MGT382Additional Exam Guidance 201675

To ensure fairness and consistency for all students at all sites, the following information is made available to all students.

The additional exam will follow the same format as the sample exam. The sample exam is provided to all students within the Subject Outline.
Students must pass the exam to pass the subject. The exam is worth 50%.

The exam will take the following format:

Part A Essay: Answer 2 of 3 questions, each question is worth 15 marks
Part B Short Answer: Answer 4 of 6 questions, each question is worth 5 marks.

Students must answer the correct number of questions from each section of the exam.

The exam will cover the following topics and chapters of the textbook:

Chapter 1

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9

For essay questions: Students do not need to write an actual essay, but provide a long-answer. Answers should be approximately 3 pages in length. Use examples where relevant to assist in explaining answers. Marks will be awarded for both explanation and discussion of concepts/theory and also for explaining relevant examples.

For short answer questions: Use examples in the short answer questions if relevant. It helps you demonstrate your knowledge. Answers should be approximately 1 page in length

Good exam answers:
- are not similar to another student’s answers;
- use relevant and explained examples;
- demonstrate more than memorisation (try not to write the exact words from the textbook);
- demonstrate that you have absorbed the material and put theory into your own words and apply that theory to practical, relevant and explained examples;
- include your opinion. This is easier than you think. Our textbooks explore mainly western views, opinions and theory.You are well placed to offer alternative views.

Length of answers:
- Essays – approximately 3 pages for each question
- Short Answer Questions – approximately 1 page for each question

Clearly number the questions you have answered, and start each question on a new page.

Answer the questions which are being asked – read the questions carefully. Avoid writing everything you know about a topic, make sure you are answering the question being asked.
Some key words to consider when reading the exam questions – what is the question asking you to do?: discuss, explain, identify, describe, compare, demonstrate.

Students must pass the exam to pass the subject. The exam is worth 50%.

Best wishes!

Dr Elizabeth Dunlop