Carman Collegiate Home and School

Annual General Meeting

7 pm, Tuesday, October 6, 2015

In attendance: Karen Tjaden, Wendy Clark, Liza Penner, Janice Beichter, Lana Price, Tracy Shinners Carnelley, Wendy Durand, Lynn Rempel, Garth Shindle, Sergey Dmitriev, Julia Ugorets, Lisa Lehmann

Regrets: Jack Phillips

Karen Tjaden called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Welcome and introductions around the table were done.

Carman Collegiate Home and School Association Constitution

  • A review of Carman Collegiate Home and School Association’s Goals and Objectives (Article II and III) took place.
  • A review of Membership (Article IV) and highlighting voting privileges was completed.

Brief Review of 2014-2015 Home and School discussion & activities:

  • All minutes are posted on the Collegiate wiki:
  • Information sharing re: revising time table schedules; interpretation of school’s goals;shared feedback & aggregate data from the school’s Tell Them From Me survey; communication from PRSD board trustee at most meetings; expanded in-school recycling initiatives; advance notice of guest speakers to the Collegiate are some of last year’s highlights.

Review of October 7, 2014 minutes of the Annual General Meeting was completed. No errors or omissions were noted or documented.

Election of Executive Committee for 2015-2016 was held. Terms are one year to a maximum of 3 consecutive years.

President – Karen Tjaden (nominated by Liza Penner / Wendy Durand)

Vice – President – Wendy Durand (volunteered)

Secretary – Lisa Lehmann (volunteered)

Grade Reps:

Gr .7 Tracy Shinners Carnelley & Janice Beichter

Gr. 8 Liza Penner

Gr. 9 Wendy Clark

Gr. 10 Lana Price

Gr. 11 Lisa Lehmann

Gr. 12 Vacant, volunteer parent requested

Nominations were closed and the new Executive for the 2015-2016 school year accepted.

Carman Collegiate School Goals for 2015-2016 were reviewed & explained by Garth Shindle. The school is entering Year 2 with these 4 foundation topics.

  1. Belonging
  2. Achievement
  3. Independence
  4. Altruism

Discussion of Home and School Goals & Priorities for 2015-2016 were requested from the floor. Listed are some suggestions, and open to others as they arise:

  • Shared information from administration learned at professional development training that may be of interest or applicable to Home and School association (ie new research or data around education)
  • Continued advance notice and invitation from the Collegiate to Home and School association on upcoming school guest presenters and their subject material.
  • Update on the new time table schedule and feedback on how it’s working.
  • Invite Tara Smoker, AFM counsellor in the school, to participate at one Home and School meeting to outline the services she provides within the school and for school families.
  • Continue to invite a PRSD trustee to join our monthly meetings as schedules allow.
  • Invite a representative from Student Council to bring a student voice / perspective to the Home and School monthly meetings.

Tracy Shinners Carnelley moved the Annual General Meeting be adjourned at 7:45 p.m.