Solid Waste Committee Page 2

April 12, 2006



April 12, 2006


Terry Bliss reported the county is ahead of its GAT total. All three counties are 9,700 over their GAT for the first three months of 2006.


There were 273 tons of recyclables for March. Mr. Bliss said the big stores handle their own cardboard, etc., which does not count towards the county's total.

The first three months of 2006 exceeded 2005 by 14%.

Mr. Bliss said he is working on several options for county recycling after 2006. One way is for the county to use its own truck and driver with a CDL license. Mr. Bliss is working with Ron Tiderencel, Superintendent of Highways, and will keep the committee informed.

Mr. Bliss said the three year recycling contract with Vets Disposal is up at the end of 2006, and a Request For Proposal (RFP) will have to be sent out for recycling pick up. He said Vets is looking at single stream recycling, which would save money and be easier on the residents. Hopefully, this would bring in more recyclables

Mr. Bliss said the article in today's paper on recycling was very positive.

Mr. Bliss said the second issue of Trash Talk will be going out soon.


Mr. Bliss said he is working on a better way for garbage removal from all the county facilities. Presently, a driver from the Department of Building Services goes to all the county buildings and picks up the garbage, then takes it to the Oneonta Transfer Station.


Karen Sullivan requested committee approval for a resolution authorizing the application for state assistance from the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) State Assistance Program for 2006 - 2008. Representative Schwerd moved to approve. Seconded, Laguna. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.


Martha Clarvoe said there is a person in Canada who would pick up the ag plastic at the recycling centers. Ag plastic has to be gathered, cleaned, taken to a recycling center and baled. Who will pay for this? If the county bought a baler, it would be able to recover half of the costs through the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. Mrs. Clarvoe said her committee would look at getting figures on a baler.

Terry Bliss said he has been talking with people on ways to dispose of ag plastics and will keep the committee informed.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Wednesday, May 17, 2006 at 10:00 am.