BBFHOA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2017

Call To Order (Dawson)

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes (electronically distributed) (Coffman/Faith)

  • 4/17/2017
  • 7/18/2017
  • 9/11/2017

Dan Dawson convened the meeting at 7:05. Board members in attendance: Dan Dawson, Mike Faith, Denise Laussade, Dave Coffman.Absent: Lois Haueisen, Trinda Steckler. Also in attendance were Cristina Farmus, Marshall Powell and Patrick Moeller.

Follow up items are indicated in bold font.

Treasurer’s Report: (Faith)

  • Current position at 10/6/2017 reflects an estimated balance of $82,772 year to date.
  • The delinquent homeowner failed to show in court (yesterday) and a judgement was filed against the homeowner, plus court costs and attorney fees. Counsel was asked to explain if there is anyway to expedite the payment or if it will only settle with the sale of the property.
  • New budget (2018) was presented and discussed. Following last month’s discussion, the Assessment is dropped from $160 to $150. Discussion around “Capital Improvements” identified the following projects as possibilities for next year:
  • Tree removal and replant in certain common areas (as needed)
  • Mailbox replacement (in full or over staged period of years)
  • Curb repair (although expectations that City of WL should pay)

(Laussade/ Coffman) Approved by Board.

Old Business:

  1. Street signs are in production after second approval of (lower) bid.A balance of $1,963 remains to be paid on the street signs.Dawson to follow up with manufacturer on expected installation date, hopefully before annual meeting.
  2. During the meeting, Faith confirmed Covenant’s rules around lake upkeep (from Article 10). Dawsonaddresss with BBF Apartments (Keith Long).
  3. Dawson is seeking proposals for lawn care, fertilizer, and snow removal contract for 2018. He and Doug Jones (current lawn care provider) walked the common areas to review/confirm boundaries.Dawson’s requests have/will be very specific for (1) mowing to visual acceptance, not frequency; (2) 5x/season snow removal at given rate, additional to be quoted separately. Expecting proposal/ quote from Laydocs Lawn Care. Have also discussed with Larry Rayburn (from BBF), hope to receive quote. Should have minimum of 2 quotes for Board’s consideration at next meeting.
  4. By-Laws Covenant revisions – on hold due to complexity.
  5. Planning for Annual meeting 11/13/17 at BBF Apts Clubhouse, 7pm.
  6. Agenda confirmed
  7. Slate and officers confirmed
  8. Laussade to update agenda, attached budget, email to Faith to be sent for printing.
  9. Farmus volunteered to assist in folding/stuffing. Target to mail by/before October 13.
  10. Laussade agreed to post to Nextdoor for additional coverage.

New Business:

  1. Architectural Review Board position(s). Teri Wiedman has agreed to serve in place of Brian Steckler.

Meeting adjourned 7:30p.m. (Laussade/Coffman)

Next meeting –Annual Meeting – Monday, November 13, 2017 (BBF Apartments Club House)

Respectfully submitted,

Denise Laussade

Secretary, BBFHOA