provide in-depth training throughout the year on use of the Kentucky Student Information System (KSIS). Portions of the 2017-18 end-of-year training on April 25 may be of interest to DACs.There will be discussions on the current status of rich curricula, behavior data and course codes.The agenda and registration can be found at theKSIS Training Page.
2017-18 end-of-year training
  • April 25
  • Webcast via KDE Media Portal andKDEState Board Room, 300 Sower Blvd., Frankfort
/ Top of Page


During the April 11 meeting, the KBE began the revamp of Kentucky’s Graduation Requirements. The Board will spend the next several months looking for ways to amend the current minimum requirements. Please see the attached news release. /

Contact Information

Office of Assessment and Accountability
Division of Assessment Support
(502) 564-4394
KDE DAC Information

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