Secretary’s Report for General Meeting April 26, 2007
I. Call to Order – Jerry Wise
The meeting was called to order by President Jerry Wise at 7:00 PM. Additional Board members present were Becky Jacobsen, Mike Peterson, Joe Slavec, Fred Lang , Harold Burrows, Brad Spencer, Dan Cady and Greg Hani, with 19 in attendance at the Independence City Hall.
II. Approval of Agenda – Jerry Wise
Nothing was added to the agenda. Fred Lang motions and Mike Peterson seconds to approve the agenda as is. Carried.
III. Approval of Secretary’s Report – Becky Jacobsen
Harold Burrows motions and Fred Lang seconds to approve Secretary’s report of the minutes of the last general meeting as presented and distributed in newsletter. Carried
IV. Treasurer’s Report – Greg Hani
The current financial report was submitted. LSIA agreed to act as a financial intermediary for the Walleye fund and this appears separately as a second report and then added to the original LSIA report for a combined financial report. Fred Lang motions and Dan Cady seconds to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Carried.
V. Water Quality Committee Update – Harold Burrows
Harold will give his report in conjunction with John Barten’s presentation after the meeting.
VI. Safety, Navigation & Water Level Report – Mike Peterson
Mike has nothing new to report, asks if any questions. Buoys are not out yet, Mike will check on their status.
VII. Membership Committee Update – Brad Spencer
We have 148 paid memberships at this time compared with 155 last year. 80 are enrolled in the trash program. There have been 30 donations to the Walleye fund. The new directory is scheduled to be out this summer. It will not be on the internet due to privacy issues.
VIII. Conservation and DNR Liaison – Joe Slavec
This winter the DNR fined two people $1000 each for being over the limit of fish. They plan to spend more time at the access to combat this issue.
Walleye program is going well, there have been some large contributors.
Harold reports that a number of years ago a rough fish barrier was installed for carp that also stopped the Walleye from coming up to the lake and does not believe that the lake is configured to support the reproductions of Walleye as they desire a gravel bottom. Joe disagrees with this and seems to think that they will reproduce.
IX. Negative Effects of Lead Fishing Tackle on Wildlife – Joe Slavec / Brad Spencer
Brad spoke of the danger to wildlife that lead used in fishing causes. The PCA launched a program to inform people of this when buying new fishing tackle. Handouts regarding this were passed out along with samples of fishing lures that do not contain lead.
Hennepin County will accept hazardous waste for free May 3, 4 and 5 at the Independence City Hall.
A question was raised as to whether the City of Independence, like that of Greenfield, required everyone near the lake to hook up to sewer. Everyone is not necessarily connected but is encouraged to do so. However, the sewer line may not extend, thereby be available, to all properties.
X. Mailing List/Directory Database Report – Fred Lang
Fred reports that the Data Base is working well. It will also be used to track donations.
XI. 19th Annual LSIA Picnic – Mike Peterson
The picnic is July 22, 2007. Mike says Pam Peterson will chair it again and asks for additional volunteers to help with set up. Joe Slavec volunteers.
XII. July 4th Boat Parade – Jerry
Jerry asks for volunteers for the Boat Parade. There was talk of the previous year’s winners should perhaps be contacted for the honors. Tom and Sue Mizell volunteered.
XIII. Open/Miscellaneous – All
No one was added to the agenda.
XIV. Election of New Officers – All
The positions of Vice President, Treasurer and 3 Directors at large are up for reelection. As all current officers expressed intent to run for re-election no further search for nominees was conducted. Attending members were asked for any additional nominees for these positions, none were offered. Harold motions and Becky seconds that we have a White Ballot for all the nominees and to accept the ballots as they have been presented. Motion carried. All current board members remained on the board.
XV. Adjourn for Cookies – All
Becky motions and Dan seconds to adjourn at 7:34. Unanimous.
Attendees were:
Cheryl Wise, Al Moen, Carol Beasecker, Rachel Beasecker, Gary Sandlass, Tim Wuollet, Tom Mizell, Sue Mizell, Fred Bills, Sylvia Walsh, Colleen Malone, Jim Olsen, Craig Peterson, Randy Klaers, Colleen Klaers, Bob Berens, Mel Knapton, Michelle Jacobsen, Carol Tubesing