1. toadmire (v)
/ bewonderen / to respect or approve of someone or something / You have toadmirehimfor his beingsodetermined.
  1. advertisement (n)
/ reclame; advertentie / Youwillfind a lot of advertisements in today’s papers.
  1. advice (n)
/ advies / Sheasked me foradviceaboutwriting a book.
  1. agent (n)
/ tussenpersoon / The company has agentsall over the country.
  1. ambitious (adj)
/ ambitieus / wantingtobesuccessful or powerful / He has always been anambitiouslawyer.
  1. application form (n)
/ aanvraagformulier; sollicitatieformulier / I want a new job, but I hatefilling in applicationforms.
  1. toapplyfor a job (v)
/ naar een baan solliciteren / My younger sister has appliedforthis new job.
  1. autograph (n)
/ handtekening / Yesterday, at the concert I gotBono’sautograph.
  1. badly-paid (adj)
/ slecht betaald / to get a small amount of money forworking / People whowork in shops are oftenbadly-paid.
  1. banking (n)
/ bankwezen / People whowork in banking oftenearn a lot of money.
  1. career (n)
/ carrière / He had a successfulcareer in marketing.
  1. challenging (adj)
/ uitdagend / This has been a challenging time forall of us.
  1. company (n)
/ bedrijf, zaak / anorganisationwhichsellsgoods or service / My wife has worked fort his software company forsixyears.
  1. contract (n)
/ contract / David Beckham has signed a contract toplayfor Real Madrid.
  1. tocreate (v)
/ creëren, scheppen / This project willcreate more than 500 jobs.
  1. current (adj)
/ huidig / What is yourcurrentholidayaddress ?
  1. degree (n)
/ diploma / a qualificationgivenforcompleting a university course / I received a degree in Business Studies last year.
  1. delicatessen (n)
/ delicatessenwinkel / I boughtsome salami fromthe delicatessen.
  1. employer (n)
/ werkgever / My employer is a verynice man.
  1. toenclose (v)
/ bijsluiten / I willenclose a map of the environment.
  1. fame (n)
/ bekendheid, roem, faam / whenyou are knownbymanypeoplebecause of yourachievements or skills / Bob Dylan was a man of greatfame in the 1960s.
  1. fascinating (adj)
/ boeiend, fascinerend / I found the new Batman movie fascinating.
  1. tofill in a form (v)
/ een formulier invullen / I had tofill in a form when I appliedforthe job.
  1. full-time (adj)
/ voltijd / Up tillnow I have workedpart-time, now I amworkingfull-time.
  1. gig (n)
/ optreden / a performance of pop or rock music / I went to a great gig last night.
  1. industry (n)
/ industrie / His children have been working in the entertainment industryforseveralyears.
  1. Information Technology
/ informatietechnolo-gie / I’mstudying Information Technology at university.
  1. intention (n)
/ bedoeling; intentie / I have no intentionwhatsoever of resegning.
  1. to interview (v)
/ ondervragen / toasksomeonequestions in an interview / Police are interviewing a 43-year-old man in connectionwiththemurder
  1. interview (n)
/ sollicitatiegesprek / I had an interview last week for a job in London.
  1. official (adj)
/ officieel / Do youknowthe official language in Singapore ?
  1. part-time (adj/adv)
/ deeltijd / He has worked as a part-time journalist forsomeyears.
  1. qualification (n)
/ kwalificatie; bevoegdheid / somethingyou get afteryou have passedanexam or course / He has gotmany medicalqualifications.
  1. record (n)
/ aantekening / My teacher keeps a record of myabscences.
  1. toresign (v)
/ ontslag nemen / Sheresigned as headteacherafterhavingworkedforfortyyears.
  1. rewarding (adj)
/ lonend / Teaching is hard work but itcanbeveryrewarding.
  1. salary (n)
/ salaris / a fixedamount of money thatyoureceivefromyouremployer, usuallyeverymonth / My salary is very small whereasmy boss earns a lot of money.
  1. tosign a contract (v)
/ een contract tekenen / The band signed a contract with Virgin Records.
  1. skills (n)
/ vaardigheden / Youneedgoodcommunication skills tobe a manager.
  1. soul (n)
/ ziel / There was a feeling of restlessnessdeep in her soul.
  1. success (n)
/ succes / somethingthat has a goodresult or that is verypopular / Tarantino’s last film is a greatsuccess.
  1. trainee (n)
/ stagiair(e) / My daughterworks as a trainee accountant withthatfirm.
  1. unemployed (adj)
/ werkloos / I’ve been unemployedforsixmonths.
  1. web designer (n)
/ webontwerper / I have alwayswantedtobe a web designer.
  1. well-paid (adj)
/ goedbetaald / earning a lot of money / Lawyers are very well-paidpeople as opposedtocleaners.