Green and fast synthesis of amino functionalized graphene quantum dots with deep blue photoluminescence

E. Blanco[1], G. Blanco, J.M. Gonzalez-Leal, M.C. Barrera, M. Domínguez, M. Ramirez-del-Solar

Institute of Electron Microscopy and Materials.University of Cádiz

Campus Universitario de Puerto Real. 11510- Puerto Real (Cádiz) (SPAIN)


-Photoluminescence study of H_0, H_1300 and H_1900 samples, referred but not shown in the paper.

-Raman map and hystogram for the relation of intensities of D and G bands, ID/IG, for the samples covering an area o of 5 μm × 5 μm.

-AFM image

Fig. S1PL emission spectra of diluted H_0 sample recorded at increasing excitation wavelengths from 310 to 500nm (up). PL excitation spectrum of the same sample with the detection wavelength of 413 nm (down).

Fig. S2Up-conversion PL emission (up) and excitation (down) spectra of sample H_0. Emission spectra were recorded for excitation wavelengths ranging from 560-800nm.

Fig. S3PL emission spectra of diluted H_1300 sample recorded at increasing excitation wavelengths from 310 to 500nm (up). PL excitation spectrum of the same sample with the detection wavelength of 410 nm (down)

Fig. S4Up-conversion PL emission (up) and excitation (down) spectra of sample H_1300. Emission spectra were recorded for excitation wavelengths ranging from 560-800nm.

Fig. S5PL emission spectra of diluted H_1900 sample recorded at increasing excitation wavelengths from 310 to 500nm (up). PL excitation spectrum of the same sample with the detection wavelength of 412 nm (down)

Fig. S6Up-conversion PL emission (up) and excitation (down) spectra of sample H_1900. Emission spectra were recorded for excitation wavelengths ranging from 560-800nm

Fig. S7 As an example, Raman maps (up) of H_0, H_1300, H_1900 and H_3200 samples for the ID/IG relation (area/area). The corresponding histograms (down) have been used to obtain the averaged values shown in Table 2 in the text. Similar procedure has been followed for the other parameters in Table 2.

Fig. S8 Up, AFM topography image of the GQDs deposited onto a freshly-cleaved mica plate. The false-colour height scale is shown on the right. Down,height profiles taken along the lines 1-3 drawn in the image.This is the second image of the study referred in the article.

Electronic Supplementary materials

Supporting information includes photoluminescence study of H_0, H_1300, and H_1900 samples, referred but not shown in the paper, figures S1 to S6. Raman map and histogram for the relation of intensities of D and G bands, ID/IG, for the samples covering an area o of 5μm×5μm, figure S7. AFM topography image of the GQDs and height profiles, figure S8. This is the second image of the study referred in the article.

[1]Corresponding autor: . Phone: 34-956016326 Fax:34-956016288