Class of ’68 50th reunion committee meeting

2 pm Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Not Related to budget

“Save the Date” postcards – out today

We have one class banner and one large class flag to parachute into stadium

We will be able to add home town to name badges but must ask on registration material

Doolie Squadron breakfast on Saturday – Art Miller has squadron representatives for 20 squadrons, needs four more.

Vince Rusinak shared survey of “why I moved to Colorado Springs” as first step in providing information on possible relocation

Again rejected program at Friday dinner. Mike will explore possible silent video presentation with Pat Russell and AV staff at DoubleTree

AOG Recommended registration deadline AOB Monday, August 27th. Some individual events may have earlier registration deadline.

Budget matters

After discussion decided not to invite cadets to dinner or reception but to meet them as part of cyber tour/demonstration

After discussion decided to postpone decision on registration gift(s)


Reunion Registration

Primary registrant (AOG member) $86, Non AOG member $101

Guests $12

Bus service (not optional, will be free if provided by AFA, $8 per person if AOG has to contract for commercial busses)

Optional Events (There may be some adjustment later)

Pheasant hunt $$132-$155

Fly fishing $245

Golf $70

Garden of the Gods Tours $135

Kelly Air Park – No charge

WWII Museum $10

Falcon Stadium tour – No charge

Memorial Service – No charge

Cyber Demo/tour – No charge

Mews Tour – No charge

Friday cadet area access – No charge

Thursday evening receptions – About $30

Friday lunch at Mitchell Hall – TBD

Friday lunch at Doolittle Hall - $14-18

Friday Dinner - $50-$75 currently estimated

EXPENSES TO BE PAID FROM AGENCY ACCOUNT (there will be no contribution to Agency Account from reunion income)

Registration gift – Estimated at $5000

Credit Card Fees – Estimated at $1000

Memorial Service costs – minimal – AOG will provide programs

AV service or hotel fees not attributable to individuals – Estimated at $1200-$3300 (Note variance due to cost of projection equipment)

Any additional mailing (Note cost of “save the date post card” was covered by AOG and was $390)

Bartender fees – unknown at this time

Banquet photographer – unknown at this time


Account currently has $31,387.06. After 50th reunion expenses, estimated balance as $21000 to $22000

After discussion determined this is quite adequate for future reunions.

Future Meetings and Tasks

Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 2 pm

Menu and costs for Friday dinner and Thursday reception

Finalize budget, if possible – will need:

Registration deadline and refund policy for: golf, fly fishing, pheasant hunt, G of G tours, WWII museum

Selection and cost of registration gifts

Information on silent program for Friday dinner and AV costs

Photographer and bartender fees

Cost of Mitchell Hall lunch and Doolittle Hall lunch

OAB April 2 (Monday) – exact date and time TBD –

Complete budget if not finished on March 14, and draft registration material/information

OAB April 23 (Monday) – exact date and time TBD

Finalize, proof read etc registration material

OAB May 14 (Monday) – exact date and time TBD

If needed to get registration material out – NOTE registration should open by May 15.