Board Meeting April 7th, 2012
Thursday, April 7, 2013
6:59 PM
- Call to Order: The Board of Directors for the Fargo Angels convened at 7:00 PM at Marlins Restaurant, Fargo ND
- Opening Prayer: Dave Dusek led our Angel Prayer
- Roll Call: Board Members Present: Tim Olson, Dave Dusek, Terry Payne, Kim Manuel, Bruce Wieland, Tonya Anderson.
Absent: Brian Greicar, Greg Dean, Derek Sunderland
Guest: Andy Hensler
- Secretary Report: Kim Manuel moved to approve and Terry Payne seconded the Feb meeting notes.
- Treasurer's Report: Derek Sunderland sent an email with the money update, and will give an update at our annual banquet.
Old Business:
Concessions: Andy Hensler gave an update on the concessions. Today we have a contract with Coke, but we are done and we could switch to Pepsi if we need to.
Five to ten hours a week of running to the bank, Costco, and at least three trips to the sunmart arena.
Pepsi has their own coffee division too.
Farmer Brothers has the coffee now.
We make about $100-$125 dollars per game.
Need to remove all the rags, mops, etc each summer or we will need to rebuy it.
We need to buy a lockbox to keep in the concessions.
Andy's suggestion, let the people who are working get it at cost??
Andy is open to talking with Dawn or whomever takes over the concessions.
Bruce suggested we get a snack or vending machine with healthy snacks….Pepsi will do that as well.
We will need someone on the board to take over Dave's role as the concession liaison.
End of the year banquet: Ask for volunteers for the Tournament and for fundraising.
Kim motioned to have extra funding for the end of the year banquet, Bruce Wieland seconded.
Ideas for fundraising: Gun Raffle?
Sunmart Arena: Mark is looking to do some updates and that will increase our costs a little.
Giving hearts: Try to find a corporate sponsor to match donations for each year.
Surveys: Tim Sandy needs to see a copy of all the surveys.
Park Board Update:
Brian Greicar, Teri Lantz, Mike Montgomery and Dave Dusek meet with Roger Gress and the board to secure our weekend for the hockey tournament. In about a month we need to follow back up to make sure nothing changes.
SE District Meeting Update: Bruce Wieland and Dave Dusek went to the meeting on March 17th. The triple A team was voted down.
We need to make sure we are looking to MN for games. West Fargo and Fargo had about 40 games this year. Most of our teams had about 20-30. We need to support our Fargo Freeze teams by being in all the local tournaments. We could look to Fergus and Detroit Lakes and other areas.
We are talking about looking at a state wide schedule, hearing a little push back from Fargo and West Fargo. Bruce, Terry and Derek are going to the meeting on May 5th in Minot for the state.
New Business:
Working with Freeze/State for players that want to be released. Case by case basis.
10: Terry Payne motioned to adjourn and Tim Olson seconded at 9:11.