Year 4 Semester 1 Criteria Sheet

Date: ______Name: ______Overall Result:_____

Task: In pairs, compose a 2 bar melody in common time, using ega and to be played in canon on the recorder.

elements / Descriptors
A / B / C / D / E / NE
The student work demonstrates evidence of:
Knowledge and Understanding
Music involves singing, playing instruments, listening, moving, improvising and composing by modifying the music elements to express ideas, considering intended audiences and intended purposes, through sound.
•Duration, beat, time values and metre are used to create rhythmic patterns
•Pitch and intervals are used to create melodic arrangement of sound – composing a melody - EGA / Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the rhythmic and melodic elements selected for composition as evidenced by accurate staff placement and correct stem positions. / Thorough knowledge and understanding of the rhythmic and melodic elements selected for composition as evidenced by accurate staff placement and mostly correct stem positions. / Satisfactory knowledge and understanding of the rhythmic and melodic elements selected for composition as evidenced by mostly accurate staff placement and stem positions. / Variable knowledge and understanding of the rhythmic and melodic elements selected for composition. Many notes and stems incorrect. / Rudimentary knowledge and understanding of the rhythmic and melodic elements selected for composition. Little or no correct notes.
Select ideas for composition, considering class and teacher as audience and using music elements and languages
Create and shape composition by combining music elements / Insightful and skilful creation of a piece of musicthat is different from a known song, innovative in pitch patterning and thoughtful consideration given to rhythm to create a playable melody. / Informed and effective creation of a piece of music that is different from a known song, has some variation in pitch patterning and
consideration given to rhythm to create a playable melody. / Relevant and competent creation of a piece of music that has some pitch patterning and some consideration given to rhythm to create a playable melody. / Variable creation of a piece of music with some evidence of note placement and disjointed use of rhythms. / Minimal creation of a piece of music with random use of note placement and rhythms.
practise arts works, using interpretive and technical skills
present arts works to familiar audiences, using arts techniques, skills and processes / Controlled presentation of compositionwith no pitch errors, accurate rhythms, excellent recorder tone and technique. Awareness of 2nd part is evident and accurate. / Effective presentation of compositionwith no pitch errors, mainly accurate rhythms, good recorder tone and technique.
Awareness of 2nd part is evident and mostly accurate. / Credible presentation of compositionwith some errors in rhythm and pitch, sound recorder tone and technique.
Awareness of 2nd part is evident. / Variable presentation of composition with many errors in rhythm and pitch, limited recorder tone and technique.
Variable awareness of 2nd part is evident. / Minimal presentation of composition with significant pitch and rhythm errors and very limited recorder tone and technique. No or minimal awareness of 2nd part is evident.
reflect on learning to identify new understandings / Perceptive reflection on learning / Informed reflection on learning / Relevant reflection on learning / Superficial reflection on learning / Cursory reflection on learning


Compose a Canon using EGA and . Start and finish the canon with G or E.


 ______


 ______

Write out your tune below in your neatest music writing. Include the time sign and bar lines.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



  1. Think back to when you started writing ‘EGA Cannon’ and order the steps below using the numbers 1 – 6.
  1. Which step was the hardest? ______Why? ______


  1. Which rhythms did you use: ______4. Which notes could you choose for the pitch? ______

5. Did you play it correctly? ______

6. Did you keep in time with your partner? ______

7. Why couldn’t year 1 students do this task? ______

8. What did you learn that was ‘new’? ______

9. How could you improve? ______