See also Code of Student Life:

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is a community of learners. Students, as well as faculty, have a responsibility for creating and maintaining an environment that supports effective instruction. In order for faculty members to provide, and students to receive, effective instruction in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Field Courses (Field Methods EES:2831 and Field Analysis EES:4832), we expect students to conduct themselves in a responsible and cooperative manner. You are a representative of the university and expected to behave responsibly at all times, including personal time outside of class.

Failure by a student to follow prescribed rules of conduct will subject him or her to disciplinary action by the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and/or the University of Iowa. Earth and Environmental Sciences field classes are an adult learning environment and should be treated as such. As adult learners, students are expected to conduct themselves accordingly.

As a student in this class, I agree to do the following:

• Understand the rules of vehicle use

• Come to class on time

• Not to leave or miss class for any reason other than an emergency

• Do my own work and not plagiarize

• Uphold the Academic Honor Code by not cheating on assignments or IMEs or
attempting to do so

• Notify the instructors prior to missing assignments or IMEs

• Notify the instructors in case of any emergency or perceived safety event

• Respect other students and their opinions

• Respect the instructors

• Not exhibit disruptive behavior at any time

• Not discuss grades with other students at any time

• Be prepared for each class by reading the assignments and turning all work in on time

• Be responsible for my safety and the safety of others

• Read, understand and comply with all expectations in the course syllabus

• Read, understand and comply with all class policies and procedures

• Behave as a responsible representative of the Univ. of Iowa at all times, including personal time.

• Inform the instructors of my whereabouts during personal time if I am not on UMW campus.

The first instance of failing to abide by this code of conduct will result in a written warning. Upon the second offense, a student will be removed from the class and sent home at his/her own expense. The instructors and DEO reserve the right to expel a student without warning if the offense is serious. A student who is expelled will not be reimbursed for the cost of the class, and will not receive credit for participating in the class, which may delay fulfillment of degree requirements.

I am a representative of the University of Iowa while participating in this activity, and as such I will obey the Code of Conduct at all times.”


Student Signature Course/Instructor Date