Tool Type / CHECKLIST / Last Reviewed / 3/13/15
Geography / All / Source: / Transport Canada



Before you use this tool, you should look atTRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS: Take 4 Steps to Comply with the ERAP Requirementsfor more information.


The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (TDGA) sets requirements for transporting dangerous goods to minimize the risk of a release or spill that could endanger the environment, workers and others. But despite your best efforts, dangerous goods may still be released into the environment if, say, a train derails or a trucks gets into a collision. So the Consolidated Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (TDG Regulations) require companies that transport or import certain dangerous goods to have emergency response assistance plans (ERAPs) to help local authorities respond to an incident involving dangerous goods


Your ERAP must be approved by the Ministry of Transport. To get approval, submit an ERAP application that contains the information required by regulation. Use this checklist to ensure that your application is complete.


Transport Canada


Name and address of the place of business

Contact person’s name, telephone number, fax number and email address

The classification of the dangerous goods to which the ERAP applies

Type and size of the means of containment used to transport the dangerous goods to which the ERAP relates

The geographical area covered by the ERAP

The telephone number, including the area code, to call to have the ERAP activated immediately

A description of the emergency response capabilities available to the person offering for transport or importing dangerous goods including:

Number of persons qualified to give, by telephone, technical advice about the dangerous goods

Number of persons qualified and available to give advice and assistance at the site of an emergency

A list of the specialized equipment that can be transported to and used at the site of an emergency

A general description of the response actions capable of being taken at the site of an emergency

A description of the transportation arrangements to bring specialized emergency response personnel and equipment to the site of an emergency

A description of the communications systems that can be made available at the site of an emergency

A potential accident assessment including:

A general analysis of how an accidental release of dangerous goods could occur

A general description of the potential consequences of an accidental release of dangerous goods

A description of the action the applicant is expected to take in the event of an accidental release or an imminent accidental release of dangerous goods

A copy of any formal agreement with a third party for the provision of assistance.

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