Grading Rubric for Biology Lab Reports

General Information:

Please use the following rubric as a guideline in how you should write your lab reports. All of your lab reports will be in formal format. First or third person voice cannot be used in your lab reports. Ex: I added a drop of solution to the test strip. This should be written as follows: 1 drop of solution was added to the test strip.

Total Points: 30 points

*5 points will be deducted for each day late.

Title Page: (6 points)

______of 2 Points Title – The title should be concise, informative and descriptive. It cannot be vague such as “Lab report 1 or Testing of Enzyme A.”

______of 1 Point Name – Full First and Last name

______of 1 Point Date – Correct date
______of 1 Point Lab Partners – 1

Objective: (3 points)

______of 3 Points

What is the main goal of your experiment?

The objective should tie into your hypothesis in what you are trying to accomplish.

Hypothesis (2 points)

______of 2 Points

1.  Clearly indicate Research Question (RQ) or hypothesis.

Identifying your variables (3 points)

______of 3 Points

2.  Independent Variable correctly identified with units and range.

3.  Dependent Variable correctly identified with units and range.

4.  Control identified

Materials: (2 points)

List of materials used, bulleted format is preferred.

Must be quantified unless it is from a mass quantity (ie. Water)

Procedure: (4 points)

The procedure must be specific in every single step.
Your procedures are the instructions in running your experimental design over and over again without any flaw in the steps. Your procedures should eliminate all questions if it were passed onto another reader.

Data: (4 points)

Use of appropriate tables with borders and headings

Tables must have indicators (Figure 1) and descriptive title

If a table is used, dimensions must be in the Headers section (not in the cells)

Qualitative data should be present in a separate table

Tables should not cross pages

Data should be in columns and not rows (if possible)

Sources of data acknowledged (references)

Appropriate units and precision

Calculations and Graphs (2 points) (NOT a separate section, include with data)

Graphs- 4 points

All graphs include:

·  Descriptive title

·  Labeled axes with units included

·  Appropriately spaced axes with correctly placed and connected data points

·  Well defined key

Discussion/Conclusion: (4 points)

How lab relates to topics/concepts learned in lecture/reading

Do not tell me “this relates to what was discussed in lecture.” I know that! Relate it back to the concepts.

Provide researched answers to back up your experimental results (ie. Can you find the answer to why apples turn brown when left out in the air?) If researched answers do not support your answer, try to provide a reason why.