Antigone was descended on both sides of her family from Cadmus, who founded Thebes around 2000 B.C.E*. She was the daughter of Theban King Oedipus, who albeit unknowingly killed his own father and married his own mother.

Antigone was the granddaughter of Theban King Laius and Theban Queen Jocasta, who also was her mother. Jocasta was the daughter of Menoeceus, and the granddaughter of Theban King Pentheus. Jocasta was the great granddaughter of Theban Princess Agave and Echion, who sprang up from Cadmus' sowing of the dragon's teeth. Jocasta was the great great granddaughter of Cadmus.

Antigone was the great granddaughter of Theban King Labdacus, and the great great granddaughter of Theban King Polydorus and Theban Queen Nycteis. Nycteis was the daughter of Theban King Nycteus, and the granddaughter of Hyrieus and the nymph Clonia. She was the great granddaughter of Poseidon the Sea God and Alkyone, who was one of the Pleiades [the Seven Sisters].

Antigone was the great great great granddaughter of Theban King Cadmus and Theban Queen Harmonia. Harmonia was the daughter of either Zeus the Chief God and Elektra; or of Aphrodite the Love Goddess and Aries the War God or Hephaestus the Blacksmith God.

Antigone was the great great great great granddaughter of King Agenor of Tyre, Phoenicia and Queen Telephassa. Telephassa was the daughter of Nilus, the granddaughter of the siblings Oceanus and Tethys, and the great granddaughter of Uranus and Gaia.

Antigone was the great great great great great granddaughter of Poseidon the Sea God and Libya. Libya was the daughter of Egyptian King Epaphus and Nilus' daughter Memphis. She was the granddaughter of Zeus and Io, who was the daughter of Nilus' brother Inachus and of Melia.

Antigone was the great great great great great great granddaughter of the siblings Cronus and Rhea, and the great great great great great great great granddaughter of Uranus and Gaia, who were the world's first parents.