Aslacton Primary School
Friday 8thSeptember 2017
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Welcome Back

Welcome back to all our pupils and families. We hope you have had a wonderful summer. All the children have settled really well into their new classes, and we are looking forward to a year of learning and fun together.

After School Clubs

Information on the After School Clubs has been sent home with pupils. Please could you return completed slips by Wednesday 13thSeptember. We will let you know if your child has been allocated a place.

P.E. Teaching

We are pleased to welcome Mr Tim Courridge to our school this term. Mr Courridge is an experienced sports and P.E. coach who will be teaching sessions in a range of skills and sports to children over the course of this term. Please can we remind you that in all P.E. lessons children will require an indoor and outdoor P.E. kit; plimsolls are not suitable for outdoor P.E. on the field. All earrings must be removed for P.E. lessons, they may not be taped over.

Tag Rugby Club

In addition to the clubs on the sheet sent out yesterday,a tag rugby club led by our sports coach Tim Courridge will start on Monday 18th September and run up until half term (5 weeks). The course will cost £16.25 and you can book a space through Tim’s website from Monday 11th September. The course will include learning new skills, playing fun games and some matches. All attendees will receive a certificate and the star of the week will receive a trophy which they get to keep until the next session where a new star of the week will get awarded the trophy. The course is for children in KS2. If you have any questions email Tim at .

Parent Reading Sessions

Reading at home is one of the most valuable ways to support your child’s learning. We would like to remind you that these sessions are taking place all this half term. You can attend as many sessions as you wish: please come to the school office to sign in before attending. The sessions will take place between 8.50am and 9.10am on the following days:

Tuesdays: Owl Class

Wednesdays:Kestrel Class

Thursdays:Eagle Class

Family Fridays

As promised on a previous newsletter, we would like to invite all parents to join us in class on Friday mornings. The children will line up in the playground when the bell rings, and parents are invited to join their children in class for a short activity and to look at their work from the week. Parents/Carers who have a child with a birthday during this week, are then welcome to join us for our celebration collective worship if they wish.


We are pleased to welcome Diane Bainbridge to our school. Diane is our Special Education Needs

Co-Ordinator (SENCO) for Corvus Education Trust. She will be in school on Wednesday afternoons where she will work with Owl class and all day Friday.


We have children in school with severe nut allergies. Please do not send your child to school with a packed lunch or snack containing nuts or nut products, including coconut.

Sickness in School

We would like to remind you that if your child has sickness or diahorrea they should not come to school for 48 hours after the last episode, for the health and safety of all children and staff. Thank you very much.

Cake Friday

Cake Friday will recommence on Friday 15th September 2017. Tickets cost 50p.

Parent Curriculum Meetings

We will be holding the following parent curriculum support meetings this term to help you best support your child’s learning at home. All meetings will be held in the hall at 2.45pm.

Tuesday 26th September: DB Primary: Our school VLE

Friday 29th September: An introduction to phonics for parents, aimed at Reception parents but open to all.

Thursday 19th October: Maths Curriculum support.

Friends of Aslacton School

The Friends of Aslacton School run events to raise money for the pupils of the school. Last year we raised with the help of parents and school staff around £2,000 mainly from the Family Fun Day, Quiz and Chips and the Pamper Evening with contributions from Cake Friday and Bun Day. The school discos are not run as fundraising events so only cover the cost of James D’s entertainments and the items sold.

Of the £2,000 raised last year, £800 was spent co-funding school trips. Christmas presents for the pupils, a wreath and table decorating course run for all pupils and on prizes handed out on World Book Day. We will be discussing with the school how they wish to spend the surplus.

We need your help to continue our fundraising as parents previously involved have now left the school. If you are able to join us or if you would just like to help at an event such as a school disco please contact Clare Sisson () or Hannah Brookes () or approach any of the committee in the playground. We would also love to hear any fundraising ideas you have and to receive any feedback on events we run. We have our AGM at 3.15pm on Thursday 14th September in the school which is open to all.

Friends of Aslacton School Committee

Clare Sisson, Hannah Brookes, Jane English, Nikki Booth, Vicki Woodruff, Anne Symonds, Emma Page.


Dates for your Diaries

Friday 8th September Birthday Assembly

Thursday 14th SeptemberFriends AGM

Jackie Gooch

La Jolie Ronde French for Children

12 Taylor Road, West Earlham, Norwich NR5 8LZ

Tel: 01603 458584 Email :

Dear Parents,

Bonjour! Welcome to La Jolie Ronde French for Children…

As a mother of two children, I am totally committed to providing them with the best opportunities in life that I can. I began teaching my children French at nursery age and soon saw what a huge advantage an early start and a fun, yet structured approach gives in learning a foreign language.

As a graduate of French (and Spanish) I have lived and worked in France, but more recently my time has been spent teaching La Jolie Ronde classes. I currently teach pupils in classes at Jack in the Box nursery, Aslacton Primary, Manor Field Infant school and St Mary’s Junior school in Long Stratton.

This is what my La Jolie Ronde classes provide:

  • A unique, carefully structured and proven language course.
  • An excellent accent for the children to copy.
  • Fun activity books and interactive CD’s which your child won’t be able to put down.
  • Small classes so your child can get plenty of individual attention.
  • Conversation, basic grammar, games, role-plays, rhymes and stories.
  • An awareness of France, its geography and culture.

La Jolie Ronde classes run separately from those offered in the curriculum to children at KS2. The programme is designed to enhance their learning skills and to challenge the children, which means that they excel at French and develop their language skills to the highest level possible.

“One of the most popular and worthwhile extra curriculum activities!

(Quote from the Daily Telegraph’s Definitive Parents guide to education.)

Classes at Aslacton Primary take place on Monday lunchtimes for 30 minutes. The cost is £5 per lesson payable at the start of each school term. For more information please complete the form and return to the school office or give me a call! Merci.

I am interested in my child learning French with La Jolie Ronde.

Name of child/ren : ………………………………………...School Year………….. Age……

…………………………………………..School Year……………Age……

Please print your name (parent/guardian): Mr/Mrs………………………… Address…………………………………………………………………Tel.No…………………………………

e-mail(for lesson updates)………………………………………...