Historic Preservation Commission

September 14, 2009 Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm.

Roll Call


Barbara ShanleyMarthajean Drago

Randall Brewster (7:39pm)Tony Bourgholtzer

John BristowCarol Greene

Deborah Grob

Gus Vasiliadis (7:43pm)

Alex Michelini

Yvonne Beatrice

Flag Salute

Public Session: Mrs. Grob moved to open the Public Session and Mr. Bristow seconded the motion. All approved. No members of the public were present.

Mr. Bristow moved to close the public session and Mr. Michelini seconded the motion. All approved.

Public Session was closed.


July 6, 2009 Minutes:

Let the minutes reflect that the Chair made several grammatical corrections to the July 6, 2009 MHPC minutes. Mr. Bristow moved to approve the July 6, 2009 minutes as corrected and Mrs. Beatrice seconded the motion. All approved.

Vote: 5 yes; 0 no; 2 abstain: Grob, yes; Beatrice, yes; Vasiliadis, abstain; Alex Michelini, abstain; Bristow, yes; Brewster, yes; Shanley, yes.

August 3, 2009 Minutes:

Let the minutes reflect that the Commission made several grammatical corrections to the August 3, 2009 minutes. Mrs. Grob moved to approve the August 3, 2009 minutes as corrected and Mr. Michelini seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.

Vote: 6 yes; 0 no; 1 abstain: Grob, yes; Beatrice, yes; Vasiliadis, yes; Michelini, yes; Bristow, yes; Brewster, abstain; Shanley, yes.

Legal: Mrs. DeScherer was not present, no report at this time.

Chair’s Report:

103 Oweno Road “Fletcher House”: The Chair reported that the attorney had mailed the Mahwah Historic Preservation Commission (MHPC) easement and resolution for 103 Oweno Road to Mrs. Handley. As of today, the Commission has not received a response.

The Chair called Mrs. Handley to make sure that Mrs. Handley had received the documents. Mrs. Handley told the Chair that she gave the easement and resolution to her attorney and she is waiting for his review. The Chair reported that no action will be taken on the permit until the easement is executed. The Construction Code Official (CCO) and Inspector will keep the HPC informed of all permit applications the department receives for 103 Oweno Road. However, Assistant CCO, Mr. Lane, informed the Chair that it is the responsibility of the Commission to make sure that all historic features listed on the easement have been preserved, restored or maintained.

The Chair went on to say that Mr. Tony Handley called her and reported that they may have a problem with the windows. The Chair informed Mr. Handley he is not the owner and the HPC, and at this time, she can only respond to the owner or the owner’s designee. Furthermore, all deviations from the easement must be addressed to the Commission in writing. Mr. Handley will have their attorney draw up a letter designating him, Katy Handley and the builder as persons authorized to speak to the Commission on behalf of Mrs. Handley.

Mr. Michelini, asked if the Commission could put to rest Mrs. Drago’s comment that the Fletcher house would lose its historic designation by approving the second-story building application. The Chair reported that the house still holds its historic designation and by approving the second story addition it is her understanding that the Commission is following the Secretary of the Interior Guidelines by preserving the historic structure. The Chair thanked Mr. Michelini for his concern and will contact the HPC attorney, Mrs. DeScherer, for a more definitive response so the Commission can put this issue to bed.

25 Airmont Road: The Chair reported that 25 Airmont Road has been added to the submission of the HPC element of the Master Plan and she and the owner will continue their research on the history of the property.

2008 Historic Marker: Winters Farmhouse. The Chair reported that she has not been able to contact the owner, Mr. Fredericks. She will give it two more weeks. If there is still no response, then the Commission needs to select an alternate site at the October meeting. Mrs. Grob reported that the Masconicus Chapel (old schoolhouse) was discussed as an alternate.

MoffattCemetery: The Chair reported that Mrs. Karin LeGreca from the Environmental Commission offered to help with the Moffatt Cemetery Cleanup Project. The Chair would like to send Ms. Maya Britton a thank you letter on behalf of the Commission recognizing Ms. Britton’s efforts to help preserve the cemetery by keeping a watchful eye on the cemetery and making her annual plantings, which help prevent erosion to the sensitive sandy hill. The Commission agreed.

Mr. Vasiliadis asked about the status of the Ramapo Valley Road, AndrewHopperCemetery. The Chair asked the secretary to add that cemetery to the October meeting agenda.

West Mahwah Grant: No report.

81 Youngs Road: The Chair reported that Mr. Tim Adriance of the Bergen County Historic Sites Commission agreed to call Mr. Edward Gaelick, the owner of 81 Youngs Road to offer his advice on renovation of the house.

Mr. Bristow reported that, as Township Historian, he has received from the descendants of the Young family, who live in Ramsey, two large boxes of pictures of the Young’s family taken by the Young’s family.Mr. Bristow will give them to the MahwahMuseum for their archives.

Mr. Michelini asked if the public has access to the MahwahMuseum documents. He reported that he has been told by the Mahwah Library that they no longer have any materials on Township history. The Library gave all their materials to the MahwahMuseum. Mr. Michelini reported that lack of public accessibility to these materials is a detriment to the Township. The Chair asked if Mr. Michelini would like to volunteer to research this issue and help establish public access to Township historic materials. Mrs. Beatrice will also work with Mr. Michelini.

Chai Lifeline, Inc.-1058 Ramapo Valley Road, Docket #1284-09—The Chair reported that she and Mr. Vasiliadis attended the August 19, 2009 Zoning Board meeting and presented photos and documentation to the Zoning Board. Unfortunately, time restrictions prevented them from speaking. They will ask to be put on the next agenda to present their findings.

Winter Dairy House-No report.

5 Aronow Lane--Stone Cottage: The Chair reviewed with the Commission the history of the Stone Cottage located on 5 Aronow Lane and reported that the Planning Board denied the demolition of the structure and stated that the stone cottage must stay and be maintained. Prospective buyers of the adjacent lot have inquired about demolishing the stone cottage and were told that the Planning Board resolution for the subdivision of the property states that the stone cottage must remain. The Chair will contact the Property Maintenance Inspector to inspect the property and inform the owner that there are maintenance issues that need to be addressed.

Mahwah Day: Mr. Brewster will help Mrs. Shanley set up the MHPC booth. The Commission will hand out flyers, which Mr. Brewster volunteered to copy. Mrs. Shanley will contact the Museum to let them know that the Commission will be selling ornaments. The Commission will also sell the Tri-centennial t-shirts.

New Business:

Ramapo Valley Road Bridge-Sign Specifications. The County asked the Commission for their suggestion on the color of the plaque the County has prepared for the RamapoValleyRoadBridge.

Let the minutes reflect that after a review of the specifications Mr. Bristow moved to send the County of Bergen the recommendation of a brown sign with white lettering. Mr. Michelini seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

Vote: 6 yes; 1 no: Vasiliadis, yes; Grob, yes; Beatrice, yes; Michelini, yes; Bristow, yes; Brewster, no; Shanley, yes.


The Chair submitted reimbursement invoices for the photographs and album book for the Garrison Mill and the Fletcher House.

Mr. Bristow moved to adjourn and Mrs. Grob seconded the motion. All approved. Meeting ended at 9:50 pm.

These minutes are a synopsis of the MHPC tapes, which are on file at the TownshipMunicipalBuilding.


MHPC 09-14.091 minutes1