To: / European Taekwondo Union (E.T.U.)
14 Solonos str. Athens Greece

I. Name of applying Member National Association

II. Title of applying International Taekwondo Tournament

III. Proposed Dates and Host City

In accordance with Article 5 of the WTF Rules on Organization and Operation of International Taekwondo Championships, we hereby apply for an approval of the WTF through Continental Union for organization of the proposed International Taekwondo Tournament subject to conduct of the Tournament in strict compliance with the WTF Competition Rules and Rules on Organization and Operation of International Taekwondo Championships.

Name of President / ………………………………………………………..
Signature of President
Important Notice
1. All relevant information together with this application form shall be submitted to theEUROPEAN TAEKWONDO UNIONatcopying WTF Sport Department at via email or post by no later than August 30, 2016.
2. Application shall be effective only if the sanction fee of €4,000,00 euros has been remitted to the following bank account of the E.T.U. Official approval of the Championship shall be decided after settlement of pertinent sanction fee to ETU. If the sanction fee is not received within the payment period, ETU will not consider the application. The sanction feel shall not be reimbursed if the hosting federation cancels the event. Banking information of the ETU is as follows:
Accountholder:European Taekwondo Union
Name of the bank: Volksbank Bigge Lenne eG
Address: Niederste Str. 22-2457439 Attendorn –GERMANY
IBAN: DE72 4606 2817 2751 1257 00
3. The Organizing Committee must submit the list of the International Referees to the WTF at by no later than 3 months before the 1st day of the tournament.
4.Official report of the tournament should be submitted to WTF Sport Department at copying E.T.U. within 2 weeks from the last day of the tournament.
5. By requesting recognition for a G Tournament, the Organizer certifies that he will abide to all WTF rules and regulations or requirements that will be valid at the date of the competition. Any exception shall be requested and approved in writing by WTF at the latest 30 days before the start of the event.


* The following questions must be answered thoroughly and accurately.


  1. Total Budget: Euro €
  2. Detailed budget (by item)

-Team entry fee: Euro €

-Association's own funds: Euro €

-Fund raising, if any: Euro €

-Subsidy from the government, if any: Euro €

-Sponsorship, if any: Euro €

-TV rights, if any: Euro €

-Advertising income, if any: Euro €

-Other sources (Please specify, if any): Euro €



  1. Formation of Organizing Committee:

* Please attach the organizational chart as Appendix-1

  1. Office of the Organizing Committee
  2. Opening date:
  3. Contact details

Web site:
  1. Personnel
  2. Full time staff employed for office operation:
  3. Other staff and volunteers for operation of the Tournament:

4.INVITATIONS (Obligatory)

  1. WTF Technical Delegate
  2. Provision of roundtrip, business-class air ticket and free accommodation of room and board for at least three (3) days before and one (1) day after the tournament

Technical Delegate shall be appointed by the WTF President. The major roles of Technical Delegate are to resolve any technical issues pertaining to the tournament and also evaluate the tournament for grading of the tournament.

  1. CU Representative
  2. Provision of roundtrip, economy-class air ticketand free accommodation of room and board for at least three (3) days before and one (1) day after the tournament
  1. WTF Official or Staff
  2. The WTF may send additional representative, if any. The organizing MNA shall be responsible for covering free accommodation of room and board.
  1. International Referees
  2. Accommodation of room and board for the duration of the competition plus two (2) days before and one (1) day after the tournament
  3. Daily allowance of 75 € for the duration of the competition

Organizing Committee may select the WTF International Referees and should send the list to the WTF Referee Division () by no later than three (3) months prior to the tournament for screening of the qualifications.

  1. Competition Supervisory Board Membersand WTF Technical Delegate
  2. Competition Supervisory Board may be appointed by the organizing MNA in consultation with pertinent CU.
  3. Free accommodation of room and board for the duration of the competition plus two (2) days before and one (1) day after the tournament
  4. Daily allowance of 100€ for the duration of the competition (for each one)

5.VENUE (please describe)

  1. Name and address of the venue:
  2. Rental period:
  3. Seating capacity:
  4. Dimension of the arena by meter:
  5. Number of courts to be installed:
  6. Facilities:

6.ACCOMMODATION (please describe)

  1. For the VIPs, WTF Technical Delegate and CU Representative
  2. Name and address of the hotel(s):
  3. For International Referees
  4. Name and address of the hotel:
  5. For Teams
  6. Name and address of the hotel:

7.GROUND TRANSPORTATION (please describe)

  1. Means of transportation (please describe)
  2. For teams to and from airport, hotels and venue:
  3. For WTF officials and VIPs:
  4. For International Referees:
  5. For Technical Delegate:
  6. For Competition Supervisory Board members:


  1. Name of the National Anti-Doping Organization for doping tests and the number of anticipating testing:
  2. Name of the laboratory accredited by the IOC/WADA for sample analysis:

* The OC shall be responsible for covering all expenses for in-competition doping tests. Furthermore, the OC may conduct out-of-competition or additional doping tests, in consultation with the WTF.

  1. Name of the OC designated hospital:
  2. No. of medical doctor& the other medical staff at the venue:
  3. Insurance of injuries or accidents during the Tournament (Obligatory):

9.SECURITY (please describe)

  1. Name of organization:
  1. Operation areas
  2. Hotels
  3. Venue
  4. Training sites
  5. Other related facilities, such as airport

10.Disciplines: Please tick (Please attach detailed event schedule as Appendix-2)

A. Kyorugi (sparring) ( )– Senior ( )/ Junior ( )/ Cadet ( )/Team ( )

B. Poomsae ( )– Recognized Pooomsae ( ) / Free-style Poomsae ( )

11. COMPETITION EQUIPMENT (please describe)

  1. Protective equipment: Protective equipment may be brought by competitors but the organizing MNA must check if those equipment is the one recognized by the WTF.
  2. Protector and Scoring System (Must)
  3. Name of the supplier:
  4. Use of Instant Video Replay system (Must)
  5. Name of the supplier:
  6. Competition mat (Must)
  7. Name of the supplier:
  8. Result management
  9. Name of the supplier:

* Please refer to the list of the WTF-recognized equipment companies, which is available in WTF website (). The Organizing Committee is responsible for installing inspection desks at the entrance of the competition area to check if the contestants wear WTF-recognized uniforms and protective equipments. Report on any violation of this rule may cause non-approval of the tournament with immediate effect.


  1. Plan for TV coverage & name of the host broadcaster:
  2. Plan for advertisement:
  3. Plan for mobilization of spectators:

13. HISTORY OF THE TOURNAMENT (please describe)

  1. Founded year of the tournament & frequency:
  2. Previous occasions for WTF-sanction (Date and place):
  3. Number of athletes, officials and countries that participated in previous tournament (please attach as Appendix-3):
  4. Number of daily spectators of the past tournament:

14.METEOROLOGY (please describe)

  1. Temperature:degrees C (°C)
  2. Humidity:%


Please state any other particular plans or programs to be arranged by the Organizing Committee:

16. WTF LICENCE REQUIREMENTS (please provide)

  1. The following list to be displayed on the WTF Website and WTF Licence website: (Please attach As appendix 4)
  2. Official name of Tournament:
  3. Website of the event or MNA (for more information).
  4. Venue Address, link to google maps, if available.
  5. Full contact details of person(s) for international travelers (for visas, accommodation information, etc.)
  6. Event categories to be played. (On separate document provided by WTF)
  7. Logo of the tournament (or MNA logo) in the highest quality available as an email Attachment.
  1. A link to your website which clearly shows the following text both on 1) your website and 2) official event outline. Please include translation of notice below into your local language if not English but keep English version for International competitors.

“The WTF Global Licence is a mandatory taekwondo passport to participate in this Tournament for all athletes and officials. To receive an event credential onsite and participate proof of an approved WTF Global Licence in the form of the licence card or GMS system generated confirmation page is required upon onsite check in.

WTF Global Licence registrations & renewals can only be made through the WTF recognized Member National Associations and application should be made at least 1 month before the tournament starts to ensure the licence can be processed and approved in time”.

Onsite registration for a WTF Global Licence is not possible and those without proof of a WTF Global Licence will be refused participation.

  1. At the end of the event the WTF requires a complete list of all participants (athletes & officials) and their division/role including WTF GMS ID number and name. If using the WTF Event Registration system you do not need to provide this list as it is auto generated through the GMS.
  1. The Results for Ranking Point calculation will also need to be provided. WTF will provide the pre-formatted excel spreadsheet where all participants required info for C plus results to be stored and sent to s well fter the end of the tournament.

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