(For all School-Based Administrators)
Administrator:JobPosition: WorkLocation:
Supervisor:Contract year covered by appraisal: 2009 – 2010
Goal #1:
Rationale (Reason for selecting this goal):
Standard Addressed:
Goal #2:
Rationale (Reason for selecting this goal):
Standard Addressed:
Goal #3:
Rationale (Reason for selecting this goal):
Standard Addressed:
Signatures for fall AGA Meeting:
Administrator’s signatureDate
Supervisor’s signatureDate
Performance Ratings:
The seven standards listed below should be appraised using the following rating scale:
1: Improvement Needed / 2: Proficient / 3: ExemplaryPerformance is below standards and is expected to be corrected prior to subsequent appraisals. / Performance is at a level which enhances the achievement of the District’s mission by consistently meeting expected standards. / Performance is at such a high level of competence that it deserves recognition and is of such quality that it may serve as a model for other administrators.
Standard 1: The administrator has an understanding of and demonstrates competence in the teacher standards under s. PI 34.02 / Overall Rating:
Statement of Evidence: / Data Source: / Item Rating:
1. Increase effective teacher use of formal and informal assessments to guide instructional practice.
2. Increase teacher use of inquiry-based instructional strategies that result in students' authentic demonstration of learning.
3. Increase teacher knowledge and use of instructional strategies designed to differentiate instruction for learners with varied needs.
4. Support teachers' development of positive relationships with their students, including creation of a learning community in which individual differences are valued and respected.
5. Increase effective teacher use of questioning and discussion techniques to improve student critical thinking skills.
6. Support teacher selection and creation of learning experiences that are developmentally appropriate, articulated within and across grade levels and departments, and based upon principles of effective instruction.
7. Assure that appropriate research-based curriculum is articulated within and across grade levels and departments.
Comments, including strengths and recommendations for improvement:
(Use additional sheets if necessary)
Standard 2: A school administrator is an education leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. / Overall Rating:Statement of Evidence: / Data Source: / Item Rating:
1. Communicate and model the vision and mission of the school to all stakeholders through a variety of methods.
2. Involve all stakeholders in the development and ongoing implementation of the school vision and mission.
3. Implement a plan in which objectives, strategies, and resources to achieve the vision and goals are clearly articulated.
4. Utilize assessment and demographic data related to student learning to develop a school vision and goals.
5. Identify and overcome barriers to achieving the vision.
6. Creatively identify and seek the needed resources to support the implementation of the school’s mission and goals.
7. Report evidence of the evaluation and revisions of the school vision/mission and implementation on a regular basis.
Comments, including strengths and recommendations for improvement:
(Use additional sheets, if necessary)
Standard 3: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. / Overall Rating:Statement of Evidence: / Data Source: / Item Rating:
1. Ensure that professional development promotes a focus on student learning consistent with the school vision.
2. Ensure that students and staff feel valued and important through a variety of means such as celebration and recognition of student and staff accomplishments.
3. Identify, clarify, and address barriers to student learning.
4. Encourage and model life-long learning for both students and staff.
5. Promote a culture in which high expectations for self, students, and staff are evident.
6. Provide multiple learning opportunities that reflect the diversity of our culture.
7. Ensure the school is organized and aligned for success.
8. Design, implement, evaluate, and refine curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular programs based on best practice research and teacher expertise.
9. Assess school climate and culture on a regular basis and use the results to guide school improvement.
10. Assess students' learning using a variety of techniques.
Comments, including strengths and recommendations for improvement:
(Use additional sheets, if necessary)
Standard 4: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient and effective learning environment. / Overall Rating:Statement of Evidence: / Data Source: / Item Rating:
1. Implement management decisions using knowledge of learning, teaching, student development and emerging trends.
2. Maximizes opportunities for successful learning through effective design and management of operational systems.
3. Create and implement the school or department's operational plans and procedures focused on school/district vision and goals.
4. Effectively implement collective bargaining and other contractual agreements related to the work of the administrative position.
5. Assures safe, efficient, and effective operation of the school plant, equipment, and support systems.
6. Effectively manage time toward attainment of organizational goals.
7. Confront and resolve problems in the school or department in a timely matter.
8. Align financial, human, and material resources to goals of the school or department.
9. Increase the school or department's entrepreneurship to support school improvement.
10. Regularly review the school/department's organizational systems and modify if needed.
11. Implement shared responsibility processes to maximize ownership and accountability in the school or department by involving stakeholders in decisions.
12. Demonstrate a process for effective problem-solving, problem framing, conflict resolution, group process and/or consensus building skills.
13. Demonstrate effective communication skills.
14. Employ effectively used technology as a tool in management practice.
15. Manage effectively, responsibly, and efficiently the school or department's fiscal resources.
16. Create and maintain a safe, clean and aesthetically pleasing school or work environment.
17. Employ the human resource functions of the administrator's position to attain school goals; i.e. hiring, supervision, evaluation.
18. Maintain the confidentiality of the school or department's records.
Comments, including strengths and recommendations for improvement:
(Use additional sheets, if necessary)
Standard 5: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing. / Overall Rating:Statement of Evidence: / Data Source: / Item Rating:
1. Increase visibility, active involvement and communication with the larger school/district community.
2. Develop positive relationships with school or district community members.
3. Demonstrate, through your practice, the ongoing use of family and community concerns, expectations and needs.
4. Establish outreach to business, religious, political, and service agencies and organizations.
5. Ensure consideration to individuals and groups whose values and opinions may conflict.
6. Strive to ensure that the school and community serve one another as resources to help solve problems and achieve goals.
7. Establish partnerships with area businesses, institutions of higher education, and community groups to strengthen programs and support school/district goals.
8. Seek to integrate community youth family services with school/district programs.
9. Establish a comprehensive program of community relations by recognizing and valuing diversity through the equitable treatment of community stakeholders.
10. Use public resources and funds appropriately and wisely.
11. Model and support opportunities for staff to develop collaborative skills.
Comments, including strengths and recommendations for improvement:
(Use additional sheets, if necessary)
Standard 6: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. / Overall Rating:Statement of Evidence: / Data Source: / Item Rating:
1. Model personal values, beliefs, and attitudes that inspire others to higher levels of performance.
2. Accept responsibility and demonstrate competency for school operations.
3. Promote administrative practices that enhance the educational program and treat people with dignity and respect.
4. Protect the rights and confidentiality of students and staff.
5. Fulfill legal and contractual obligations by applying laws and Board of Education policy.
6. Promote open collaboration/interchange of ideas/suggestions from members of the school community.
Comments, including strengths and recommendations for improvement:
(Use additional sheets, if necessary)
Standard 7: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context. / Overall Rating:Statement of Evidence: / Data Source: / Item Rating:
1. Provide opportunities for ongoing dialogue with students, community and families that are representative of a diverse population regarding trends, issues, and potential changes in the school/district environment.
2. Build knowledge, and apply through practice, current policies, laws, and regulations enacted by local, state and federal authorities.
3. Contribute information, knowledge and skills, to shape public policy for the purpose of providing a quality education for students.
4. Develop and/or improve lines of communication with the decision makers outside the school community.
Comments, including strengths and recommendations for improvement:
(Use additional sheets, if necessary)
Signatures for year-end appraisal meeting:
Administrator’s signatureDate
Supervisor’s signatureDate
(Signature only indicates completion of appraisal process)