The Homfray Awards
Application Form 2017/18
The Homfray Awards are made available because of a generous donation from The Mary Homfray Charitable Trust, via Mary’s grandson, Matthew Homfray.
Please ensure you meet all of the criteria below for applying to the fund:UK or EU student
Accessing all loans and grants for the UK government (i.e. SFE, SFW, SFNI or SAAS)
Final year of the BVetMed
Experiencing hardship
Be willing to provide a short report if your application is successful
Student number
Term Time Address
Email address
Please answer yes or no to the following questions:
Do you live with your parents/guardians during term time
Do you live with a partner
Do you have any adults that are financially dependent on you
Do you have any dependent children
Are you a care leaver or have you been a carer
Have you ever been homeless or lived in a Foyer / Yes/No
Income / Please provide details of all income that you/you and your partner receive.
TYPE / How Much? / How often? (delete as appropriate)
Maintenance Loan / £ / Annual
Other Loan / £ / Weekly/Monthly/Annual
Maintenance Grant / £ / Annual
RVC Bursary / £ / Annual
Earnings / £ / Weekly/Monthly/Annual
Parent/Partner Support / £ / Weekly/Monthly/Annual
Any awards from the Student Support Fund / £ / Annual
Other income / £ / Weekly/Monthly/Annual
Outgoings / Please provide details of your outgoings.
TYPE / How much? / How often? (delete as appropriate)
Rent / £ / Weekly/Monthly/Annual
General living costs (an estimate) / £ / Weekly/Monthly/Annual
Travel costs / £ / Weekly/Monthly/Annual
Books equipment costs / £ / Weekly/Monthly/Annual
Any other essential expenditure / £
£ / Weekly/Monthly/Annual
Supporting Statement / Please explain why you are in need of additional financial support and what you would use the funding for in the final few months of your course.
Please describe your aspirations and any career plans you have following graduation
Evidence you must include:
Your application will not be considered if these basic documents are not submitted
Student Finance Entitlement Summary or Other Loan – 2017/18 / Partner’s income (wage slips/benefits information) if you are over 25 and live with a partner
Evidence of rent e.g. rent agreement 2017/18 / Evidence of any specific expenditure mentioned in your statement
Three months bank statements for all accounts
DECLARATION: I declare that the information given above is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that giving false information will disqualify my application and may also lead to disciplinary procedures. Further, I undertake to repay any assistance given to me should the information I have provided prove to be false. I accept that the decision of the RVC panel is final.
The RVC are required to report to The Mary Homfray Charitable Trust on how their donation is spent. If you are successful in your application, you may be asked by RVC staff to provide a short report on how the award helped you and a photograph from your graduation.
Submission of this application is evidence that I accept and agree to the above.
Signed: Date:
Bank Name e.g. HSBC
Sort Code
Account Number