World War 1 soldier portraits

Explanatory Information

This open data file contains records pertaining to the portraits taken of nearly 30,000 Queensland soldiers and published in the Queenslander newspaper before embarkation to World War 1. State Library of Queensland has digitised all of these portraits. Anyone can search, view, add a comment, and download a high resolution digital file of any of the portraits in One Search, our catalogue. To search for an individual soldier, visit our catalogue:

State Library of Queensland is also working with the National Archives of Australia to match and connect the soldier portraits with their war service record on the Discovering Anzacs website Not all soldiers can be matched, but where this is possible a link to their service record is also available.

You can learn more about the soldier portraits, the digitisation project, and the invaluable contribution of our volunteers here: To become a digital volunteer with SLQ, visit Pitch In!

This open data file contains details pertaining to the soldiers and their service records, as well as to the portraits and their inclusion in the Queenslander newspaper. Thumbnail, medium, and high resolution files of the digitised images are also provided.

The table below lists the headings provided in the open data file and any explanatory notes about the contents.

Heading / Explanatory notes
Title of image / As appears in One Search, SLQ’s catalogue
Creator / Photographer unidentified
Temporal / Date of publication of image in the Queenslander newspaper. Format: DD-MM-YYYY
Provenance / Location of the image in the Queenslander
Full name / From National Archives of Australia
Additional name / From National Archives of Australia
Service number / From National Archives of Australia. Note that service numbers were not unique, nor were they given to commissioned officers, who were given their rank. See the Australian War Memorial for further details:
Additional information / From National Archives of Australia
Military details / Military details transcribed from the Queenslander. See details of Military units at the Australian War Memorial:
NAA identifier / The NAA person ID is a unique identifier for service people assigned by the National Archives of Australia. It differs from the Discovering Anzacs Barcode number.
SLQ Image identifier / Refers to the SLQ image record
Link to Discovering Anzacs / This is a link to the NAA’s Discovering Anzacs record. The NAA identifier appears at the end of the string.
Link to SLQ persistent URL portrait image / This is a link to a webpage on the SLQ catalogue and is presented within a digital viewer
Link to SLQ persistent URL The Queenslander page / This is the page on which the portrait appears in the Queenslander. There will be multiple portraits on each page
Conditions of use / SLQ’s preferred attribution is SLQ Image number: (see the SLQ Image identifier for the number)
Copyright statement / Copyright status
Source / The item is held by John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland
Publisher / See for a history of the Queenslander publication
Thumbnail image / URL to the digital image (150 pixel square)
Medium resolution image / URL to the digital image (500 pixels along the longest side)
High resolution image / URL to the digital image (1000 pixels along the longest side)

Please send any questions or feedback about any of the datasets released publicly by State Library .

14 March 2017