NTU College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Application Form for International Exchange Students
※Please use Chinese or English to complete all sections in TYPESCRIPT on computer and print it out.
1. Personal InformationFull Name in English
(First) (Middle or Other) (Last)
Full Name in Chinese (please read Instruction 1 in the instruction file)
□ Accept a given Chinese name / Attach 3 recent passport photos here
Please write your name at the back of the photo
Date of Birth ______/______/______
mm dd yyyy / Gender □ Male □ Female
Nationality / Passport Number
In possession of Taiwanese nationality? □ Yes □ No
2. Contact Information
Telephone or Mobile Phone / E-mail
Mailing Address
3. Emergency Contact
Full Name / Relation with Applicant
Telephone or Mobile Phone / E-mail
Mailing Address
4. Home School Information
Name of Home School / Level of study □ Undergraduate
□ Graduate ( □ Master □ PhD)
Name of Department/Program / Which year is the current year of your study?
□ 1st year □ 2nd year □ 3rd year □ 4th year □ 5th year □ 6th year □ other______(please specify)
5. Study at NTU College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Level of study □ Undergraduate □ Graduate-Master □ Graduate-PhD
Period of Study
□One semester (2018 Fall - only) □One semester (2019Spring - only)
□Oneacademic year (2018 Fall-2019 Spring ) *In Taiwan, academic year starts from the Fall semester
Department/Program of Study(You must fill in the blanks with the full name of department or institutefrom the Academic List in Instruction 5)
Undergraduate: Graduate: □ Master □ PhD
6. Proficiency in Chinese Language
Have you learned Chinese before? □ Yes □ No
If yes, how long have you been learning Chinese? ______month(s) ______year(s)
Would you like to take free Chinese courses offered by CLD, NTU during your stay in NTU?
□Yes □No
7. Accommodation
Do you want to apply for on-campus dormitory?(please read Instruction 7)
□Yes □No
If yes, please choose from accommodation types of A to D and fill in the preference list:
Preference / Types of Accommodation
8. Home School Nomination
Name of Coordinator / E-mail
Coordinator’s Signature
______Date: (dd) (mm) (yyyy)
9. Applicant’s Declaration
- I have read and understood the instructions, and I certify that the information on this application is complete and correct.
- I understand that NTU college of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science reserves the right to withdraw any offer it may make, should any statement in this application proved to be false.
- I confirm that, if admitted to National Taiwan University, I will conform to all University Regulations.
Signature______Date____/____/______(dd/mm /yyyy)
10. Checklist
Please tick the items that you have submitted.
Item / Tick- Application Form including 3 passport-sized Photos
- Official Transcripts of Academic Records
- Curriculum Vitae / Statement of Purpose
- A Copy of a Non-Taiwanese / Non-Chinese Passport
- A Copy of Health and Accident Insurance Proof
Please highlight the insurance-covered period, amount insured, type of insurance(indicating overseas accident and medical insurance) in the paper document. If the document is not in English, please translate the highlighted part in Eng.
- NTU Incoming Exchange / Visiting Students Health Exam Form
Your school contact will help you mail the soft- and hard-copy to
Dana Yiin
International Affairs Coordinator
College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Room 202,Barry Lam Hall, National Taiwan University
No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan 10617