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<Insert school/preschool banner>



Preschools may choose to amend, delete or add as applicable

Delete blue text in template when you complete the template

Amend red text**


Briefly outline the purpose of this document. What is the objective and how will this document help? Preschools may insert pictures to help provide context for the purpose of this document.

<Preschool Name> will provide children with water experiences to promote their development and understanding of the natural environment.

<Preschool Name> aims to create a stimulating environment for children to explore and discover their world, and has a responsibility under the Education and Care Services (National Uniform Legislation) Act (the Act) and Education and Care Services Regulations (the Regulations) to ensure their health, safety and wellbeing is maintained at all times.


Define any key terms and acronyms used in this document. Ensure consistency with associated policy, procedures and guidelines, and the Act and Regulations.

Adequate supervision, for the purpose of these guidelines, is maintaining sight and hearing of all children at all times children are playing with water and being in a position to respond to individual needs and to intervene immediately when necessary.

Potential hazard, for the purpose of these guidelines, refers to risks associated with water, such as swimming pools, baths, water storage containers, including vessels used for water play activities, ponds and containers with poor drainage that allow water to pool.


Briefly outline the roles and responsibilities of the principal (if relevant), teachers, educators, pre-service teachers, students, volunteers and if appropriate children and their families.

Sub headings and dot points may be used. The information should be written in language that is easily understood.

Principal will be responsible for:

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Preschool teacher and educators are responsible for:

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Outline the specific steps or processes required to implement, comply and meet the intent of the associated policy, procedures and guidelines, and the Act and the Regulations.

Sub headings and dot points may be used. The information should be written in succinct order and in language that is easily understood.

<Preschool Name> will have procedures in place to ensure children’s water play is safe.

<Preschool Name> will:

4.1. Maintain adequate supervision

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4.2. Manage water containers

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4.3. Appropriately store wet clothing or linen

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4.4. Protect children from any unacceptable risk posed by the e.g. pond/water feature/pool>

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4.5. Prevent access by any child to an onsite or neighbouring pool/pond by

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