UCOP Campus Update
September 2017
Employee Engagement and Diversity Group
After about nine months of work, the Employee Engagement & Diversity Group (EEDG) provided a presentation to UCOP Leadership in August on its progress in developing or enhancing several staff appreciation, engagement and diversity initiatives. This work has been done in close partnership with our Staff Assembly Steering Committee and other internal departments. This presentation also made some modest resource requests to UCOP Exec Director of Local Operations Thera Kalmijn. These recommendations included findings on enhancing and piloting a UCOP New Employee Buddy Program, a Diversity Training Certificate and train-the-trainer program, and other proposals to enhance the working environment for staff.
Mentoring Program
UCOP Learning and Development and HR teams have revamped and relaunched the UCOP Mentoring program. 21 Mentees and 26 Mentors met in August to begin the pairing process. Mentoring relationships officially kickoff in September and will run through 2018. The UCOP Mentoring program has been an ongoing and successful development program for many years with mentees and mentors spanning multiple levels and functions from across the Office of the President.
Web Accessibility Work Group
Made up of representatives from information technology, communications, human resources, procurement, compliance, systemwide talent management, the California Digital Library, and Innovation Alliances and Services, the Work Group meets monthly and implements the UCOP IT Accessibility Program, including educational activities and IT staff training. Last month the Work Group held information sessions to teach OP staff members how to make online documents and presentations more accessible.
OPSA Strategic Plan
OP Staff Assembly Steering Committee members met to develop a strategic plan for FY 17/18. Plans include holding more Town Hall meetings with senior leadership, holding regular General Assembly meetings and increasing the overall engagement of OP staff in OPSA activities. A “Meet and Greet the OPSA Steering Committee” event was held as a fun way for staff to learn what the Staff Assembly is about. OPSA Steering Committee members also met with Rachel Nava, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officerto discuss plans for the coming year.
UC Path Center Staff Assembly Activities
Mindy Matthews from UC Path Center (UCPC) in Riverside joined the OPSA Steering Committee and has begun engaging the over 200 UCPC staff members. The first “Pop in for a Popsicle” event will be held on Sept 1 and offers UCPC staff members an opportunity to network and provide input into future activities at the center.
Attending New Employee Orientation (NEO)
OP Staff Assembly (OPSA) Steering Committee members began attending NEO in August to educate new employees about OPSA and invite them to participate in staff events and Steering Committee meetings. An OPSA representative will attend NEO each month.
Campus Update Contact: Teresa (Terry) Barton ()