Policy and Performance Panel Meeting Wednesday 15/07/2015 1.30 – 3.30pm

Brotherton House Boardroom

In attendance:

Monica Wilson (MW)
James Gillard (JG)
Bev Davies (BD)
Jon Smith (JS)
Vilma Howard (VH)
George Newton (GN)
Christine Madeley (CM)
Ken Derbyshire (KD)
Dan Clover (DC) / Officers
Chris Brown (CB)
Debbie Broadhurst (DB)
Deborah MacDonald (DMC)
Patrick Berry-
Community Switch


Edward Down (ED)
Joyce Scholes (JS) / Officers/visitors:
Ref / Notes / Action
1.0 / Welcome, Apologies and Housekeeping / Review of minutes from last meeting
1.1 /
  • MW welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised on housekeeping. The minutes from last month’s meeting were reviewed for accuracy and then matters arising.

2.0 / Action Tracker
2.1 /
  • The Action tracker was reviewed and remaining actions agreed.

3.0 / Review of performance from Chris Brown
3.5 / CBpresented the performance information for June 2015. The following points were discussed:
  • Issues relating to gate failures were discussed. It was agreed that Staff from Salix would be invited to the next Security meeting to discuss the ongoing problem with gate failures. It was agreed that Lee Winterbottom would be invited to the next Panel meeting. See Action Tracker.
  • DC suggested using an answer service to pick up calls that are not answered immediately to cut call waiting times at peak times.
  • CB advised that the launch of the website should ease pressure on the phones as customers would have the facility to report repairs and issues on line. Derek Wunderley will be responsible for feeding back how this will be measured – See Action Tracker.

4.0 / Out of Hours Service
4.2 / CB advised attendees of the proposed changes to the out of hour’s service relating to the reporting of Anti Social Behaviour (ASB). Currently Salix homes responds to calls made after 4:30pm.
It is proposed that:
PT will employ a private contractor to deal with out of hour’s calls. This will involve one member of staff being based in Brotherton House over night and one in a van and both will attend incidences as they occur.
The van will drive around the area throughout the period. The contractor will be responsible for the collecting of statements and attending Court.
This will ensure a consistency of service. It was agreed that the Security Panel would monitor the change over to the proposed system. See Action Tracker.
5.0 / Decoration – Change Notice
5.10 /
  • CB re-presented the proposed Change Notice for the Decoration Scheme and discussed in detail what the scheme would and would not cover. The principle concern of panel members as previously noted was the elderly and vulnerable and how they could be affected.
  • CB explained customers aged 65 or over and those who are registered as vulnerable on the QL housing management system would be eligible for the decorating to be completed for them. Panel members were satisfied with this proposed change.
  • CB requested Panel members note the following two points:
 PT will continue to provide £150 additional funding if the funding is paid and retained in the Salford Credit Union for a minimum of 6 months. The is exactly the same as the previous Change Notice presented to the Panel however the figure noted in the previous notice presented to the Panel was incorrect.
CB reminded Panel members of the waiver available to customers not wishing to take part in the scheme. The waiver was explicit on the previous decoration leaflet and is being placed in the new leaflet.
  • The issue of time bank was discussed and CB advised this is something that can be developed further. Experienced painter and decorators would then be available to swap their skills with the skills of others. This could be useful in conjunction with the voucher scheme.
  • CB advised that the new scheme will be promoted to the wider customer base in a new publication currently being produced. A copy of the publication will be sent to the communications panel for review. In addition the decorator working for PT attends all properties and he will be providing people with details of the new scheme on a face to face basis and be able to answer any questions or concerns.
  • All attendees received a copy of the change notice outlining the proposals to review whilst the discussions took place. All attendees agreed with the new proposals.
  • A discussion took place on managing customer aspirations in relation to the proposed changes and it was agreed this had been covered in full as part of the overall discussions.
  • All attendees agreed that savings need to take place and the proposed changes to the decorating scheme were better than a reduction in the other services such as repairs.
  • All attendees agreed with the proposed changes to the scheme subject to the clauses discussed in the meeting relating to the elderly and the vulnerable. It was agreed this was now signed off by the panel.

6.0 / Community Switch – Patrick Berry (PB)
6.5 /
  • DMC introduced PB from Community Switch. PB talked attendees through a detailed presentation on the organization, background and the potential benefits to customers.
  • Two customer bills were reviewed and savings identified to the value of £300 and £149.
  • DMC explained there had been an article on Community Switch in the recent Newsletter. Going forward Community Switch will be visiting all customers to see if they can help with a reduction of cost in energy bills. Customers were encouraged to pass out information others to promote Community Switch and how they may be able to help.
  • Anyone interested in contacting Community Switch can text 60777.
  • Community Switch was invited to attend the Customer Conference on the 26th Sept 2015. See Action Tracker.

7.0 / Security Meeting
7.1 /
  • JG provided an update on the security meeting. Subjects currently being discussed by the group include:
  • Role of the Guard in the Square
  • Contractor Parking
  • Block Access problems
A further update will be provided at the next Panel meeting.
8.0 / General Updates
8.3 /
  • MW advised there will be a soft launch of the website in September 2015.
  • A number of customers are taking part in the piloting of the digital inclusion project and will be receiving the use of a tablet for one month as a trial period. This is part of the Together Group Digital Inclusion project.
  • MW and JS discussed the recent Keepmoat Newsletter and print colours/size of the font used was identified as not being helpful to customers with visual impairment and customers in general. It was requested that all future keepmoat publications of this nature are referred to the Communications Panel for review. See Action Tracker.

9.0 / Customer Inspectors
9.2 /
  • Customer Inspections - Security lighting inspections continue to be undertaken.
  • VOID inspections are now on track and will take place on the first Wednesday of every month at 10am starting on the 5th August 2015. John Taylor and Neil Matthews will be responsible for VOID inspections.

10.0 / Any Other Business
10.6 /
  • KD advised he and a number of other customers have received a final warning letter re access to their properties from Keepmoat when they had not received any other notification prior to this. This has caused worry and concern to a number of customers on Salix Court. DB to follow up with Andy Simcock - See Action Tracker.
  • JS advised he had met with Andy Simcock from Keepmoat and resolved a number of issues on Thorn Court however Health and Safety was still an issue with wires hanging from ceilings as an example. DB to pass to Andy Simcock – See Action Tracker.
  • JS advised that there had been an issue with a customer on Thorn Court being asked to remove a small table from the landing area.MW advised that approximately 18mths ago all customers received a letter saying what they could and could not have outside on the landings and this followed an inspection from the fire brigade. JS advised Thorn Court had not received a letter. DB to follow up – See Action Tracker.
  • DB advised the TARA constitution has been reviewed by TARA Chair’s and it would be with the Panel for sign off at the August Meeting – See Action Tracker.
  • DB advised that the repairs sub group would meet again on the 5th August 2015 at 10am in Beech Court Community room. Kirsty Bickerstaffe will be attending.
  • DB advised that the customer conference planning group will meet again on 5th August 2015 at 11am in Beech Court Community room.

11.0 / Next Meeting Date
11.1 /
  • The next meeting will take place on 26th August in the Board Room, Brotherton House from 1:30pm to 3:30pm.