Application form for admission to Full-Time MBA at Aarhus BSS

All applications are evaluated after the deadline 1 April. Due to restricted admission, no more than 25 applicants are admitted per year.

APPLICANT (Please fill in this form on your computer)
First name(s) / Last name/Family name
Danish civil registry number (CPR no.) – if any / Citizenship
Birth Date (day-month-year) / Gender
Address / Postcode and city/town Country (if outside Denmark)
Telephone + mobile telephone / Private e-mail
PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND (if un-employed – only fill in your business experience)
Company name
Company telephone/ mobile telephone (optional) / Your company e-mail (optional)
Business experience (years) / In current company (years)
* Please complete the fields below if the invoice should be sent to your employer:
VAT no./IBAN no. / Company address, postcode and city/town Country (if outside Denmark)
Public employer:
EAN-location no. / Requisition no. / Your ref: / Internal account no. (optional)

* The tuition fee for the Full-Time MBA programme is payable in two installments prior to semester start, i.e. 1 August and 1 January

All prices listed above are subject to change. The tuition fee is non-refundable, regardless of whether the participant finishes the semester.

Check: r Graduate Diploma, specify:
 Bachelor’s degree, specify:
 Master’s degree, specify:
 Other diploma degree, specify:
Graduation year:
Admission to the Full-Time MBA is restricted (no more than 25 applicants are admitted per year). If the number of qualified applicants should exceed this limit, the candidates will be selected on the basis of their academic aptitude, i.e. their academic background and relevant business experience within business administration.
In which sector does your present or most recent company operate?
High-technology production /  Other lines of production /  Banking/finance/insurance /  Public sector
 Sales/distribution /  Construction /  Telecommunications/services /  Other lines of
What are the main activities of your present or most recent company?
How many people work for your present or most recent company?
 Less than 10 10-49  50-99  100-499  500-999  1,000 or more
Number of employees in Group (if any):
 Less than 50 50-99  100-499  500-999  1,000-4,999  5,000 or more
What is/was your main responsibility?
Does your company financially support your participation in the Full-Time MBA?
 100 % /  Partly /  Not yet clarified /  No support
How did you learn about the Full-Time MBA programme?
Via the internet / Magazines/Newspapers (Aarhus BSS)
Other website:______/ Børsen
Information received per mail/email
Programme brochure
Executive education catalogue
Information from AU Alumni
Other places
Outdoor banners at Aarhus University
Colleague, employer or others in my network
Do you require special considerations?
 I have special dietary needs. Please specify: ______
 I have a disability. Please specify: ______
 Other. Please specify: ______

By my signature below, I hereby certify that all information contained in the application material is complete and correct.

Date / Signature
(please sign by hand)

Please enclose the following:

Ø  Documentation proving that you have the relevant entrance examination, single subjects etc. (Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, Graduate Diploma in Business Administration or other diploma degrees)

Ø  Documentation proving that you have min. three years’ relevant business experience (e.g. resume, confirmation from employer)

Ø  TOEFL test with a score of min. 90 or an IELTS test with a score of min. 6.5. or minimum a B-level in English from a Danish higher institution

Ø  GMAT test with a score of min. 500

Ø  1 page resume

Ø  Copy of passport (only for non-Danish applicants)

Please send your application to: / For guidance, please contact:
E-mail: / Aarhus BSS
Programme Manager
Ms. Lene M. Pedersen
Telephone: (+45) 87 15 24 96

Aarhus BSS, MBA Secretariat, AU Executive, Fuglesangs Allé 4, DK-8210 Aarhus V, Denmark