September 14, 2015

Chairman Mike Schlobohm called the meeting to order at 7:02p.m. Those in attendance were: Supervisors Dennis Mandt and Dan Kelly and Nick Brattlie, Chairman Mike Schlobohm, Treasurer Korby Holzhueter, Clerk Kim Grob, and twelve attendees.

Nick Brattlie, in reviewing the August minutes and because of his absence, asked for a brief explanation of the Ann Aplin Farm split/rezone. Dave Dinkel explained there will be the 1.9 acre lot east side of Krueger Lane zoned R-1, 35 acres with the homestead zoned A-1EX, and the balance (approx. 8 acres) be the soccer field zoned RE-1 recreational. Dennis Mandt made a motion to approve the August 10 meeting minutes. Mike Schlobohm second the motion. All ayes. Motion carried.

Sheriff Michael Block was present to discuss the planned procedures of the Hwy 73 closure due to the construction project at Hwy 73 & Hwy 12/18. It is expected to be a 30 day closure. Dane County is going to rotate a portable speed board on Oak Park Road and Hwy 134. There have been reports of mailbox smashing and Sheriff Block gave suggestion on how residents can handle that.

Dennis Mandt reported that his visit to Dane County to discuss the possibility of helping with administrative issues of the Non-Metallic Mining Ordinances. As of right now it is at exploratory stages and there are no proposals at this time. Dennis Mandt reported that City of Stoughton declined having the Town of Deerfield joining their municipal court system. Dennis Mandt asked the board for permission to keep consulting with Attorney Al Reuter on the non-metallic mining issues. Mike Schlobohm replied yes, to keep consulting with Mr. Reuter. Ken Frjelich asked if the town has considered joining with the Village of Deerfield or having our own municipal court system.

Attorney Andy Rumpf reported about the liquor license for LondonAire. Kim Grob reported that she talked to Tom Ourada from WI DOR about the document of Alcohol License Overview for Dane County produced by WI Dept. of Health Services and University of Wisconsin and the findings of the report is inaccurate on the number of alcohol licenses that the town had from 2007 to 2011 and that the town should not use this document as a way of establishing license quotas. Andy Rumpf advised the board to follow with the number of licenses that can be determined for that 1997 year and the growth population of 1,800. The liquor license for LondonAire is tabled until October.

Attorney Andy Rumpf recommended that the board go into a closed session to discuss legal issues presented to the town by Jon Halverson’s attorney. Brian Berninger asked Andy under what circumstances could a private individual see a copy of this letter in question. Andy replied that a resident could make a request to Jon Halverson or his attorney. Andy continued that open records may not be fulfilled because it would be pursuant to legal action or litigation so therefore the document becomes excluded from open records because of the possible compromise it creates on the towns position as it relates to legal action. Dennis Mandt asked Andy what if the board disagrees with going into closed session. Andy replied that it needs to be voted on by the board and it was asked by the board for his opinion and that is what he has given.

Brian Berninger passed out to the board his report and two photos on violations of the Oak Park Quarry. Nick Brattlie responded that Jay Jon Halverson has been working under his C.U.P. and to call these violations, , I appreciate coming up with this, but Mr. Halverson has been working under his current C.U.P. do due to the current circumstances of not having enforcement of a judicial system. Ken Frjelich stated that the law is the law, these ordinances have been published; fact that we can’t enforce it yet is not an issue. Nick responded that there is no way to give citations or have enforcement. Roxanne asked the board if you do find a way to enforce the ordinance would you then issue citation for the past violations. Nick replied that Jon Halverson has been working under the current C.U.P. rules and regulation due to my guidance.

Treasurer’s report was read by Korby Holzhueter for the month of August 2015

General Account Balance: $74,955.50

Money Market Balance: $211,511.85

Deerfield Real Estate Balance: $366.25

Certificate of Deposit: $17,294.15

Nick Brattlie made a motion to approve the August Treasurer’s report. Dan Kelly second the motion. All aye’s. Motion carried.

Invoices ok to pay:

Payne & Dolan

Kim Grob informed the board that the town received a notice of available Gypsy Moth Cost-Share Program.

Agenda for October

Attorney Andy Rumpf will help draft items for agenda

Discussion of enforcement of possible citation from Oak Park Quarry

Liquor License for LondonAire

Nomination of Fire Dept. Commission member

Nick Brattlie made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Dennis Mandt second the motion. All aye’s. Motion carried.

Town of Deerfield

Kim Grob, Clerk

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September 2015 Town Board Minutes