Maths Quest for Queensland Book 1, Maths Quest for Queensland Book 2, Maths Quest for Queensland Book 3
Syllabus Grid
Strand: Number
Topic: Number concepts
Core Learning Outcome / Core content / Maths Quest for Queensland Book 1Exercises and Investigations / Enrichment activities / Maths Quest for Queensland Book 2
Exercises and Investigations / Enrichment activities / Maths Quest for Queensland Book 3
Exercises and Investigations / Enrichment activities
N 4.1
Students compare and order whole numbers and common and decimal fractions of any size, make connections between key percentages and fractions and describe how a range of factors influence financial decisions /
- whole numbers
- decimal fractions
- key percentages (100%, 50%, 25%, 20%, 10%, 1%)
- fractions
- common fractions format
- decimal fractions format
- percentage format
- equivalence
- square and cubic notation
1B Place value (Q1-9)
1H Subsets of numbers (Q1-5, 13-20)
2A Understanding common fractions (Q1-12)
2B Simplifying common fractions (Q1-6)
2C Improper fractions and mixed numbers (Q1-15)
You want more pizza?
3A Place value (Q1-13)3B Comparing decimal fractions (Q1-5)
3C Converting decimal fractions to common fractions (Q1-5)
3D Rounding (Q1-11)
4A Integers on the number line (Q1) / Using expanding formulas to square large numbers
Number sense
- position and order of numbers
- connections between key percentages, unit fractions and decimal fractions
- sensible adjustments of numbers
- everyday representation of numbers
- subsets of whole numbers
- prime and composite
- square
- triangular
1B Place value (Q1-9)
Numbers as identifiers
1G Estimation (Q2-5)
1H Subsets of numbers (Q1-5, 13-20)
Book numbers
The sieve of Eratosthenes
1K Prime and composite numbers (Q1-13)2A Understanding common fractions (Q1-12)
3A Place value (Q1-13)
3B Comparing decimal fractions (Q1-5)
The javelin event
3D Rounding (Q1-11)4A Integers on the number line (Q1)
4B Positive integers and zero on the number plane (Q1-4) / The bagels game
What numbers are in my list?
- financial decisions
- purchases (best buys, discounts)
- advertising (for purchases)
- methods of payment
- budgets for specific events
- key percentages
- simple interest
- discounts
- cashless transactions (cheques, money orders, EFTPOS, store cards)
Sale time – spending time!
N 5.1
Students compare and order integers, use and interpret index notation, rates and ratios and analyse options and make informed financial decisions about saving, credit and debit.
- integers
- index notation (whole numbers indices only)
- square root
- percentage
- whole percentages
- fractional
- greater than 100%
1I Index notation (Q1-12)
Finding square roots and cube roots without a calculator
3I Percentages (Q1-16)
4A Integers on the number line (Q2-12) / 2A Introduction to ratios (Q1-9)
2B Simplifying ratios (Q1-8)
2C Direct proportion (Q1-8)
2D Comparing ratios (Q1-10)
Cordial mixing
2E Increasing and decreasing in a given ratio (Q1-11)
2F Dividing in a given ratio (Q1-12)
How high is that tree?
2G Speed (Q1-10)
Travelling speeds
3A What are indices? (Q1, 2)
3B powers and bases (Q1-7)
Patterns with indices
3C Multiplication using indices (Q1-6)
3D Division using indices (Q1-6)
3E Zero index (Q1-7)
3F Raising a power to another power (Q1-6)
3G Square and cube roots (Q1-3)
The chessboard problem / 2F Review of index laws (Q1-7)
Converting recurring decimal fractions to common fractions
Number sense
- position and order of numbers including integers
- connections between squares and square roots
- connections between percentages and fractions
- sensible adjustments of numbers
4A Integers on the number line (Q2-12)
Comparing temperatures
4C Integers on the number plane (Q1-12)Mountain climbing
4I Directed numbers on the number line (Q1-4)4J Directed numbers on the number plane(Q1-11) / 3G Square and cube roots (Q1-3) / Percentages in tests
- financial decisions
- credit and debit transactions
- charges/fees (including GST)
- advertising (of financial services
- short term benefits and/or long term consequences
- methods of saving
- cashless transactions (direct debit, BPAY)
- percentages
- interest
- discounts
How much is one million dollars?
Movie munchies
1C Discount (Q1-14)
Successive discounts
1D Profit and loss (Q1-14)
1E Simple interest (Q1-13)
Money transactions / 1G Calculating GST and VAT (Q1-11)
N 6.1
Students compare and order rational numbers, interpret and use scientific notation, and analyse options and make informed personal budgeting and other financial decisions. /Numeration
- rational numbers
- index notation (integer indices)
- scientific notation (positive and negative powers of 10)
3B Powers and bases (Q1-7)
Patterns with indices
3C Multiplication using indices (Q1-6)
3D Division using indices (Q1-6)
3E Zero index (Q1-7)
3F Raising a power to another power (Q1-6)
3G Square and cube roots (Q4-7)
The chessboard problem / 2J Scientific notation (Q1-10)
Alpha Centauri
Number sense
- position and order within the set of rational numbers
- connections between scientific notation and other representations of numbers
- sensible adjustment of numbers
Alpha Centauri
- financial decisions and budgeting
- income: gross, net
- expenditure
- saving for a purpose
- borrowing
- savings plan
- planning for an event
- consequences of over-commitment
- percentages
- compound growth
- cashless transactions (internet and phone banking)
- comparisons of rates, fees and charges
1B Working overtime (Q1-11)
1C Piecework (Q1-12)
1D Commission and royalties (Q1-14)
Earning money
1E Gross and net pay (Q1-12)1F Budgeting (Q1-12)
Understanding percentages
1H Compound interest (Q1-16)Compound interest spreadsheets
N DB 6.1a
Students interpret and use the various sets of real numbers and integer and unit fractional powers. / 2A Irrational numbers (Q1-11)Plotting irrational numbers on the number line
2B Simplifying surds (Q1-7)
Braking distances
2G Negative indices (Q1-5)2H Fractional indices (Q1-10)
Standard paper sizes
2I Further use of index laws (Q1-9)N DB 6.1b
Students make informed decisions with regard to earning, spending and saving money, with reference to schedules of government and business charges. / Investigating government paymentsExamining bank fees and taxes
Strand: Number
Topic: Addition and subtraction
Core Learning Outcome / Core content / Maths Quest for Queensland Book 1Exercises and Investigations / Enrichment activities / Maths Quest for Queensland Book 2
Exercises and Investigations / Enrichment activities / Maths Quest for Queensland Book 3
Exercises and Investigations / Enrichment activities
N 4.2
Students identify and solve addition and subtraction problems involving any whole numbers and decimal fractions, selecting from a range of computation methods, strategies and known number facts. /
Addition and Subtraction
- whole numbers
- decimal fractions including with different numbers of decimal places
- laws of operation for addition
- Connections
- Inverse (backtracking)
Consecutive whole numbers
Going dotty with dice1F Order of operations (Q1-6)
Darts competition
1G Estimation (Q2-4, 6, 7)Averages and fractions
3E Adding and subtracting decimal fractions (Q1-16)
Palindromic decimals
Mental computation strategies
- for whole numbers and decimal fractions
- making numbers manageable
- count on and back
- doubling
- changing operations
1F Order of operations (Q1-6)
1G Estimation (Q2-4, 6, 7)
3E Adding and subtracting decimal fractions (Q1-16)
Computation methods
- mental computations
- exact
- approximate
- written recordings
- student-generated
- traditional methods
- calculators, computers
1F Order of operations (Q1-6)
1G Estimation (Q2-4, 6, 7)
3E Adding and subtracting decimal fractions (Q1-16)
N 5.2
Students identify and solve addition and subtraction problems involving positive rational numbers using a range of computation methods and strategies.
/Addition and subtraction
- positive rational numbers
- whole numbers
- decimal fractions
- common fractions
- Connections
- inverse (backtracking)
Egyptian fractions
Musical fractions
Averages and fractions
2G Mixed operations with common fractions (Q1-3) / 1A Wages and salaries (Q1-10)
1B Working overtime (Q1-11)
1C Piecework (Q1-12)
1D Commission and royalties (Q1-14)
Earning money
1E Gross and net pay (Q1-12)Mental computation strategies
- relevant to whole numbers, common fractions and decimal fractions
- generalisations about addition and subtraction
1B Working overtime (Q1-11)
1C Piecework (Q1-12)
1D Commission and royalties (Q1-14)
Earning money
1E Gross and net pay (Q1-12)Computation methods
- mental computations
- exact
- approximate
- written recordings
- student-generated
- traditional methods
- calculators, computers
2G Mixed operations with common fractions (Q1-3) / 1A Wages and salaries (Q1-10)
1B Working overtime (Q1-11)
1C Piecework (Q1-12)
1D Commission and royalties (Q1-14)
Earning money
1E Gross and net pay (Q1-12)N 6.2
Students identify and solve addition and subtraction problems involving rational numbers using a range of computation methods and strategies.
/Addition and subtraction
- rational numbers
- Connections
- inverse (backtracking)
4E Subtraction of integers (Q1-9)
4H Combined operations (Q1-4)
Mental computation strategies
- relevant to integers and whole numbers, common fractions and decimal fractions
- generalisations about addition and subtraction
4E Subtraction of integers (Q1-9)
Computation methods
- mental computations
- exact
- approximate
- written recording
- student-generated
- traditional methods
- calculators, computers
4E Subtraction of integers (Q1-9)
4H Combined operations (Q1-4)
N DB 6.2
Students identify and solve addition and subtraction problems involving real numbers using a range of computation methods and strategies. / 2C Addition and subtraction of surds (Q1-5)Strand: Number
Topic: Multiplication and division
Core Learning Outcome / Core content / Maths Quest for Queensland Book 1Exercises and Investigations / Enrichment activities / Maths Quest for Queensland Book 2
Exercises and Investigations / Enrichment activities / Maths Quest for Queensland Book 3
Exercises and Investigations / Enrichment activities
N 4.3
Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving whole numbers, decimal fractions, common fractions, percentages and rates, selecting from a range of computation methods, strategies and known number facts. /
Multiplication and Division
- Multiplication
- whole numbers
- decimal fractions to hundredths
- recall multiplication facts to 9 9
- laws of operation for multiplication
- Division
- whole number
- decimal fractions to hundredths
- recall division facts
- Connections
- relationships between division and common fractions
- inverse (backtracking)
1E Dividing whole numbers (Q1-16)
1F Order of operations (Q1-6)
1G Estimation (Q1-7)
How many tiles?
2E Multiplying common fractions (Q1-4, 7)2F Dividing common fractions (Q1-5)
3F Multiplying decimal fractions (Q1-20)
3G Dividing decimal fractions (Q1-14)
3H Converting common fractions to decimal fractions (Q1-4)
Common fractions to decimal fractions
Fractions and proportions
- Fractions
- unit fractions as operators
- vinculum for division
- links between key percentages, unit fractions and decimal fractions
- Rates
- simple everyday rates such as kilometres per hour
2F Dividing common fractions (Q1-5)
2H Rates (Q1-17)
3H Converting common fractions to decimal fractions (Q1-4)
Common fractions to decimal fractions
Mountain climbing
Wet or dry reunion?
Mental computation strategies
- for beyond basic facts
- recall all multiplication and division facts to 9 9
- doubling
- halving
- build up, build down
- student-generated
- place value
- adjusting numbers
1E Dividing whole numbers (Q1-16)
1F Order of operations (Q1-6)
1G Estimation (Q1-7)
1J Multiples and factors (Q20-29)
2E Multiplying common fractions (Q1-4, 7)
2F Dividing common fractions (Q1-5)
3F Multiplying decimal fractions (Q1-20)
3G Dividing decimal fractions (Q1-14)
Computation methods
- mental computations
- exact
- approximate
- written recordings
- student-generated
- traditional methods (one and two digit multipliers; single digit whole number divisors)
- formats for recording division
- 13/4, 13 4, ,
- calculators, computers
1E Dividing whole numbers (Q1-16)
1F Order of operations (Q1-6)
1G Estimation (Q1-7)
1J Multiples and factors (Q20-29)
2E Multiplying common fractions (Q1-4, 7)
2F Dividing common fractions (Q1-5)
3F Multiplying decimal fractions (Q1-20)
3G Dividing decimal fractions (Q1-14)
3H Converting common fractions to decimal fractions (Q1-4)
Common fractions to decimal fractions
N 5.3
Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving positive rational numbers, rates, ratios and direct proportions using a range of computation methods and strategies.
/Multiplication and division
- Multiplication
- positive rational numbers
common fractions
decimal fractions
numbers with indices
- Division
- positive rational numbers
common fractions
decimal fractions
- Connections
- inverse (backtracking)
2F Dividing common fractions (Q6-9)
2G Mixed operations with common fractions (Q1-3) / Movie munchies
1B Common percentages and shortcuts (Q1-15)
Fractions and proportions
- Fractions
- percentages, common fractions, decimal fractions
- Rates
- calculations involving everyday rates such as mobile phone charges
- Ratios
- simple everyday ratios such as 1 part juice concentrate to 4 parts water
- symbol for ratio ( : )
- Direct proportion
- calculations with direct proportion (including graphical representations)
2F Dividing common fractions (Q6-9)
3I Percentages (Q1-16) /
Movie munchies
1B Common percentages and shortcuts (Q1-15)1C Discount (Q1-14)
Successive discounts
1D Profit and loss (Q1-14)
1E Simple interest (Q1-13)
Money transactions
2A Introduction to ratios (Q1-9)
2B Simplifying ratios (Q1-8)
2C Direct proportion (Q1-12)
2D Comparing ratios (Q1-10)
Cordial mixing
2E Increasing and decreasing in a given ratio (Q1-11)
2F Dividing in a given ratio (Q1-12)
How high is that tree?
2G Speed (Q1-11)
Travelling speeds / 1A Wages and salaries (Q1-10)
1B Working overtime (Q1-11)
1C Piecework (Q1-12)
1D Commission and royalties (Q1-14)
Earning money
1E Gross and net pay (Q1-12)1F Budgeting (Q1-12)
Understanding percentages
1H Compound interest (Q1-16)Compound interest spreadsheets
Percentages in tests
Musical notes
Mental computation strategies
- relevant to whole numbers, common fractions and decimal fractions
- generalisations about multiplication and division
2F Dividing common fractions (Q6-9) /
Movie munchies
1B Common percentages and shortcuts (Q1-15)1C Discount (Q1-14)
Successive discounts
1D Profit and loss (Q1-14)
1E Simple interest (Q1-13)
Money transactions
2A Introduction to ratios (Q1-9)
2B Simplifying ratios (Q1-8)
2C Direct proportion (Q1-12)
2D Comparing ratios (Q1-10)
Cordial mixing
2E Increasing and decreasing in a given ratio (Q1-11)
2F Dividing in a given ratio (Q1-12)
How high is that tree?
2G Speed (Q1-11)
Travelling speeds / 1A Wages and salaries (Q1-10)
1B Working overtime (Q1-11)
1C Piecework (Q1-12)
1D Commission and royalties (Q1-14)
Earning money
1E Gross and net pay (Q1-12)1F Budgeting (Q1-12)
Understanding percentages
1H Compound interest (Q1-16)Compound interest spreadsheets
Percentages in tests
Musical notes
Computation methods
- mental computations
- exact
- approximate
- written recordings
- student-generated
- traditional methods
- calculators, computers
2F Dividing common fractions (Q6-9)
2G Mixed operations with common fractions (Q1-3) /
Movie munchies
1B Common percentages and shortcuts (Q1-15)1C Discount (Q1-14)
Successive discounts
1D Profit and loss (Q1-14)
1E Simple interest (Q1-13)
Money transactions
2A Introduction to ratios (Q1-9)
2B Simplifying ratios (Q1-8)
2C Direct proportion (Q1-12)
2D Comparing ratios (Q1-10)
Cordial mixing
2E Increasing and decreasing in a given ratio (Q1-11)
2F Dividing in a given ratio (Q1-12)
How high is that tree?
2G Speed (Q1-11)
Travelling speeds / 1A Wages and salaries (Q1-10)
1B Working overtime (Q1-11)
1C Piecework (Q1-12)
1D Commission and royalties (Q1-14)
Earning money
1E Gross and net pay (Q1-12)1F Budgeting (Q1-12)
Understanding percentages
1H Compound interest (Q1-16)Compound interest spreadsheets
Percentages in tests
Musical notes
N 6.3Students identify and solve multiplication and division problems involving rational numbers, rates, ratios and direct and inverse proportions using a range of computation methods and strategies.
/Multiplication and division
- Multiplication
- Rational numbers
- Connections
- inverse (backtracking)
Number pattern table
4G Division of integers (Q1-5)4H Combined operations (Q1-4)
Fractions and proportions
- Fractions
- fractional percentages of numbers
- Rates
- comparisons of rates expressed in various forms
- Ratio and proportion
- as direct proportion
- as inverse proportion
Maintaining an Olympic pool /
Braking distances
3A Direct proportion (Q1-7)3B Direct proportion – the constant of proportionality (Q1-12)
3C Direct proportion and ratio or rate (Q1-9)
Leonardo’s observations
3D Partial proportion (Q1-9)3E Inverse proportion (Q1-11)
The building problem
3F Identifying the type of proportion (Q1)SOS!
Mental computation strategies
- relevant to rational numbers
- generalisations about multiplication and division
4G Division of integers (Q1-5)
4H Combined operations (Q1-4) /
Braking distances
3A Direct proportion (Q1-7)3B Direct proportion – the constant of proportionality (Q1-12)
3C Direct proportion and ratio or rate (Q1-9)
Leonardo’s observations
3D Partial proportion (Q1-9)3E Inverse proportion (Q1-11)
The building problem
3F Identifying the type of proportion (Q1)SOS!
Computation methods
- mental computations
- exact
- approximate
- written recordings
- student-generated
- traditional methods
calculators, computers
/ 4F Multiplication of integers (Q1-8)4G Division of integers (Q1-5)
4H Combined operations (Q1-4) /
Braking distances
3A Direct proportion (Q1-7)3B Direct proportion – the constant of proportionality (Q1-12)
3C Direct proportion and ratio or rate (Q1-9)
Leonardo’s observations
3D Partial proportion (Q1-9)3E Inverse proportion (Q1-11)
The building problem
3F Identifying the type of proportion (Q1)SOS!
N DB 6.3a
Students multiply and divide rational numbers and calculate rates of change from graphs. / What’s our money worth overseas?Focus on variation
N DB 6.3b
Students identify and solve multiplication problems involving real numbers using a range of computation methods and strategies. / Compound interest spreadsheets2D Multiplication and division of surds (Q1-9)
2E Writing surd fractions with a rational denominator (Q1-6)
Many hands make light work!
Strand: Patterns and Algebra
Topic: Patterns and functions
Core Learning Outcome / Core content / Maths Quest for Queensland Book 1Exercises and Investigations / Enrichment activities / Maths Quest for Queensland Book 2
Exercises and Investigations / Enrichment activities / Maths Quest for Queensland Book 3
Exercises and Investigations / Enrichment activities
PA 4.1 Students identify and create representations of patterns and functions and apply backtracking to solve simple equations that involve combinations of the four operations. /
- rules based on the position of terms – combinations of operations
- calculators
- ordered pairs and graphs (with discrete data only)
5B Geometric patterns (Q1-4)
Even number triangle
/ Patterns with indicesThe chessboard problem
Pascal’s triangle
- input output – with combinations of operations
- rules relating two sets of data
- backtracking (inverse)
- with combinations of operations
- representations of relationships
- ordered pairs
- tables, line graphs, equations (number sentences)
- trends
- discrete and continuous data
- electronic and, or manual
6A Using inverse operations (Q3-6)
6B Building up expressions (Q1-3)
6C Solving equations using backtracking (Q1-5)
PA 5.1 Students interpret and compare different representations of linear and simple non-linear functions and solve the related problems. /
- ordered pairs – four quadrants
- representations of variables
- words
- symbols
- linear
- representations – tables, line graphs, linear equations, proportion equations
- dependent and independent variables
- discrete and continuous
- trends
- non-linear models
- dependent and independent variables
- discrete and continuous
- representations – tables, line graphs
- trends
- electronic and manual representations
5D Writing and finding formulas (Q1-12)
Predicting values