Handbook Unity, starting and implementing peer education projects in nightlife settings

By Judith Noijen

In this Handbook, the author presents the reader with the basis for the peer methodology so you can set up and implement your own peerproject in nightlife settings. She uses Unity, a peer-educatieproject for and by young people from the dance scene, as an example for the various phases of building a project like this. Also she gives the reader all sorts of instruments developed in the 9-year experience with Unity.

There is a separate booklet for the peers with guidelines what is expected from them when they are working as peer educator.

Analysis Part I, theory and methodology peer
1 Problem 14
1.1 Prevalence 14
1.2 Description 18 target
1.2.1 Dance 18
1.2.2 Events 19
1.2.3 Age 20
1.3 Health 20
1.3.1 Drugs, set, setting 21
1.3.2 Indirect health 23
1.3.3 Incidents 24
1.4 Finally, 25
2 Behavioral Determinants of substance use among young people
2.1 Social learning theory 25
2.2 Social Identity Theory 26
2.3 Diffusion of Innovation theory 26
2.4 Cognitive dissonance theory 27
2.5 Health Belief Model 27
2.6 Theory of reasoned and planned behavior 28
2.7 Trans-Theoretical model of change 30
2.8 The Attitude-Social influence-Private effectiveness (ASE) model 31
2.9 Summary 32 behavioral determinants
2.10 Peer-method 33
3 Peer education 37
3.1 Peer and peer-educator 37
3.2 Peer support and peer education 37
4 Rationale
4.1. Critical perspective 39
4.2. Effectiveness 41
4.3. Rationale 42

Part II Roadmap and implementing peer method
Introduction 44
5 Orientation Phase
5.1 Problem 46
5.1.1 Alcohol and drug use in the region 47
5.1.2 Out Circuit and target 48
5.1.3 Policy of safe exit 49
5.2 Project objectives 49
6 Project organisation Phase
6.1 Organizational Structure 51
6.2 Budget 52
6.3 Project 52
6.4 Networking 53
6.4.1 The cooperation partners 53
6.4.2 Network building and maintaining 55
6.4.3 Integral approach 56
7 implementation phase
7.1 Recruitment and selection 57
7.1.1 Recruitment 57
7.1.2 Intake 58
7.1.3 Reimbursement 58
7.1.4 Exit 59
7.2 Development of the message 60
7.2.1 Preparation Objective 60
7.2.2 Contents of the message 61
7.2.3 Form of the message 62
7.3 Training 63
7.3.1 Basic training 64
7.3.2 Expert Meetings 64
7.3.3 First Aid to drink and drug casualties (EHBD) 65
7.4 Implementation prevention 65
7.4.1 Information 66
7.5 Support 69
7.5.1 Individual counseling 69
7.5.2 Guidance on group 70
7.6 Other activities 70
7.6.1 Working 70

7.6.2 Information on 71 other locations
7.6.3 Monitoring 71
8 Evaluation Phase
List of abbreviations 74
Consulted literature 75
Consulted websites 81

Part III Training Peer educators: roadmap for trainers
To be used as separate part with its own index on page 82

Volume IV Appendices 1
B1 Practical Guides 2
B2 Intake / evaluation form peer educator 23
Form B3 exit interview peer educator 25
B4 Pre-test and post-test Drugs and Alcohol 26
B5 Alcohol knowledge and answers 36
Drugs B6 knowledge and answers 41
B7 Rear knowledge 46
B8 Registration discussions during festivals 48
B9 Registration conversations outside parties for 50