Sponsored by the Islip Parish Council

The views expressed by individuals in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the parish council, nor does the mention of any product or service imply an endorsement of it by the parish council.

Please keep this information close by your telephone.

POLICE;- If you see a crime taking place or think that the presence of the police would help a situation, thenplease dial 999. If you wish to report a crime after the event or for general police enquiries Please dial 101. (This number works on all mobiles and landlines. Calls cost 15p flat rate irrespective of their length.).

ISLIP PARISH COUNCIL;- The Parish Council meet at 7.15pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (excepting August), in the village hall committee room, the next two meetings will be held on 15th October& 19th November 2013.All meetings are open to the public and residents are welcome to attend. Residents are also allowed to speak provided they give prior notice to The Clerk, Mrs Julia Tufnail,7 Amen Place, Little Addington, NN14 4AUeither in writing, by telephone on 01933 653212 orby e-mail

THANKS;Sincerethanks are recorded to Islip Parish Councillor Deborah Griffiths. Deborah having served the Islip community on the Parish Council for some years has unfortunately had to resign on health grounds.

It is worth noting that during her terms of office as a Parish Councillor, she had been elected, by her fellow Councillors, to hold the posts of Chairman and currently up to her resignation as Vice Chairman. We are most grateful and indebted to Deborah for voluntarily giving of her time and services to our community and we send her our best wishes for a speedy recovery to good health.

Get Involved with the CountyArchives and Heritage! Northamptonshire Record Office is undertaking a monumental project to improve the accessibility of all the records we hold for the county. We are looking for skilled volunteers with an interest in our work to help catalogue and preserve all of our historical assets so that they can be listed digitally. This will make it possible to make our archives accessible online, as well as much easier to locate at the Record Office itself. Volunteers play an important role for the Archive and Heritage Service. Their work supports and complements that of our paid staff. We try to match our volunteers’ skills and interests to the activities we have on offer, and provide training for the roles. Anyone interested in helping us to preserve and share our county’s history can find out more about the specific roles on the web address; by asking at the Records Office.


Pagans and Christians ! One of the good things about the C of E (some might say the ONLY good thing!)

is that it has a sense of humour, which was surelyevident in a recent newspaper article which had the headline.. "Church reaches out to pagans to boost congregations".To start with,I thought it must be April 1st, but then I realised it wasn't. In fact the article went on to say that ministers are being trained to create new forms of Anglicanism suitable for people of alternative beliefs as part of the drive to keep churches filled. Laudable as this may seem at first glance, I couldn't help butthink how St. Paulmight approach the problem. After all when he went to Athens, the home of a multitude of beliefs, of which he would have been very familiar he said these words. "I see that in every way you are very religious..but that which you worship even though you do not know it is what I now proclaim to you". He thenwent on to explain how the answer to their searching after God was there in the one whom God had chosen and raised from the dead.And that person wasJesus, which is why they would be better off considering the historical evidence for God seen in the life and death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But then, as now, some made fun of what they thought was a stupid suggestion, but others said we would like to hearyou speak about this again (Acts 17). Forthere is in all of us a yearning for something more which many find in an experience of God in Christ, because you don't have to be a pagan to become a Christian. The good news of Christ is for every person. All you have to do is look in the right place to find Him, and once you have been found by Himthen you will have something to smile about ! Charles Jefferson (Rector).


CHURCH SERVICES for October & November; Please check the church notice board nearer the time?

OCTOBER; Sunday 6that 11.00am; Harvest Thanksgiving & Parish Communion.

Tuesday 8that 11.00am; Communion at Clanfield. Sunday 13th at 10.30am; Songs and Praise.

Sunday 20that 11.00am; Eucharist. Sunday 27that 10.30am; Sunday Worship.

NOVEMBER; Sunday 3rdat 11.00am; Parish Communion (All Saints / All Souls.).

Tuesday 5that 11.00am; Communion at Clanfield. Sunday 10that 10.30am;‘Remembrance Sunday’. Sunday 17that11.00am; Eucharist. Sunday 24that 10.30am; Sunday Worship.

Sunday1stDecember, 11.00am; Parish Communion.

If you would like to come to church but are unable to come on your own, or you are finding difficulty in getting there, do please contact one of us,as below,and we will do our best to help.

Contact details: Rector: Rev Charles Jefferson: tel. 730 814, Curate: Rev Cathy Brazier: tel. 735 491. Reader: Joy Farey-Wood, Churchwardens: Sally Morris: tel. 733 392, Elizabeth Cox: tel. 734 253, , Secretary: Gisela Daniels: tel. 734 133 and Treasurer: Myra Edwards: tel. 734 739

Websites: or

More people are needed to join the rotas for such things as flowers, cleaning, teas, reading and particularly sidespersons. Do please contact a churchwarden or the secretary if you can help. We’d love to hear from you!

‘A Festival of Flowers and Produce’; On Saturday 5th October from 10 am until 4.30pm St Nicholas Church will be holding a festival of flowers and produce including light refreshments, cake stall, crafts and fresh local vegetables for sale and lovely flower displays to admire. There will also be a‘Create a Garden on a Plate’ competition for the children – entry forms available from Sally Morris on 733392. Come and see a local church in all its beauty. Funds from this event will go towards reinstating our church clock.

Notes from St. Nicholas Church; It is said; all good things come to an end. As did our Summer– and what a glorious Summer it has been. We hope the sunshine has given us all new energy and new hope. At the beginning of the year when winter and floods just would not go away, the outlook for a good harvest wasbleak and spring crops arrived in our larders very late or not all. How different it looks now! We hear talk of bumper harvests of many fruit and veg and our village allotment holders say the same – there is so much to be thankful for. On Sunday 6th October this year we will do just that at our Harvest Thanksgiving at 11 am. As last year, Rev’d Philip Street will celebrate Holy Communion at this service. Our congregation and warmly-welcomed visitors are invited to bring a ‘Harvest Gift’ of fresh, tinned or packaged produce to church which we offer and bless during the service. During the following week these gifts will be taken to our housebound residents, any one living alone and ‘Clanfield’. If you know of anyone who would like to receive a small harvest gift please let the Churchwardens or Secretary know. There will be a retiring collection at this service (and at all services during October) in aid of ‘Christian Aid’.

November services start on Sunday 3rd at 11am with All Saints Day to celebrate the Saints and Commemorate the Departed (All Souls). The ‘Remembrance Sunday’service is on 10th November at 10.30am.

Ideas have been floated at our recent PCC meeting of how to mark our Patronal Feast Day, St.Nicholas Day, on either Saturday 7 or Sunday 8 December. Details will be made known through notices, invites and the December edition of this Newsletter. And now another kind of ‘service’ which involves ALL of us – we are having another churchyard clearing day on Saturday 19th October from 10 am. This will involve a lot of cutting back of shrubs, hedges etc. – hopefully many hands will make light work. Please join us – our Rector will be there to lead us! Light lunches will be served.

Finally, the Diocesan Advisory Committee has recommend the restoration of the Church Clock. They have approved to ‘electrify’ the mechanism (subject to approval by English Heritage) which is the less expensive option and means that we have to raise £8,000 to start the works! Yes, we need YOUR support again –

a donation of any amount helps, offers of a jumble sale or coffee morning ‘bring & buy’ are most welcome. Frances and Michael Pratt are organising another “Prize Bingo’ event in the village hall on Saturday 30th November. Please mark this date in your diaries! There is another very easy way to donate via your mobile phone: this service is run by ‘JustTextGiving’ and you can donate any amount (as little as one pound!) by texting SNIC13£1 (or other amount) to 70070. You will receive a text message confirming your donation and there is a chance to Gift Aid your donation. THANK YOU!

Please Remember: Grants are still available to any Islipresident for education purposes. PCC Secretary.


ISLIP VILLAGE HALL NEWS; Current activities in the hall are; Art Classes, Pilates, Indoor Bowls, Exercise Class, Table Tennis, Luncheon Club and Karate. There will also be a Yoga Balance Workshop in the hall on Saturday 19th October from 10am-1.00pm. This is a practical based morning of Hatha Yoga to explore core strength, stability, concentration and peacefulness within a variety of yoga balance asana's (postures).

If interested and would like to book a place, please contact Harshani on 07941 841 485 for more information.

ISLIP ‘FRIENDSHIP CLUB’; Would you like to join the group’s fortnightly Wednesday afternoon

social get-togethers held in the Islip WMC main hallfrom 2.00pm till around 4.00pm. The get-together

meetings, over the next 2 months, will take place on 2nd, 16th 30th October and 13th & 27th November.

New members are alwayswelcome. If required, please contact Liz Curtis on 732619 for further details.

ISLIP W.I; Monthly meetings start at 7.30pm in the Islip WMC main hall. 9th October meeting will be the AGM including a fish and chip supper and the competition subject will be a ‘Harvest Basket for Auction’. 13th November meeting topic will be ‘An Optician’and the competition subject will be a ‘Pair of Glasses’.

ISLIP AGE-CONCERN ‘WELCOME CLUB’;Celebrating its 23rd year; Invites old and new members for lunch and activities at Islipvillage hall on Thursdays between 10.30am and 1.30pm. Transport to and from Islip or Thrapston is available if required. If further details required please contact Tess Rose on 732718.

ISLIP W.M.CLUB NEWS; Islip W.M.Club’s‘Special’ activities inOCTOBER 2013;-

Thursday 3rd October at 8.30pm; Rushden 4-A-Side Skittles League semi-finals K/Ocup competition.

Friday 4th October at 8.30pm; ‘Bingo Special’ - £1 a book - All welcome. Big houses.

Wednesday 9th October at 8.30pm; Rodney’sQuiz in the lounge (cash prizes, all welcome).

Thursday 17th October at 8.00pm;- Vintage Tractor-Crank-Up ’87 Club meeting.

Wednesday 23rd October at 8.30pm; Meeting for both Islip & District Skittles Summer & Winter Leagues –

Collection of Summer Subs and issue of Fixtures Sheets for the 2013 -2014 Winter League.

Wednesday 23rd October at 8.30pm; Rodney’sQuiz in the lounge (cash prizes, all welcome).

Monday 28thOctoberfrom 8.00pm; Islip & District Summer Charity Skittles League ‘Presentation Night’

including finals, playoffs, buffet and a raffle.

Islip WMC Diary of regular activities inOCTOBER 2013;- Sun;6th,13th,20th27th- Open 12 noon-5.00pm. Bingo from 3.30pm. Mon;7th, 14th, 21st28th;Skittles at 8.30pm. Tues;1st, 8th,15th,22nd29th;- MashSchool of Dancing classes(main hall); 4.00pm = Children uti 8 years; 5.00pm = Children 9over; 6.45pm = Adult improvers: Ballroom & Latin American. Wed; 2nd, 16th30that 8.00pm; Committee meetings. Wed;9th & 23rd at 8.30pm; Pool. Thur;3rd,10th, 24th31st;- Skittles at 8.30pm.

Fri; 4th,11th,18th25th;Bingo at8.30pm. Saturdays; 5th, 12th,19th26th; Club is open all day.

Islip W.M.Club’s‘Special’ activitiesin NOVEMBER2013;-

Friday 1st November at 8.30pm; ‘Bingo Special’ - £1 a book - All welcome. Big houses.

Wednesdays6thNovemberat 8.30pm; Rodney’sQuiz in the lounge (cash prizes, all welcome).

Thursday 7th November at 8.30pm; Rushden 4-A-Side Skittles League; Captains Cup competition,

also a skittles league meeting to pay subscriptions.

Saturday 16th November at 7.00pm – Islip Bowls Club’s Annual ‘Presentation Night’.

Wednesday 20th NOVEMBERwill be Islip W.M.Club’s 80th BIRTHDAY.

Wednesdays20th November at 8.30pm; Rodney’sQuiz in the lounge (cash prizes, all welcome).

Thursday 21stNovember at 8.00pm;- Vintage Tractor-Crank-Up ’87 Club meeting.

Saturday 23rd November depart 11am; Annual coach trip for the ‘TV Tipsters’ to Huntingdon Races.

Saturday 23rd November at 8.00pm; ‘RACE NIGHT ‘ in aid of Islip Bowls Club.

Monday 25thNovember at 8.30pm; Islip & Dist Winter Skittles League; 1st round K/O Cup competition.

Islip WMC diary of regular activities in NOVEMBER 2013;- Sun;3rd, 10th, 17th 24th;- Open 12 noon to 5.00pm. Bingo from 3.30pm. Mon;4th, 18th25th;- Skittles at8.30pm. Tues;5th, 12th,19th & 26th;Dancing classes, times as above. Wed;13th27that 8.00pm - Committee meetings. Wed; 6th 20th; at 8.30pm – Pool. Thurs;7th;Skittles at 8.30pm. Fri;1st, 8th,15th, 22nd 29th;- Bingo at8.30pm.

Saturdays;2nd, 9th,16th, 23rd30th; Club is Open all day.


Mobile Library; Northamptonshire County Council’s mobile library will be in Islip, at the corner of Nene View Drayton Close, from 11.00am - 11.40am on Saturdays 5th October, 2nd November and 7th December.

BOWLS CLUB NEWS; Saturday 5th October from 2.00pm in the village hall will be holding a fund-raising jumble sale plus other stalls. 20p entrance. Donations of jumble, bric-a-brac, cakes and tombola prizes will be gratefully received beforehand. Please contact Peter Saddington on 01832 735170 if further details required.

On Saturday 16th November in Islip W.M.Club main hall from 7.00pm, the Islip Bowls Club will be holding its‘Presentation Night’ of awards for the 2013 season.

On Saturday 23rd November in Islip WMC starting at 8.00pm, Islip Bowls Club is holding a fund-raising ‘RACE NIGHT’. Please come along and give this event your support?

ROSE & CROWN NEWS; THANK YOU! Our ‘Islip Autumn Fair’ held on Sunday 1st September raised £400 for ‘Clanfield’ and we hope to make the Autumn Fair an annual event.

Diary of regular promotions: 'Monday Club' – Local ales from Nene Valley Brewery; fill your loyalty card to receive a free pint! Thursdays (or Saturdays): monthly food nights. Fridays: Free pool, darts and first come, first served hot bar snacks! Saturdays;Live Music (as often as we can)! Sundays;Afternoon tea or coffee and homemade cake!

Events in OCTOBER: Saturday 5th from 7:30pm;Steve, Sarah and Tony present ‘G-String’ a local band singing songs from the 60’s to the present day. Saturday 12th from 7:30pm: Islip boys ‘Public Liability’ rock out to classic sing-along tunes from the 50’s to the present day. Saturday 19th from 6:30pm: Our very own ‘Steak Night’. Saturday 26th Oct from 8:30pm: TBC The return of the popular ‘Matt Heiland’; local to St. Neots, Matt plays acoustics from the 40’s to the present day, with a twist! Thursday 31st Oct from 4pm:

TBC A family friendly Hallows Eve ‘Ghost Trail/Murder Mystery’(for those who dare) to take place throughout the pub and in the local grounds.

Events in NOVEMBER: Saturday 2ndfrom 4pm: ‘Hot Dogs, Mulled Wine & Sparklers’; family evening with winter warmers & clear views of the fireworks. Wednesday 6thfrom 8pm: Quiz Night, £1 per person to enter; minimum of 2 persons per team; drinks tokens, nibbles & cash prizes! Saturday 16thfrom 7:30pm: TBC -‘An evening of Jazz’ with Gordon & Oundle School Musicians. Wednesday 20th from 8pm: Quiz Night (as above). Saturday 23rd from 8pm: Having played with artistes such as Elton John, Pink Floyd &

The Who, ‘The John Burrows Band’ comes to Islip, not to be missed! Saturday 30th from 6:30pm: We will host a themed food evening – ‘Steak Night’ vs. ‘Fish Night’ TBC closer to the time.

Please take note of the signs on front of the pub for more information on the above.

SPORTS FIELD NEWS; The 2013 season has been a very successful cricket season for the adult and junior teams taking part and we look forward in anticipation to 2014.

The 2013 football season is now in full swing with U6-U18 and adult teams playing. If you feel you would like to take part and/or play,you are welcome to join at whatever level. Please contact Richard Maxwell for further details on his email address

PUDDING CLUB; - To raise funds for the Aldwincle Preschool. All you can eat, puddings and cakes,

free tea and coffee, children's activities and a bouncy castle. On Sunday 13th October in Barnwell Village Hall from 2pm - 4pm. £5 adults and £2.50 children.

CHRISTMAS SHOPPING MARKET; - To raise funds for Aldwincle Preschool. Come and enjoy a festive shopping event with beautiful and unique stalls, ideal for gifts. On Saturday 16th November from 10am - 1pm in theThrapstonPlaza. Free entry.

DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’s Surgery:- Your District Councillor David Read will be holding his ThrapstonLakes surgeriesbetween 10am – 12 noon on Saturdays 5th October, 2nd November and 7th December 2013 at the Thrapston Centre, 77 High St, Thrapston, NN14 4JJ. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY.

ISLIP NEWSLETTER – DEADLINE; PLEASE NOTE: The copy date for articles to be included in the DECEMBER2013 -JANUARY2014 issue MUSTbe submitted by e-mail, telephone or in writing by MONDAY18thNOVEMBER2013LATEST. I welcome your articles comments re the newsletter and look forward to your continued support. My contact details are; E-mail;

Tel; 01832 732093. Home; 6 Rushmere Close, Islip, Northants. NN14 3LG. Islip News Editor;Tom Love