Resource Allocation Proposal
Originator: / Rae Brooks
Program or Department Name: / Associate Degree Nursing Program
Area Dean: / Dr. Kathleen Winston / Campus: / MVC
Area Vice President: / Dr. Bill Vincent
Account Code:
Total Amount Requested: / $5000.00 N248 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT
One Time Funding ____ / On Going Funding __x___ / Safety____
What are you requesting? Why is the request being made? Where was the need identified?
The MSJC Associate Degree Nursing Program (ADN) is requesting ongoing funding for gas mileage travel reimbursement for the nursing faculty members teaching the N248 Preceptorship Course. Currently, there is no reimbursement provided to faculty members teaching this course. Need was identified through the rising costs of gas prices and the mandated physical time the nursing faculty member must maintain with the students and hospital clinical preceptors.
There is a projected 60 students to enroll into N248 by Fall 2014. There must be enough travel time and gas mileage reimbursement for nursing faculty to comply with the mandated hours. The face-to-face time and communication during the N248 Course is clearly outlined during the orientation of preceptors and students. The faculty member assigned to the course makes (20) face-to-face contact hours with the students. The preceptor and faculty member meet a minimum of (3-5) hours over the course of the designated (135) clinical hours. The nursing faculty member is on call while the student is in the clinical setting. Students attend the N248 Preceptorship Course all 24 hours of the night and day with 7am-7pm shifts and 7pm-7am shifts at the following locations:
Hemet Valley Medical Center,
Inland Valley Medical Center,
Rancho Springs Medical Center,
Riverside County Regional Medical Center,
San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital, ,
Menifee Valley Medical Center,
Riverside Community Hospital,
The MSJC Associate Degree Nursing Program (ADN) has demonstrated and documented the value of the Nursing Faculty to maintain close physical supervision of students in the clinical area.
Nursing Faculty and Clinical Preceptorship in nursing academia is a potential solution to the many challenges that nursing education is faced with today, including increasing class sizes, rising competency requirements, decreasing number of faculty, tightening budgets, and shrinking clinical placement opportunities.
In their role, N248 Nursing Faculty members help to develop and mentor Clinical Hospital Preceptors in improving self-confidence with skills as well as with leadership and teaching abilities. Clinical Hospital Preceptor provide a student-centered service that can result in frequent positive feedback from students in the N248 Preceptorship Course to prepare them for transitioning into Registered Nursing bedside practice.
This request is for travel reimbursement for faculty teaching the N248 is necessary to ensure the compliance of the California Code of Regulations:
1426.1 (b) (2) Provision for a preceptor orientation program covers the policies of the Preceptorship and preceptor, student, and faculty responsibilities. 1426.1 (b) (4) Communication between the teaching faculty/clinical site preceptor/student contact must be maintained at all times. The faculty must be available to the preceptor and student during the entire time the student is involved in Preceptorship.
The N248 Preceptorship Course provides the fourth semester nursing student the opportunity to integrate and apply previously learned skills and knowledge in the role of graduate nurse and prepare for professional responsibilities and employment. The student will participate as a pre-licensed preceptee member of the healthcare team and will assume responsibility for a group of clients under the direct supervision of a qualified Registered Nurse. Students will use critical thinking skills throughout the experience in their role of advocate, leader, and manager of patient care.
The purpose of the preceptorship program at Mt. San Jacinto College is to:
Increase student participation with realistic clinical staff experiences.
Provide opportunities for the student to organize and implement care for a group of patients with an RN preceptor.
Observe and incorporate leadership and management skills.
Refine and develop expertise skills in advanced clinical practice.
Minimize the probability of cultural shock upon full entry into practice, reducing role conflict.
Section I / Demonstrate how your request is supported by your Program Review/Annual Program Assessment:
Written in the 2011-2012 Program Review:
Topic 0.2 – Opportunities and Challenges
The department is looking at securing more clinical sites to meet the increased enrollments. We have been able to secure three more clinical sites in the acute care setting just this past year alone. We currently have a clinical site coordinator who will work with the director of the program to continue seeking additional clinical placement sites.
The travel reimbursement for faculty teaching the N248 is necessary to ensure the compliance of the California Code of Regulations:
1426.1 (b) (2) Provision for a preceptor orientation program covers the policies of the Preceptorship and preceptor, student, and faculty responsibilities. 1426.1 (b) (4) Communication between the teaching faculty/clinical site preceptor/student contact must be maintained at all times. The faculty must be available to the preceptor and student during the entire time the student is involved in Preceptorship.
Section I / Demonstrate how your request is supported by your Unit Plan and Division Plan (link to Unit/Division Plans 2011-2012)
The unit plan was written to include an area of “Priority action”. See the list of items under the Nursing and Allied Health Unit Plan. Travel reimbursement for the N248 Preceptorship Course is highlighted in yellow:

“Priority Action Plan”

The Nursing and Allied Health Unit priority action plan is grounded in the MSJC Institutional Goals and Strategic Plan, the Educational Master Plan (2009-16) findings, the 2009-10 Unit Plan recommendations, comprehensive review conducted by the Unit Dean and a review and analysis of relevant Nursing and Allied Health documents and reports. This comprehensive broad based assessment, planning and implementation is intended to meet the educational challenges facing the nursing and allied health programs as described in the Educational Master Plan (IX. D. page 45) as the ‘center for the Menifee campus’ and requiring ‘a 360 degree sector review necessary to develop long range strategic/planning goals’.
The priority actions include:
·  Immediate hire of two medical-surgical faculty to replace vacancy reassignment and retirement for the ADN Program to achieve compliance.
·  Immediate hire of the grant funded Student Success Advisor/Counselor to achieve BRN compliance.
·  Immediate hire of the grant funded Enrollment/evaluator/research Specialist to achieve BRN compliance.
·  Immediate hire of one grant funded Clerk IV for the ADN Program to achieve BRN compliance.
·  Immediate hire of full-time NAHU Skills/Simulation Lab Coordinator to replace the vacancy and achieve BRN compliance.
·  Create and fund an Associate Dean/ADN Program Director.
·  Hire of a baccalaureate prepared DMS faculty to achieve CAAHEP accreditation.
·  Provide funds to support and sustain CAAHEP expenses for DMS accreditation.
·  Provide funds to support CNA/HHA curriculum update to maintain state compliance.
·  Hire a Clerical Assistant to support the Nursing and Allied Health Unit and provide back-up support to the ADN Program clerk.
·  Fund the Par Score/Par Test maintenance contract.
·  Purchase Class Climate software license to support Nursing and Allied Health required surveys.
·  Fund the Unit Fall Student Success annual event (aka Welcome Back BBQ) for new student orientation, instructional workshops, assessment testing, remediation and a wide range of student services activities.
·  Purchase and sustain Institutional Memberships for NAHU professional organizations and associations including but, not limited to DMS and ADN’s NLN Memberships.
·  Provide travel/mileage reimbursement for preceptorship instruction in DMS and ADN Programs.
·  Provide funds to support NLNAC accreditation planning activities and initial costs.
·  Provide funds for the NLNAC accreditation preparation, site visit and sustainability.
·  Provide resources for renovation of skills/simulation lab space for EMS/EMT program including relocation to modules 2008 and 2009 and advanced EMS Simulation Lab in module 2006.
·  Provide increase in EMS/EMT Instructional Aide hours.
·  Provide resources for faculty professional development, mentoring of new faculty and remediation of permanent faculty.
·  Provide resources to support consulting experts for curriculum, accreditation and program development for current and future programs.
·  Develop new and expand current clinical and educational partnership initiatives for Unit programs including but not limited to ADN to BSN and ADN to MSN tracks for MSJC students with CSUSM and Concordia University.
Section I / Demonstrate how your request is supported by your CLO/DLO/PL0/AUO/SLO:
This request for mileage reimbursement for the N248 faculty is supported by the program learning outcomes since it provides students on going guidance and physical presence of a nursing faculty member at the clinical site. The faculty member meets with the student and the preceptor to discuss learning outcomes, course objectives, and policies and procedures of the nursing program curriculum and students.
This ongoing communication is vital to maintain open communication channels, maintain safety parameters through consistent physical visitation by the nursing faculty at the clinical setting.
-Passing the national exam for licensure in the state of California and continue life- long learning.
-Incorporate ethical , legal and safety standards and professionalism
-Incorporate principles of environmental, informatics, client and personal safety when using the nursing process to provide for care for clients
-Develop and utilize effective verbal and written communication methods that can be used with client’s family and health care professionals to promote optimum wellness and patient advocacy
Section II / Describe how your request is aligned with one or more of the following Institutional Priorities: (link to SP)
Student Success
The request is aligned with the following Institutional Outcomes:
Communication: The student will communicate effectively, expressing thoughts, goals and needs through use of appropriate modes and technologies.
Nursing faculty members are required to observe students incorporate leadership and management skills in the clinical setting. Students will refine and develop expertise skills in advanced clinical practice.
Critical Thinking: The student will reason and think critically.
Nursing faculty members are required to observe students incorporate leadership and management skills in the clinical setting. Students will refine and develop expertise skills in advanced clinical practice.
Aesthetic Awareness: The student will possess aesthetic awareness.
Nursing faculty members are required to observe students experience minimal probability of cultural shock upon full entry into practice, reducing role conflict.
Social Awareness: The student will demonstrate societal awareness.
Nursing faculty members are required to observe students experience minimal probability of cultural shock upon full entry into practice, reducing role conflict.
Responsibility: The student will display personal and civic responsibility.
Nursing faculty members are required to observe students experience minimal probability of cultural shock upon full entry into practice, reducing role conflict. The N248 course is designed to provide opportunities for the student to organize and implement care for a group of patients with an RN preceptor.
Scientific Awareness: The student will possess an awareness of the physical and biological principles related to science.
The purpose of the N248 Preceptorship program at Mt. San Jacinto College is to:
Increase student participation with realistic clinical staff experiences.
Provide opportunities for the student to organize and implement care for a group of patients with an RN preceptor.
Observe and incorporate leadership and management skills.
Refine and develop expertise skills in advanced clinical practice.
Minimize the probability of cultural shock upon full entry into practice, reducing role conflict.
The communication plan during the N248 Course is clearly outlined during the orientation of preceptors and students. The faculty member assigned to the course makes (20) face-to-face contact hours with the students. The preceptor and faculty member meet a minimum of (3-5) hours over the course of the designated (135) clinical hours. The faculty member is on call while the student is in the clinical setting.
The N248 Preceptorship Course provides the fourth semester nursing student the opportunity to integrate and apply previously learned skills and knowledge in the role of graduate nurse and prepare for professional responsibilities and employment. The student will participate as a pre-licensed preceptee member of the healthcare team and will assume responsibility for a group of clients under the direct supervision of a qualified Registered Nurse. Students will use critical thinking skills throughout the experience in their role of advocate, leader, and manager of patient care.
The purpose of the preceptorship program at Mt. San Jacinto College is to:
Increase student participation with realistic clinical staff experiences.
Provide opportunities for the student to organize and implement care for a group of patients with an RN preceptor.
Observe and incorporate leadership and management skills.
Refine and develop expertise skills in advanced clinical practice.
Minimize the probability of cultural shock upon full entry into practice, reducing role conflict.
Fiscally Sound Position:
The weekly visitation and close supervision of students under the N248 Preceptorship Course by the assigned Nursing Faculty will ensure both Preceptors and Students are following the Policy and Procedures of the MSJC Nursing Program. This will prevent any potential legal implications.
The request is aligned with the following Institutional Outcomes:
Identify and implement a cost effective model of campus safety and policing to ensure a safe learning environment for all students and staff
Systematic Planning and Assessment:
Nursing N248 faculty members are required by California State Law to evaluate student progress in the N248 Preceptorship Course. The use of a Clinical Evaluation Tool which contains all of the Course Learning Outcomes are required by the California Board of Registered Nursing for program accreditation.
The request is aligned with the following Institutional Outcomes:
Implement Assessment Council to facilitate
assessment of SLO’s throughout the District and provide faculty and staff with strategies and tools to improve teaching/learning at the program and institutional level
Section II / Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture:
Increase visibility of MSJC Nursing Program through the ability travel reimbursement will allow frequent ongoing physical presence of a N248 Preceptorship Nursing Faculty member, evaluation, and guidance of students out in the clinical setting while meeting the SLOs of the N248 Preceptorship Course.
The request is aligned with the following Institutional Outcomes: