Helping my Younger Siblings with their Homework  Learning and Teaching Activities

(Key Stage 2)

Learning Objectives:

  To show concern and care for family members

  To resolve conflicts among family members with a caring and understanding attitude

Life-event Exemplar

Help my Younger Siblings with their Homework

Values and Attitudes: Caring and concerned, Respect and Acceptance

Materials (for reference)

  for Students

1.  “Different Teaching Styles” Worksheet

2.  “Family Affairs Theatre” Dialogue

  for Lesson Extension Activity: “Encouragements from Instructors” Worksheet

Teaching Procedures:

(Suggested) Steps / Key Learning Points
Suggested Activity 1: Be a Little Teacher
1.  Students role play in pairs. One to act as a “Little Teacher” to teach the other a learning problem prepared by the teacher beforehand.
2.  Ask the class:
  Did the “Little Teacher” teach with a proper attitude and in a proper way?
  Have you got any experience of teaching others in reality? Please share.
3.  In response, point out the importance of the way and attitude one adopts to teach. / Ø  To reflect on one’s own attitude when teaching others
Suggested Activity 2: Different Teaching Styles
1.  Ask students to complete the “Different Teaching Styles” Worksheet (Materials for students 1).
2.  Invite students to comment on the scenarios accordingly, from Scenario 1 to 6.
3.  Drawing on students’ comments, point out the key messages:
(a)  The proper attitude of caring and concerned: (Scenarios 1 and 2)
Concern for the needs of younger siblings or others. Be willing to offer help with their academic problems.
(b)  The proper attitude of respect: (Scenarios 3 and 4)
Don’t look down on others even if you know more than your younger siblings or others. That will lower their self-esteem. Instead, encourage them to try.
(c)  The proper attitude of patience: (Scenarios 5 and 6)
Although your repeated explanation may not be understood, keep your temper and go on. / Ø  To realise the proper attitudes in teaching others: caring and concerned, respect and patience
Suggested Activity 3: Family Affairs Theatre
1.  Ask three students to conduct a role play based on the “Family Affairs Theatre” dialogue at Material for students 2. Teachers should be the narrator.
2.  Ask these questions:
(a)  If you were Siu Kit, what would you choose?
(b)  Could you understand why Siu Kit’s mother wanted him to go to Siu Chi’s home on another day?
(c)  If you refused to teach your younger sister, how would she and your mother feel? Could you really have fun at Siu Chi’s home? On the contrary, if you were willing to teach your sister, how would they feel?
(d)  Did Siu Kit teach her sister with a right attitude? Could you give him some suggestions for improvement?
3.  In response, point out that helping each other is part of our interaction with other people. Though it may cost you some private time or something else to help out, the returns, e.g. dearer friendship built, gaining help when in need, etc, may be more than that. Teachers may recap the importance of adopting a proper way and attitude when teaching. / Ø  To think about one’s own roles and responsibilities at home
Ø  To realise the proper attitudes in teaching others: caring and concerned, respect and patience

Conclusion: (For reference)

Caring and concerned-As a member of the family, we need to offer help as far as we can to express our care and concern.

Respect-We should not insult others by our words even if they are less capable than we are. Insults will not help but worsen the relationship.

Patience-When we teach our family members to do homework, we must make efforts to understand their problems. Besides, we need to be patient to inspire them to think.

Lesson Extension Activity: “Encouragements from Instructors”

Ask students to complete the worksheet at Material for Lesson Extension Activity. Collect the worksheets and post up the outstanding ones on the bulletin board.


Helping my Younger Siblings with their Homework  Learning and Teaching Activities

Material for Students 1

Different Teaching Styles

Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Scenario 4
Scenario 5
Scenario 6

*delete as appropriate.


Helping my Younger Siblings with their Homework  Learning and Teaching Activities

Material for Students 2

‘Family Affairs Theatre’ Dialogue

Mother: Dad has to work overtime and will come back at 10 o’clock. He cannot have dinner with us.

Younger sister: Who will check my homework?

Mother: Show me your homework diary. Let me see how much homework you have today!

Mother: You have three items and there will be a dictation tomorrow. You have to work faster!

Siu Kit: Mum, can I go to Siu Chi’s home to play video games after finishing my homework?

Mother: If you finish all by 5 o’clock, you can play for an hour!

Siu Kit: Thank you, mum!

(An hour later, mum is preparing dinner in the kitchen.)

Younger sister: Mum, what is 12 plus 256?

Mother: I’m busy preparing the dinner. You’d better ask your elder brother.

Younger sister: Brother, how to do this?

Siu Kit: Wow, this mathematics item is so easy. Do it yourself!

Younger sister: (Thought for a while) I really don’t know how to do it. Please teach me!

Siu Kit: You first add the number on the ones’ place and then those on the tens’.

(The younger sister tried but still did not know how to make it.)

Younger sister: Help me, brother. I really don’t know!

Siu Kit: Let me have a look!

Siu Kit: What is 2 plus 6?

Younger sister: It’s 8.

Siu Kit: So, 1 plus 5?

Younger sister: It’s 6.

Siu Kit: For 2, you can just write it down. So, what is the answer?

Younger sister: It’s 268.

(A while later)

Younger sister: Brother, what is 123 plus 56?

Siu Kit: Why don’t you know how to do it? I have just taught you how to do it!

Younger sister: I remembered when you were teaching me. But I have forgotten!

Siu Kit: You’re so stupid! Don’t bother me! I haven’t finished my homework yet!

Younger sister: I’ll tell mum if you don’t teach me!

Siu Kit: I’m not afraid of you! I’ve taught you already!

(Younger sister went into the kitchen.)

Younger sister: Mum, you asked brother to teach me to do my homework but he didn’t.

(Mother walked into the living room.)

Mother: Siu Kit, didn’t I tell you to teach your sister to do her homework? Why didn’t you do so?

Siu Kit: I have taught her but she said she didn’t know again. She wanted me to teach her again. She has no ideas about her mathematics homework.

Mother: Your sister has a lot of homework today. And I’m now busy preparing the dinner. If you don’t teach her, who will?

Siu Kit: I haven’t finished my homework. If I teach her, I won’t be able to finish my homework by 5 o’clock. Then I can’t play video games at Siu Chi’s home.

Mother: Don’t go today! You can go tomorrow if you finish your homework earlier.

Siu Kit: But if there is a lot of homework tomorrow, I may not be able to finish it in time. I haven’t played video games at Siu Chi’s home for a long time.

Mother: I’m not going to discuss this with you anymore. I have to hurry to prepare the dinner. Think about it: what is more important, playing video games or teaching your younger sister to do her homework?

Material for Lesson Extension Activity

Encouragement from Instructors

Name: Class: ( ) Date: ______

Write down the words you can use to encourage others when you teach them:




