Loggerheads Parish Council Room

The Presbytery, 75 Church Road, Ashley, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 4JY

Telephone: 01630 673426



PRESENT: J Hodgkins (Chair)

S Fox
R Claydon
E Martin
J Friend
P Henshaw
J Pimlott
D Butterworth
G Sedgley / I Douglas
L Gibson
P Chamberlain
J Vallings
G Hughes
P Northcott
M Hodgkiss

APOLOGIES: Cllr B Bennion.

PUBLIC QUESTION TIME - No members of public present.

The Chair informed the meeting that there would be a closed session at the end of item 15 on the agenda to consider a planning matter.


There were no declarations of interest.


(ii) The meeting considered the following planning applications and commented as noted:

Application No: 15/00025/FUL Applicant: Mr B Davies Proposal: Variation of condition 2 (siting of dwelling) of planning permission 13/00295/FUL for erection of a detached dwelling and garage. Location: 19A Newcastle Road, Loggerheads.

OBJECTION : This was a retrospective application as there was evidence on the site that the footings had been dug. The proposal would result in a loss of amenity and reduction in natural light with a resulting environmental impact for the neighbouring property, Cotswold, which is unnecessary given the size of plot. Access to the highway had been raised as an issue by the Parish Council in the submission to the original application (13/00295/FUL) and this concern still stands.

Application No: 15/00017/FUL Applicant: Robert Duncan Homes Ltd Proposal: Erection of 2 detached dwellings and garages with provision of new accesses. Location:
Former Fire Station Church Road Ashley.
Application No: 15/00124/FUL Applicant: Mr D. Whitney Proposal: Erection of replacement
detached garage Location: Ashlands, Newcastle Road, Loggerheads.
Application No: 15/00141/COU Applicant: Mr K. Amar Proposal: Retention of change
of use to hand car wash for a temporary period Location: Loggerheads Garage, Newcastle Road, Loggerheads.
OBJECTION: Environmental, no facility for removal of waste, possible contamination of
watercourse to be considered by Environment Agency; inadequate facilities for Health and Safety for 6 employees; the poor state of the garage impacts on the amenity of the village of Loggerheads. The Application is for the retention for a temporary period but does not state how long. If the application is permitted the Parish Council would wish to see a short term set as a maximum and conditions imposed to improve the facility.
(ii) It was noted that NuLBC had permitted the following applications:
Application No: 14/00631/AGR Applicant: Friend Growers - Mr William Friend
Proposal: Erection of a steel framed lean to barn Location: Church Farm, 1 Eccleshall
Road, Mucklestone.
Application No: 14/00632/AGR Applicant: Friend Growers - Mr William Friend
Proposal: Erection of a steel framed barn Location: Church Farm, 1 Eccleshall Road,
The lack of response from the Planning Department to a request from the Clerk to resolve discrepancies in these two applications before they were considered was noted. Service would be considered at the next meeting.
Application No: 14/00951/FUL Proposal: Retention of conversion of existing outbuilding to ancillary residential accommodation Location: The Lawns, Eccleshall Road, Mucklestone.
Application No: 14/00924/FUL Proposal: Formation of new vehicular and pedestrian
accesses Location: Land Between Windy Ridge And Sirocco, London Road, Knighton.
Application No: 14/00975/ADV Proposal: Installation of various non-illuminated signs
Location: Loggerheads Community Fire Station, Market Drayton Road, Loggerheads.
Application No: 15/00014/FUL Proposal: Retention of sprinkler tank and pump housing
Location: Loggerheads Community Fire Station, Market Drayton Road, Loggerheads. (with condition that pump house doors are kept closed during weekly testing).
Application No: 11/00475/CN07 Applicant: Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Authority Proposal: Approval of the external artificial lighting as required by condition 07 of planning permission reference 11/00475/OUT - Erection of a Community Fire Station to accommodate one fire appliance. Location: Proposed Fire Station, Market Drayton Road, Loggerheads.
Application No: 11/00475/CN08 Applicant: Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Authority Proposal: Approval of the speaker systems, alarm bells and sirens as required by condition 08 of planning permission reference 11/00475/OUT - Erection of a Community Fire Station to accommodate one fire appliance Location: Proposed Fire Station, Market Drayton Road, Loggerheads.
Application No: 15/00007/FUL Applicant: Mr V. Simpson Proposal: Two storey side
extension with first floor link to provide granny annexe Location: 4 Woodpecker View,
The Burntwood, Loggerheads.


On the proposal of Cllr Hodgkiss, seconded by Cllr Fox, it was resolved that the draft minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 22nd January be adopted, and that the Chairman be authorised to sign them as a correct record of proceedings.


The Clerk reported that the application for Village Green status for Chetwode Close in Knighton had been agreed by Staffordshire County Council and the allotments in Loggerheads had been agreed for listing as an Asset of Community Value by Newcastle Borough Council.


Cllr Northcott reported that the area of Loggerheads, Madeley and Keele would be covered by 1 PC and 2 PCSO’s, a reduction of 1 PCSO. The meeting resolved to write to the Police and Crime Commissioner to express concern about the reduction in policing in the parish.

Cllr Loades provided a written update that at a meeting of the full NULBC the proposed budget was overturned and the proposed cut in concurrent funding would be reinstated. A cross-party monitoring group would be established and prior to any grant money being issued in April 2015 individual Parishes would need to provide this group with proof that the grant for 2014/15 had been used in full and for its intended purpose. Failure to do so could result in an amount equivalent to any shortfall being deducted from the grant for 2015/16. An update on the Planning Review Action plan was presented to the Council and was refused by Members and returned to officers for further work.


Cllr Loades had submitted a written update on the proposals for Loggerheads Library. He had debated to keep the library open in many County Council meetings and had requested full time professional support should the library need to be run by volunteers, along with a heavy reduction in running costs, which had been taken on board. As Chair of the LCIS he had declared an interest in the securing of the Library for the future under partly supported management by volunteers, ensuring that the Library was not lost. No further action on this would be taken without full LCIS committee support that had yet to be agreed in detail. When and if the LCIS proceeded with an offer of interest over the library service it would be to improve the service for local users.

Businesses with ambitious development plans could benefit from a new round of funding which kick-starts projects and boosts growth. The Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Enterprise Partnership had launched its seventh round of the Growing Place Fund, with £2.5 million now available to support infrastructure projects which would expand the local economy.



On the proposal of Cllr Vallings, seconded by Cllr Hodgkins, it was resolved that the following invoices be paid:

Date / Details / Amount / Approved
20/01/2015 / Carerra web site hosting 22/12/14 – 19/01/15 / £48.00 / √
31/01/2015 / P Martin; Playground Inspections x 4 January / £160.00 / √
22/02/2015 / Clerk’s wages February: 80hrs / £727.92 / √
25/02/2015 / Clerk’s travel expenses / £27.90 / √
22/02/2015 / Clerk’s expenses – laminator / £16.48 / √
16/02/2014 / Clerk’s expenses – meeting planning consultant / £19.30 / √
28/01/2015 / Our Lady & St John the Baptist – office rental Jan-March 2015 / £300.00 / √
31/01/2015 / RD & T Edwards- 2 grit runs 16th & 20th January 15 / £708.00 / √
13/01/2015 / Autela Payroll Services Jan- March 2015 / £27.00 / √
23/01/2015 / Loggerheads & District Befrienders – Section 137 grant / £260.00 / √
23/01/2015 / Ashley Air Scouts Section 137 grant / £300.00 / √
16/02/2015 / Travel expenses – Cllr Douglas / £53.75 / √
11/02/2015 / Cheshire Landscape Services – Audley Cross ground work / £130.00 / √
18/02/2015 / Three Shires Tree Services – Heath Grove / £700.00 / √
17/02/2015 / Travel expenses – Cllr Vallings / £9.00 / √


On the proposal of Cllr Douglas, seconded by Cllr Hodgkiss the following was resolved for a section 137 grant:

(a)  Ashley, Loggerheads and Mucklestone Community Choir for £500 towards the cost of the community chorus and school children’s choir performing the “Great Fire of London” at Hugo Meynell School & for the opening of the new fire station. Plus percussion workshops for Hugo Meynell and St Marys Schools from the Royal Northern College of Music and a public percussion workshop for the community.

(b)  To defer the applications from the Benefice of Ashley, Mucklestone, Croxton and Broughton for £400 for items to fill a reflection space for pupils, staff and visitors at Hugo Meynell Primary School (to include bean bags, plasma and lava lamps, mirror, magnetic world map, and giant building blocks and for £600 for the young people who work with ID (age 7-11 years) to work with a graffiti artist to design and paint the bus shelter at Knighton to improve the appearance for the benefit of the community. To seek further information on the location of equipment provided in the past for the school and to seek feedback from residents in Knighton about the proposed painting of the bus shelter.

(iii)  The success of 3 applications for a Community Chest Grant was noted; Hugo Meynell School, Polytunnel (£800); Loggerheads Parish Festival, Ice skating (£400) and 1st Ashley Air Scouts, Property map coding (£336).


Cllr Douglas reported that a letter had been received from Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council in response to the letter sent seeking clarification on the decision of the Borough Council’s Cabinet to approve the disposal of the sites subject to first securing an outline planning permission. The meeting agreed that a response would be prepared by Cllr Douglas and the Clerk.


The timetable for the Council elections in May 2015 was considered and the deadline for the submission of applications on 9th April was noted. Posters advertising the election would be placed on council noticeboards.


The meeting received an update on the encroachment on Council owned land in Knighton and noted that the boundary concerned would be checked.


A letter had been received from Staffordshire County Council setting out the proposal for Loggerheads Library. The Cabinet had considered the results of the feedback received from the staff and public consultation and had approved proposals for the future model for Staffordshire County Council’s Library Service. Under these proposals 21 libraries will become Staffordshire County Council Managed/Delivered Libraries; Audley, Baswich, Blythe Bridge, Brereton, Brewood, Cheslyn Hay, Heath Hayes, Holmcroft, Glascote, Gnosall, Great Wyrley, Norton Canes, Knutton, Kinver, Rising Brook, Talke and Wilnecote Libraries would become Staffordshire County Council Managed/Community Delivered Libraries; and Barton under Needwood, Hednesford, Loggerheads, Shenstone, Silverdale and Werrington Libraries would become Community Managed/Community Delivered Libraries.

The meeting expressed concern that the proposal for Loggerheads would rely on volunteers and that they had no information on the expression of interest submitted by LCIS to be able to comment on its sustainability.

The meeting agreed to seek clarity from SCC about the next step if no bid to manage Loggerheads library was made and to contact other parishes in the Community managed and delivered group to find out the circumstances of their inclusion in this group.

15/02/12 PARISH FESTIVAL 2015

Cllr Martin reported that the AGM for the Festival Committee was held on February 10th 2015. A quiz for community groups was planned on 13th March. Plans for Parish Festival week from 12th to 19th July 2015 included scarecrows on Sunday 12th, a rounders tournament, dance demonstration and walk from Burntwood to Park Hill Farm on Sunday 12th.

15/02/13 YOUTH GROUP

Cllr Fox reported that the Group had held an event for young people on 5th February at the Memorial Hall. An application that had been made to the Joint Commissioning Fund to fund activities on a Thursday evening for young people age 13-17 had been successful. SCYVS was providing assistance to set up a management committee for a senior youth club to start on 16th April.


Cllr Douglas reported that the group had met and agreed that work on a Neighbourhood Plan should commence. This would be considered in a closed session at the end of the meeting.

15/02/15 LCIS

A date for the AGM had not been set.

15/02/16 LAP

The LAP had met and discussed local crime and disorder matters; the agreement for a “youth bus” to be available 3 days a week in the rural area and 1 night a week in Loggerheads; the need to review Council’s policies for use of social media at council meetings.


A summary of correspondence received at the Parish Council office between the 23rd January and 26th February 2015 was noted.


The following matters were reported: Park Hall Farm had become National Champions for the Countryside Alliance Award; litter on verges; near misses on A53 out of Loggerheads in direction of Newcastle where 30mph changed to 50mph; need for traffic calming measures at junction of A53 and Mucklestone Wood Lane; the retaining wall for the piece of woodland at Hugo Way required additional work; bus shelters in Loggerheads noted to be in a disgraceful state, resolved that Clerk write to SCC seeking urgent attention and reminder that SCC removed Parish Council owned and maintained bus shelters without permission; flooding at Napley Lodge Farm, Studley Farm and Lower Road, Ashley and dead tree on verge at Red Bull to be reported to Highways; dog fouling in Burntwood, litter and substances in Hugo Way reported to police; badgers at council owned land at Knighton, advice to be requested; White Lion pub would re-open for business on 7th March; anti-social behaviour reported at Maple Drive, Loggerheads; request for 30mph repeater signs at Hookgate to be referred to C/Cllr Loades.