Period 5 Test Study Guide

·  Write each person, place, and term on the front of an index card.

·  On the back include the following for each:

o  AP Time Period

o  Definition

Significance – General and Historical

Specific Example

In addition to defining/understanding the significance of each term, please be familiar with the terms’ connections to one another, as well as places where they might contrast.

People to Know

· Karl Marx

· Louis Pasteur

· Robert Clive

· Louis Pasteur

· Captain James Cook

· Matthew Perry

· Louis XVI

· Napoleon Bonaparte

· Toussaint L’Overture

· Miguel de Hidalgo

· Augustin de Iturbide

· Benito Juarez

· Maximilian von Hapsburg

· Simon Bolivar

· Jose de San Martin

· Dom Pedro I

· Selim III

· Otto van Bismarck

· Mahmud II

· Muhammad Ali

· Ahmad Orabi

· Muhammad Achmad / “Mahdi”

· Hong Xiuquan

· Dowager Empress Cixi

· Alexander II

· Vladimir Lenin

Terms to Know

· Conservatism

· Liberalism

· Radicalism

· Nationalism

· Socialism

· The “Social Question”

· First-wave feminism

· Imperialism

· Sepoys

· “Scramble for Colonies/Africa”

· Tropical dependency/settlement colonies

· Social Darwinism

· Caudillos

· Monroe Doctrine

· Conservative centralists

· Liberal federalists

· La Reforma

· Tanzimat Reforms

· Muhammad Ali’s Westernization

· Spheres of Influence

· Eight Nation Alliance

· Zemstvoes

· Trans-Siberian Railroad

· Marxism-Leninism

· Bolsheviks

· Stolypin Reforms

· Conscription Law of 1873

· Satsuma Rebellion

Events to Know

· Industrial Revolution [First and Second]

· French Revolution of 1789

· Reign of Terror

· American Revolution

· Battle of Waterloo

· Congress of Vienna

· July Revolution

· 1848 French Revolution

· Unification of Italy

· Unification of Germany

· Battle of Plassey

· Sepoy Rebellion

· Berlin Conference

· Great Trek

· Boer War

· Haitian Revolution

· Mexican-American War

· Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

· Spanish-American War

· Wahabbi Rebellion

· Young Turks Revolution of 1908

· Orabi’s Revolt

· Crimean War

· Battle of the Nile

· Meji Restoration

· Mahdist Revolt

· Opium War

· Treaty of Nanking

· Taiping Rebellion

· Self-Strengthening Movement

· Boxer Rebellion

· Chinese Republican Revolution

· Decembrist Uprising

· Sino-Japanese War

· Russo-Japanese War

· 1905 Russian Revolution

· Emancipation of Serfdom

Empires/ Dynasties/Groups of People

· British East India Company

· British Raj

· Maori

· Second Mexican Empire

· Manchus/Qing China

· Meiji Period

Places to Know

· British India

· White Dominion Colonies

· Java

· Boer Republics

· Panama Canal

· Cuba

· Gran Colombia

· United Provinces of Rio de la Plata

· Argentina

· Ottoman Empire

· Suez Canal

· Egypt

· Sudan

· Shandong Peninsula

· Taiping Heavenly Kingdom