We are Living Water

If you descended to Earth today as an alien, your natural conclusion would be that Earth is predominantly a water-based planet. Furthermore, unlike common perceptions, you would conclude that life on Earth is hydrogen-based, because 75% of our bodies are water and 2 of the 3 atoms of water are hydrogen.

According to Herman Aihara, the father of modern Macrobiotics, we still carry our own inner sea within each of us in the form of a saline interstitial fluid. This is the fluid that carries nutrient, messages, energy and even toxins to every part of our body, and that carries away the same toxic elements and more, as a result of daily metabolic process.

It is very different to the water we drink, yet without even that, grossly contaminated and deconstructed form of H2O that we call tap water, we soon lose life force. Four days without food is tolerable. Four days without water is fatal. Not only is our body 75% water, our brain is 80% water and our blood 90%. Water is more than a carrier of other materials. It is a solvent, an infiltrator of cells, a digestion aid, a dilutor, a dilator, a nutrient transport system, a waste disposal system, an electrical message system, a chemical conduit, an energy combustor, a lubricant, a coolant and a latent heat bank. Some people even believe that water is the repository of emotion. And we thought all it did was quench our thirst!

We live in a world where it is easier to drink sugar loaded, caffeine based beverages than it is to get a good drink of pure water. We drink coffee and tea and mistake the adrenaline charge as relief from thirst. Our biggest selling and most consumed soft drink is 10,000 times more acid than our blood. Every time we take a gulp we have a petite mort, "a little death", as our adrenals go berserk trying to cope. Even the water from our taps may be acidic and is most certainly positively charged and loaded up with energy that actually robs our bodies of electrons as it enters the body.

Yet there is an answer. It's called Ionized water, Reduced water, Alkaline water, or Microclustered water. Whatever it is called, it is the water your body remembers.

Ionized water is far from new. In Grecian times water was stored in urns of copper and brass to cause ionization. Whether they knew how it occurred we cannot say, but the water became clear and sweet due to the electrolytic reaction that took place overnight. Today you have the choice; to continue to consume and to bathe in water that has been processed, chemically altered and deconstructed to a form that bears little resemblance to that which fell from the Heavens, or to turn the clock back using some very clever science and some basic technology.

Results from this mornings tests 3rd May 2012

PH Neutral = PH 7.2 Percentage of Hydrogen

Tap water = PH 6 - 6.5 ORP positive +450 to 585 mv

Microwave two minute test start = 552mv at PH 6.5 end = ORP +270mv PH 6.7

Microwave test appears to show initial exposure benefits to water being closer to ph neutral and less positive in charge. See (effects of radio active mw saturation of metallic contaminants in tap water and foods).

Natural Spring Water (Buxton) PH 7.4

Distilled Tap Water = PH 7.3 ORP positive 210mv


Distil Tap Water (boil and condence method) and immediately Ionize using Melesta Generator

Stir in Himalayan Pink Salt (small Pinch) until Salinity approximately 200ppm

Ionize (separate) 10 minutes 135v ac 500ml

Dead water PH 4.2 ORP positive charge +420mv

Living water PH 9.5 ORP negative charge -220mv

Charge at room (20 degrees C) temperature is lost in 3 – 4 hours (do not refrigerate)

May 2012 Water Health

When an ionic salt like NaCl is added to water, the ions from the salt introduced will attract the water molecules in an effort to "solvate" the ions. This has the tendency to decrease the weak affinity of non-polar oxygen molecules to water and drive the dissolved oxygen out of the polar water. In general, the solubility of a gas in a solvent is affected significantly by the presence of other solutes in the solution.
The solubility of gases in water usually decreased by the addition of other solutes, particularly electrolytes. Aerated drinks have carbon dioxide dissolved in it under pressure. Therefore, when salt is added to an aerated drink, the dissolved carbon dioxide is "salted out". The drink fizzes as many small bubbles of carbon dioxide are released from the drink. The extent of this "salting out effect" varies considerably with different salts, but with a given salt the relative decrease in solubility is nearly the same for different gases.


"AIDS, Immunology and Ozone" courtesy of Frank Shallenberger, MD

"Experiences With Medical Ozone" courtesy of Stanley W. Beyrle, N.M.D.

"Ozone May Inactivate HIV by Reducing p120-CD4 Binding Affinity, Lysing the HIV Lipid Envelope, and Oxidizing the HIV core" Oscar K. M. Hsu (Harvard)

WARNING! 1994 April WARNING! Researcher interviews EPA (Phone 800/241-1754, 800/444-7255, 800/447-6349) official in charge of efficacy data and microbial studies, Zigfridas Vaituzis, who shockingly reveals that as of this date all government "AIDS" statistics are still only for HIV-1! Same goes for all blood bank testing! HIV-2, HIV-3 and other forms, possibly up to 10 in number (HIV-O in France) are not tested for or compiled in the statistics quoted by the government and announced over and over in the media! We are therefore told of far fewer persons having AIDS than the actual statistics reveal actually have AIDS, and the blood banks have routinely been giving out blood infected with the other forms of HIV!

When you go get a HIV test, they only look for HIV-1! Forget what the nurses at the blood banks believe and tell you. Ask them to go and physically get one of the actual HIV blood screening test kits and read to you the instructions printed on them, they are only for HIV-1. The doctor or patient must request screening beyond HIV-1!

As of June 1, 1994 they recognized HIV-2. Some blood banks are testing for HIV-2.

Comment: Through political deception we are told all is well, while the stored transfusion blood remains untested and therefore unsafe, and the statistics are grossly understated! What is the real political agenda? It sounds anti-life, anti- people, doesn't it? If you were in a car accident and woke up with a blood bag going into you, don't you have a right to know that it is not HIV-2, HIV-3, etc, infected? Ozone bubbled through all stored blood would solve this problem immediately. Makes you wonder if some alien power has seized control of the inner workings of our government. They certainly don't represent me or any of my friends, or you or yours either, do they?

Some Vitamin Information

1...... Kelp Extract 300mg: Seaweed, Iodine rich, helps Thyroid, Hair,Nails, Skin & Teeth.

2...... Collagen 300mg: High Strength for Joint cartilage, osteoarthritis. Aging skin.

3...... Ginkgo Biloba 6000mg High strength: increases oxygen levels, brain power.

4...... Acai Berry - High Strength 2000mg: Super food. Diet, Lose Weight, Slimming.

5...... Multi vitamins supplement: Vitamins A, B, C, D and more. Health & Well Being.

6...... Vitamin B6:Healthy nervous system, brain. Seratonin, mood and sleep.

7...... Bee Propolis:for Immune System, Arthritis and Rheumatism. Nature’s antibiotic.

8...... Glucosamine & Emu Oil Joint Gel: Joint pain, easily absorbed, non-greasy base.

9...... Vitamin K:Wonder-drug,boosts brittle bones,stops heart attacks,tackles dementia.

10....Vitamin B12:For nerve cell activity, DNA replication and in converting food to energy.

11....Echinacea 1000mg:Enhance immune system and forCold & Flu Relief.

12....High Strength Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Vit C:Repairs joints, cartilage.

13...Vitamin D:For bone health to reduce osteoporosis, reduces some cancers, MS

14...Maximum Strength Glucosamine 1500mg :Repairs joints, cartilage, wear & tear.

15...Face Lift Retinol Cream 60ml:Anti-Aging Weapon against Deep & Fine Wrinkles!

16....ZINC:for growth and tissue repair, boost immune system and is a powerful antioxidant. Used by vegetarians (B12 should be taken too), vegans, smokers, drinkers, and the elderly.


What are the characteristics and how it has a bearing on people, esp. when it comes to color therapy, we shall see below:

·  Violet: It helps you to mingle with the higher consciousness. It is also associated high spiritual thinking and aspirations. Productivity, prosperity and wealth generation are connected to this color. It helps you to achieve self actualization and exceptional creativity.

·  Indigo: It can generate destructive and creative impulses in a person. Since it is identified with the Third Eye Chakra, it stimulates the intuitive impulses. It is known to have very high spiritual vibes. Negatively, it can create mental fatigue and total stagnation in life.

·  Blue: Goes with tranquility. Coolness, inner peace and harmony, hope and calmness are associated with this. Helps you in introspection, as this is a reflective color. Devotion, dedication and truth is blue. Negatively, too much blue has depressing effects.

·  Green: It is considered a color of nature. It is a healing color. Any physical, mental or emotional disturbances can be overcome when the green vibrations are released. Negatively it can promote laziness, jealousy, greediness as well as selfish behavior.

·  Yellow: Left brain activities such as creative thinking and reasoning are stimulated by this color. Considered as a color of joyousness. Peace, rest and spiritual excellence are identified with the color yellow.

·  Orange: It is a revitalizing color. It is invigorating, nourishing and warm. Ambition and creativity are associated with this color. If you want to increase your self-confidence, courage, prestige and self-acceptance, this color will do. Negatively, too much orange is bound to create restless behavior.

·  Red: The colour Red is identified with energy and passion. Excitement, energy, power and vitality are known to be associated with color red. Since this color has the lowest wavelengths, it has a tendency to affect peoples emotions faster than any other color. It can be a source of inspirational strength, happiness, love and total joy.

Building Blocks

Task Jesus Fellowship 24th May 2012

Audience with: Mike Miller and guest Keith O’Dryer

Not every building project involves materials that can be seen. If we're fortunate enough to live in a comfortable, warm house, chances are we'll take it for granted. We won't stop to think about the careful planning, the skillful design or the arduous labour that went into it, but simply accept it as our God-given right.
But there is also the invisible building - the abstract creation. Both start out as thought waves transcending the ether, the formless stuff of the void. A typical example to illustrate this is the church.
"...Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
( Matthew 16:18 )
The Invisible Church
From the Greek translation, the word 'church' means 'belonging to the Lord' and Peter, a name meaning 'rock', was chosen to be the head of the church on earth - a visible head of an invisible church. Because when we talk about going to church we think of a building, a place of worship. This fact has led many to believe in the mistaken idea that God can only be found in such a building and nowhere else. Christ never intended this. His church was never meant to be a place or structure that could be destroyed by man, but a body of believers, the chosen ones or the elect.
Let's look at another 'building' scripture.
"Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it; except the Lord keeps the city, the watchman wakes but in vain." ( Psalm 127:1 )
Difficult Task
The idea behind this was to demonstrate that if man attempts to build in his own strength and by his own will, he can never succeed in the long run. Failure is the only outcome. However, if he allows God to be the architect and builder, all will be well. This is a very hard concept to come to terms with. To trust in something you can't see, hear or touch is perhaps the most difficult task imaginable.
We are constantly building something. A child builds with wooden blocks, part of the learning process. Young adults learn skills which become the foundation for even greater learning. We build and maintain personal and emotional relationships and if we do so on solid foundations (rock), the relationship will withstand the rigours and the tempests of life. But if we build on sand, the house will surely be vulnerable to destruction. Those of us who have suffered broken marriages will readily testify to this analogy.
The Ego Problem
The thing that makes building on rock so difficult is the ego, an over-used but generally misunderstood word largely associated with psychologists and psychotherapy. The ego, considered by many to be a construct, is the part of us which governs our actions and the decisions we make. It is our safety valve during our growing years, our governing mechanism that prevents us from endangering ourselves. The big problem with the ego is that it is fearfully paranoid and this fear is often converted into actions which cause conflict. You only have to look at structures such as the Great Wall of China, Hadrians wall and not forgetting the Berlin wall. They were all built out of fear to keep certain people out, and in some cases to keep them in.
Religion Not the Answer
This is ego building. It is the building of structures of segregation instead of unification and it happens because we find it so hard to trust and to believe that we are safe. Tragically, having a religion does not guarantee the kind of trust and self-belief necessary to build on rock. If it was, we would not have the religious conflict we constantly see around us. There would be no Middle East crisis and definitely no 'Holy War', an oxymoron of epic proportions.