GEY 3001
Aging & Special Populations


Aging and Special Populations: (3) (B.A.S., B.S.). This course introduces the study of aging, its implications for individuals, families, and society, and the background for health policy related to older persons. This course presents an overview on aging from different perspectives: demography, biology, epidemiology of diseases, physical and mental disorders, functional capacity and disability, health services, federal and state health policies, social aspects of aging, and ethical issues in the care of older individuals.


The student, at the successful completion of GEY 3001, should be able to:

1.  Articulate the demographic profile and associated myths of the elderly population in the United States.

2.  Discuss age-related biological and physiological changes experienced by the elderly.

3.  Investigate aging from the perspective of the epidemiology of diseases.

4.  Discuss a range of health issues that older persons, their health providers, and society face.

5.  Analyze the implications of aging for individuals, families, and society.

6.  Discuss health policy related to the older population.

7.  Identify the various special populations within the aging community.

8.  Analyze aging from a range of perspectives including the impact of physical and mental disorders, and functional capacity and disability.

9.  Explore the special needs of the physically, mentally, and emotionally disabled.

10.  Identify psychological and social challenges and adjustments commonly encountered in the elderly population, including custodial grandparents, racial/ethnic minority elders, gay and lesbian elders, and elderly women.

11.  Investigate health services, and federal and state health policies relating to special populations.

12.  Discuss social and ethical issues relating to aging and care of older individuals.

13.  Outline the impact of long-term care on older adults and their care providers.

14.  Select and use relevant literature to enhance learning and support written work.

15.  Demonstrate increasing ability to write in a scholarly manner.

Original Submittal Date: 2/26/13
Review Date: 4/11/2013
Revision Date: 4/11/13