Senior Class Trip


MAY 2th, 2016 to MAY 6th, 2016


*Tour package prices according to room occupancy are as follows:

$1699.00 (single) $1489.00 (double)

$1409.00 (triple) $1369.00 (quad)

*Package includes:

A.  Charter bus transfers between BCIT and Philadelphia Airport.

B.  Round trip air and hotel stay (4 nights).

C.  Four breakfasts at the hotel ($10 Disney Dining Card per day).

D.  Four meal coupons (three Disney / one Universal Studios).

E.  One Medieval Times Dinner and Show.

F.  One Blue Man Group Show.

G.  One pizza and soda at hotel.

H.  One four day Disney Passport, which includes four days of park hopping admission to the Magic Kingdom, EPCOT, Disney’s Hollywood Studios, the Animal Kingdom, Disney Quest and Blizzard Beach.

I.  One park hopping admission to Universal Studios and Universal’s Islands of Adventure.

Payment Schedule

The first payment of $450.00 for the Senior Class is due no later than October 9, 2015 (all permission forms are due at this time) the second payment of $450.00 is due no later than December 1, 2015. The final payment of $469.00 is due by February 1, 2016. Please note that payments may be made prior to the due dates. However, we will be unable to take late payments. Your trip may be canceled without refund (please refer to cancellation policy). Payments can be made by debit/credit card, check or money order. Credit/Debit card payment is the easiest and fastest way to make a payment Credit/Debit cards payments can be made on the Class of 2016 webpage or with Ms. Irizarry in Mr. Murtagh’ s office. Make checks payable to B.C.I.T. All check must be in-state checks and must have an updated address and phone number printed on the check.

*** An initial payment totaling $450 must be made to secure your seat for the trip***

***Please a note the final payment amount will change if you choose to have a single, double, or triple room occupancy. *****



A. Possession, distribution, purchase, and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs not registered with the school nurse, are prohibited and will be cause for terminating the trip for the person(s) involved. The parents/guardians and/or student(s) will assume all legal and financial expenses for the trip home. If necessary, the local authorities will be contacted.

B. Any Student who is sent home will be referred for an administrative hearing and may be suspended out of school for a maximum of five school days upon his/her return and will also forfeit all rights as a member of his/her class. He/she will not be permitted to attend any school functions, nor will such students be permitted to participate in graduation exercises. The parents/guardians and/or student(s) will assume all legal and financial expenses for the trip home.

2. CHAPERONES: The administration has the authority to search persons, personal belongings, and accommodations based upon reasonable suspicion. Room checks will be held nightly. In the event of any problems, students should make every effort to see one of the chaperones.

3. PROPERTY DAMAGE: Rooms will be inspected by the chaperones and students immediately upon arrival at the hotel. Students and chaperones will complete a sign-off form after the room has been inspected. The occupants of each room will be financially responsible for any property damage. All rooms should be inspected upon arrival. Report any item to the chaperones that may have been damaged prior to arrival.

4. STUDENTS: students are responsible for their phone and any other charges (not included in senior trip package) , if applicable

5. CURFEWS: Curfew times will be announced daily and will be strictly adhered to by the students. All students must stay in their assigned rooms between curfew and 6:00 A.M. No outside visitors are allowed in rooms.

6. VIOLATIONS: of any school trip policies, school rules or establishment, or other public laws and regulations, local and Florida state laws, will be dealt with accordingly.

7. PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Parents/guardians and students will be required to attend a meeting and affix their signatures to the above rules and policies prior to the trip. MEETING DATE: TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 AT 6:30 PM

8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: While at Disney Theme Parks, Blizzard Beach, the Disney Resort, Universal Studios or anywhere else, students may not leave the authorized areas. Students who depart from the authorized areas will be suspended and subject to being sent home at the expense of their parent/guardian. Students are to use transports provided by the travel agency. Disney transportation may not be used unless directed by chaperones.

9. ADDITIONAL REASONS FOR BEING SENT HOME: Stealing, fighting, breaking curfew, shoplifting or other actions which impact upon the orderly process of this trip. Infractions will be evaluated on an individual bases by the administrator in charge of the trip.

10. STUDENTS: ALL students must participate in all planned activities.

11. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: No video cameras are permitted. Students may only bring disposable cameras.

Burlington county institute of technology

__X_____ Westampton campus ______Medford campus

Permission slip for school sponsored trip

Date: ____9/29/2015______

My son/daughter ______

has my permission to attend ______Senior Class Trip to Disney in Orlando, Florida______

from _____May 2, 2016______to _____May 6, 2016______

I understand that transportation will be by ____World Class Vacations______

And that the teacher(s) and in charge will be ___Kieshea Fitzgerald & Karen Gill______

I realize that the school cannot be held responsible in the event of an accident.


Parent/Guardian Signature




We hereby agree to the arrangements, rules, and regulations as presented to each participant and to abide by all the regulations and all the directions given by the chaperones while our son/daughter ______is attending the

___Senior Class Trip to Disney in Orlando, Florida______trip on ______May 2-8 2016______. I also understand that if I fail to abide by the rules and regulations that my parents will be required to provide transportation for me to be returned home from the event. I realize that the school cannot be held responsible in the event of an accident. I have read and understand all items in the enclosed district field trip policy #2340.











In accordance with accepted guidelines for field trip programs, it is necessary that ALL students have adequate provision for the possibility of a medical emergency arising during their attendance on a field trip. The information that you provide for us below will assist the school district in helping it’s students secure medical care should it become necessary.


INSURANCE: If covered by medical insurance, please indicate below.





STUDENT DRUG SENSITIVITIES: The student is known to react unfavorably or is allergic to:

FOODS (if any)______DRUGS (if any)______


Please state the name of any prescription(s) that your child may be bringing on the trip and the reason for the prescription(s).



MEDICAL CONSENT/AUTHORIZATION: It is the understanding of this student and respective parent(s)/guardian(s) that in the event a medical emergency should arise requiring medical care to be administered immediately, the student and respective parent(s)/guardian(s) authorize that such emergency medical treatment shall be given and consent to such treatment at a hospital or other health care provider.

The undersigned have read the above and declare and affirm that they consent to the contents herein stated.



Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature Work Telephone Number (required)


Student’s Signature Home Telephone Number (required)


Student’s Social Security Number (required) Cell Phone Number


Today’s Date

Cancellation Policy

Please be aware of the following cancellation policy for the 2016 Senior Class Trip to Orlando, Florida.

**If an individual cancels before October 9, 2015 there will be a $50.00 per-person penalty

***If an individual cancels between December 5, 2015 and February 19, 2016, there will be a $350.00 per-person penalty.

** If an individual cancels between February 20, 2016 and departure date they will forfeit all monies paid.

Travel Insurance is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Travel Insurance can be purchased at for $39-$82. Travel insurance must be booked online by October 23, 2015.

By signing below you are agreeing that you have received, read, and understand the information provided in the above policy and have received information for optional travel protection plan.

*** Please note that if a student accrues 16 or more points prior to the trip or violates the drug/alcohol policy he/she will be unable to attend. Students will only be eligible for a refund if they have purchases CFAR Travel Insurance***

______(Parent/Guardian Signature)

______(Students Name Printed)

BCSSSD/BCIT Board of Education

District Policy


Section: Program
Date Created: October, 2013
Date Edited: October, 2013

The Board recognizes that field trips are a most effective and worth-while means of learning.Trips of an educational nature are encouraged and approved by the Board, provided they supplement the teaching program, are well planned, and are carried out in a constructive manner.

The following guidelines are set to implement the planning of field trips:

1.All trips and trip arrangements must have the approval of the Board of Education.

2.All out-of-State trips and any overnight trips must have the advance approval of the Superintendent and the Board.

3.All high school students must submit a signed parental permission slip for the specific trip.Students over eighteen years of age may sign their own permission slips.

4.Trips must be within budgetary allotments for such purpose.

5.Suitable instructional arrangements must be made for students in the group who do not take the trip and for classes whose teacher is making the trip with another group.

6.Enough supervision must be provided so that discipline on the trip is effective.

7.Usually private transportation will not be permitted.

8.Each trip will be evaluated by the teacher and the administration.

Club and activity trips must be paid by the club, activity, or student.

A student who violates rules or disregards the authority of supervisors on a field trip significantly endangers the safety of other students and may be summarily dismissed from the trip.The teaching staff member in charge will make arrangements for the dismissed student's transportation to home or school as appropriate.The cost of any such transportation will be borne by the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the student.The Board reserves the right to take further disciplinary measures in accordance with Policy No. 5600.

The Superintendent shall prepare regulations for the operation of field trips that ensure that the safety and well-being of students shall be protected at all times; that parental permission is sought and obtained before any student may be removed from the school for a field trip; that each field trip is properly planned, integrated with the curriculum, and followed up by appropriate activities that enhance its usefulness; that the effectiveness of field trip activities are monitored and continually evaluated; that teachers are allowed a considerable degree of flexibility and innovation in planning field trips; that no field trip will be approved unless it contributes to the achievement of specified instructional objectives; and that teachers are not permitted to make on-site alterations to a trip itinerary, except where the health, safety or welfare of students is imperiled or where changes or substitutions beyond the control of the teacher have frustrated the purpose of the trip.

The Board does not endorse, support, or assume liability in any way for any staff member of this district who takes students on trips not approved by the Board.No staff member may solicit students of this district for such trips within the facilities or on the school grounds of this district without Board permission.

N.J.S.A. 18A:36-21 etseq.; 18A:53-2

Adopted:31 October 2013