2017 Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given in accordance with the League’s constitution, that the 2017 Annual General Meeting of the League will be held at the Great Barr Hotel, Pear Tree Drive, Newton Road, Birmingham, B43 6HSon Saturday 18th November 2017

Marian Williams

League Administrator

November 2017


Commencing at 12:00 am with presentations to Divisional winners

  1. Apologies for absence
  1. Minutes of the 2016AGM
  1. Chairman’s Annual Report
  1. Administrator’s Annual Report
  1. Financial matters:

5.1Consideration of the accounts for the year ended 30th September 2017

5.2Adoption of the accounts

5.3Subscriptions for 2017/2018. The Management Committee proposes that subscriptions be set at £90 per match perteamplus such sum as theManagement Committee may fix to attend any subsequent fixtures to include regional finals and promotion matches.

5.4To approve the Management Committee’s proposal to reimburse travel expenses for the 2017 season retrospectively: -

5.4.1Less than 500 miles – no payment;

Greater than or equal to 500 miles and less than 750 miles – 50p/mile

Greater than or equal to 750 miles and less than 1000 miles – 60p/mile

Greater than or equal to 1000 miles – 70p/mile

5.4.2The Management Committee proposes that, for the 2017 season, the host club reimbursement for track hire, to include First Aid costs, should be paid as follows:

Less than £500 - 50% of costs

£500 or more – 60% of costs

plus £100 for the use of Photo Finish and £50 for the use of EDM in the 2017 season.

  1. To consider the following resolutions. These resolutions need a simple majority to be passed:



6.1Proposals from clubs




6.1.1Proposed byLiverpool Harriers and supported by Doncaster AC;Gateshead Harriers; Rotherham Harriers; Trafford AC; Wigan & District Harriers; Wirral AC:

“We propose that the number of 2nd claim athletes is increased to 5 (five) males and likewise 5 females, on the proviso that those 5 male and female 2nd claim athletes cannot cover more than 50% of the total events at any meeting”.

Currently clubs in the YDL Upper League are allowed 4 (four) 2nd claim males and likewise with females (Rule 3.1.1). The issue of composite teams is something that is still to be resolved by the league although the concept of composite teams we have no issue with.

This proposal will enable teams to include more athletes from other clubs who are unable to be in the league due to lack of athletes.

6.1.2Proposed byLiverpool Harriers and supported by Blackburn Harriers & AC; Doncaster AC;Gateshead Harriers; Leigh Harriers & AC; Trafford AC; Wigan & District Harriers; Wirral AC:

“We propose that the National UKYDL Finals are cancelled until further notice and the reason being that due to the fact that UKA and the league have no sponsor it is felt that the monies spent would be better utilised in the regions or to make the league work better.”

We would even support regional finals which would be at a lower cost. At least then more clubs would benefit

The net costs for the last 3 years are as follows:

2014Birmingham - £30 207

2015Birmingham - £26 721

2016Bedford - £25 709

2017Birmingham - £tbc, but will be similar to previous years.





6.2Proposed bythe Management Group

The Management Group propose the following changes to the competition rulebook:


Rule 7.1

Declaration sheets are obtainable on the website and should be sent, by email, to the host club at least 24 hours before the start of the meeting.

Be replaced with:

“Declarations must be made on the Team Managers’ portal, and must be made at least24 hours before the start of the meeting

Rule 7.2

Team declarations must be made on the official sheets provided by the League. Please note, second-claim declaration sheets (applicable only to upper age group athletes – subject to a maximum of 4 male and 4 female per club) must be completed for each athlete at each fixture.

Be replaced with:

“Second-claim athletes (applicable only to upper age group athletes – subject to a maximum of 4 male and 4 female per club per match) must be clearly identified on the portal.”

Rule 7.3

The declarations should be fully completed giving full name, age group and first- or second-claim competitor, or non-scoring athlete.

(For clarification: It will be necessary to provide the URN for each competing athlete on the declaration form)

Be replaced with:

“All athletes’ details must be fully completed on the portal showing the correct URN and accurate date of birth”

Rule 7.4

Changes on the day should be submitted 10 minutes before the scheduled event time on an “athlete change slip”

Be replaced with:

“Changes on the day should be submitted 10 minutes before the scheduled event time, either on the portal, or using the bespoke league change slips, whichever is appropriate”

Rule 7.5

In the event of an athlete competing without having been declared on the official sheet, all points gained will be deducted.

Be replaced with:

In the event of an athlete competing without having been declared in the correct manner, all points gained will be deducted.”


Move, and re-number, existing rule 10.3.3 and 10.3.4 to become

10.2.1“If an event is cancelled during the course of a match by either the Track or Field Referee, on safety grounds, the decision must be communicated to a meeting of Team Managers. If conditions change during the meeting, that event will remain cancelled.

(The referee must make the decision which is final)”

10.2.2“Points for any events cancelled on the day of the meeting will be awarded according to the declarations at the start of the meeting. Athletes scoring points will be deemed to have competed and the event will count as part of their maximum number of events”.

(Rules 10.3.1 and 10.3.2 remain as they are currently).


It is preferred that the official league results software is used

Be replaced with:

“The official league results software must be used to record the results”

  1. To consider the following amendments to the constitution. These resolutions amend the constitution and so require two thirds of those voting to vote in favour for it to be adopted; they may not be amended from the floor.

Objects of the league

Add 2.4 to the objects of the league:

2.4“To do all things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the League or any one of them.”

8Election of officers (to 2021). Nominations received for: -

Vice-Chairman:Margaret Grayston– nominated by Wigan & District Harriers

Janice Kaufman – nominated by Gateshead Harriers, Blackheath & Bromley Harriers AC; Preston & District Harriers; Leeds City AC; Shaftesbury Barnet Harriers; Windsor, Slough, Eton & Hounslow AC

Finance Officer:Karl Ponty – nominated by Amber Valley & Erewash AC; Derby AC

Lorraine Vidler – nominated by Havering AC; Herts Phoenix AC; Wigan & District Harriers

Election of General Committee members (to 2019). Nominations received for:

(4 positions)Chris Power – nominated byCity of Derry Spartans AC

Leslie Roy – nominated byAyr Seaforth; Edinburgh AC; Falkirk Victoria Harriers; Team North Lanarkshire; Team South Lanarkshire

Joyce Tomala – nominated by Bristol & West AC; Charnwood AC: Cheltenham & County Harriers; Coventry Godiva Harriers; Swansea Harriers; Swindon Harriers; Team Avon

Election of General Committee member (one year). Nominations received for:

(Casual Vacancy currently filled by Karl Ponty)

Karl Ponty– nominated by Amber Valley & Erewash AC

  1. Date of the 2018 Annual General Meeting – Saturday 17th November 2018

10:45 There will be a short focus meeting to discuss the questionnaire returns on composite teams.


Tea & Coffee will be available from 10.15in the Lounge.

Delegates are advised to bring their own lunch however there will be further tea and coffee available during the lunch break.