ResearchandEnterpriseDirectorate –Final Decisions

On 6 May 2009, as part of the review of Professional and SupportServices functions across the School, Executive Board confirmed the establishment of a new Research and Enterprise Directorate, and a new post of Director of Research and Enterprise (post advertised). The Director (R & E) will support and advise the Pro-Director on strategic academic matters and will report to the Registrar & Secretary for line management purposes.

A proposed structure and responsibilities for the new Research and Enterprise Directorate, in the form of a Research and Enterprise Office, were discussed by Executive Board on a number of occasions, and approved the proposals in principle. A formal consultation with all affected staff commencedon Monday 15 June and continued through to Wednesday 15 July.

On 27 July 2009 Executive Board received a business case for the establishment of a Research and Enterprise Office, together with a rationale, proposed structure, and summary of the feedback received in response to the consultation from staff and from the recognised trades unions. On the basis of this proposal Executive Board made the decision to create the Research and Enterprise Office.

The Research and Enterprise Office (REO) will be formed by amalgamatingthe four existing administrative units:

  • Research Office
  • Interface
  • Centres and Programmes Office
  • Centre for African Studies

The approved structure is set out in the associated chart ‘REO structure and Reporting Lines’ which can be viewed at

The REO will incorporate existing staff as indicated (with no job losses), and introduce additional new posts. No member of staff transferring into the REO will be disadvantaged in terms of grade and pay. Staff currently working in RO, Interface, CPO and CAS will enjoy additional support in the form of a dedicated R&E Finance Officer, and also additional administrative support, as well as broader opportunities for career development and advancement.

The proposals for a final structure for REO have been driven by the principles governing the recently completed review of Professional and Support Services:

• To ensure the School has the most effective and logical professional and support service structures to deliver the Research and Enterprise core sub-strategy

• To ensure the School has a Research and Enterprise professional and support services team focussed on service delivery with proper responsibility and accountability

• To ensure most efficient use of resource and to create a larger more ‘robust’ unit which is less vulnerable to staff sickness and departures and provides better development opportunities for team work and career development.

Delivering the School’s strategic aims will be challenging in the face of growing competition, decreasing public funding and growing cost pressures both in terms of staff costs and non-staff costs. Critical to delivery will be strong, effective and efficient central professional and support services which can work with faculty administrative staff to provide first class advice and support, allowing academic staff to focus on their academic and research objectives.

Executive Board decisions made on 27 July 2009:

1.Approved the bringing together of the Research Office, Interface, Centres and Programmes Office and Centre for African Studies into the new R&E Directorate.

These changes come into effect on Tuesday 28 July 2009.

If you have any concerns or issues relating to the review of Professional and Support Services at SOAS please talk with your respective senior line manager or raise them with Chris Byrne, HR Manager (Change), on 0207 898 4822 oremail rnatively, contactCharles Perry, HR Manager,on 0207 898 4847 oremail .

Professor Paul Webley

Director & Principal

Professor Graham Furniss

Pro-Director (Research & Enterprise)