Course Outline: Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MEIE 5289) – Spring 2013

Sultan Qaboos University

Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship

(MEIE 5289)

Spring 2013

Course Outline (Syllabus)

Instructors: Salim Al Harthy – Dhafir AL Shanfari - Mahmood Al Kindi - Sheikah Al Akzami / Credit hours: 2 Credits
Contact hours: 30 hours
Office: 2011, College of Engineering / Course Status: University Elective
Phone: 24141312
E-mails: , , , / Language of Instruction: English
Course Type: Lecture/Practical
Office hours: Wed., 10:00 – 12:00 noon or by appointment / Class time: Mon., 2:15 –4:05
Location: CMT/*****

1.  Course Description

In todays global economy it is important to equip university students with innovate, and entreprenruial skills. Innovation is the successful exploitation of new ideas . It has became the sourse of competance in all fields. Innovation does not happen-it is driven by entrepreneurship. This course provides students with a general introduction to innovation and entreprenruship. Topics include: idea generation, opportunity assesment, creative thinking methods, IP protection and business plan development. These concepts are explained and illustrated through carefully selected readings, cases and exercises.No prior business experience is required.

2.  Textbook (s):

There is no single textboopk allocated for this course. A combination of notes and handouts will be provided to students the variouse topics and issues discussed.

Recommended books:

1.  Kaplan J.M. and Warren A.C., “Patterns of Entreprenuership ”, (2007) Second Edition, John Wiley

2.  Kuratko, D. F. and Hodgetts, R.M. (2007) Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process and Practice; Thomson: South-Western.

3.  Hishrich R.D. and Peters, M.P. (2005) Entrepreneurship; McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

4.  Timmons, J. A., & Spinelli, S. (2004). New venture creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st century New York: McGraw-HillI

5.  Hasan M Kamoonpuri (2004) Success Stories of Omani Entrepreneurs;

Oman Daily Observer.

Omani websites as a source of business news



3. (and click ‘business’ section)

4. (and click ‘business’ section)

5. (and click ‘business’ section)

6. (and search under ‘news and articles’ box for ‘Oman’)

3.  Course Objectives:

·  The overall course objective is to introduce and expose students to entrepreneurship and innovation

·  Understand the entreprenuerial process of creating a value and growing a successful idea

·  To develop skills and commitments to pursue ideas and business concepts

·  To develop effective communication skills and work independently as well as in a multidisplinary team on projects.

·  To understand innovation and business principles

·  To understand the suitable way of protection for the intellectual property.

·  To develop skills on patentability search techniques.

·  To understand commercialization techniques.

4.  Course Learning Strategies

1.  Lectures 4. Group project/Individual assignments

2. Case study discussion 5. Video case discussion

3. Guest speakers

The course is taught as a combination of discussion-based class sessions, lectures, in class case study analysis and video cases. There is a strong emphasis on dialogue and student participation in discussions, as reflected in the participation grade. Students will build leadership and entrepreneurial skills when working in a multidisplinary teams. The team generates, evaluates, develops, and markets their idea (product, service, change…etc). The faculty member monitors, helps, and advices towards a final valid doable idea based on the concept “sell a simpler life”.

5.  Course Contents:

Week / Date / Topic / Remark
1 / 4-Feb-13 / Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship / Dr. Mahmood Al Kindi
2 / 11-Feb-13 / Understanding Innovation / Dr. Mahmood Al Kindi
3 / 18-Feb-13 / Entrepreneurial Process / Dr. Mahmood Al Kindi-
Team Building
Test-Part 1 take-home assignment (5%);
4 / 25-Feb-13 / Ideas Generation and Opportunities Searching / At least three business ideas been generated
5 / 4-Mar-13 / Ideas and Opportunities Validation: Introduction / Test (1) in class 25%
6 / 11-Mar-13 / Ideas and Opportunities Validation: relationship analysis / Dr. Salem Al Harthy
7 / 18-Mar-13 / Risk management / Dr. Salem Al Harthy
8 / 25-Mar-13 / Confirmation of one business idea.
(practical session) / Dr. Salem Al Harthy;
Class in computer lab
9 / 1-Apr-13 / Business Planning Process / Dr. Dhafir Al Shanfari
10 / 8-Apr-13 / Business Planning Process / Dr. Dhafir Al Shanfari
11 / 15-Apr-13 / Guest Speaker
12 / 22-Apr-13 / Financing your new business / Dr. Dhafir Al Shanfari
13 / 29-Apr-13 / Introduction to Intellectual Property / Sheikha Al Akhzami
14 / 6-May-13 / Case Studies: Patent Search & Commercialization / Sheikha Al Akhzami
15 / 13-May-13 / Presentations of Final Projects / Sheikha Al Akhzami

6.  Course Assessment:

Class Project (20%) ( Report 15% + Presentation 5%)

Teams of five students from different discplines

Mid-Semester Examination Test1 (30%) & Final Examination Test2 (45%)

Cheating or attemping to cheat may result in failing the course. No make-up exam is granted without a valid excuse. Oversleeping or not knowing the time and location are examples of non- valid excuses.

Corse assessment / Weight
Attendance / 5%
Exam 1 / 30%
Project / 20%
Final Exam / 45%

Attendance Policy 5% :

students are expected to attend all classes. University rules will be strictly

complied to deal with frequent absentees. No make-up tests will be granted without a

valid, documented excuse. A first warning will be issued upon failing to attend three teaching hours (10% of the total teaching hours).