Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 12th May 2015 in the small room of the Parish Hall, Addison Road, Wimblington at 7.00pm

PresentM T Davis (Chairman), G Bellard, P Crawford, J Clarke, J Rose, R Wright (Clerk), Mrs M Moulton, F Bellard, J Dent,

S Coulson, B Butcher.

Apologies for Absence A R Knowles, E Wright

Pursuant to the National Code of Local Government Conduct Members are reminded that they must declare

Anydirect or indirect pecuniary interest in respect of any item to be discussed at the Meeting.

J A Clarke Planning application FYR15/0317/O

943/15Appointment of officers:

Chairperson- M T Davis was duly appointed as Chairman and completed Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Vice Chairman – J A Clarke was duly appointed as Vice-Chairman and completed his Acceptance of office.

Election – The Clerk reported that the number of candidates seeking election was seven and as such it was uncontested The Council considered emails of application from Mrs Julie Dent and Mrs Sarah Coulson whom then gave a brief introduction about themselves and why they wished to seek to be a Councillor.

RESOLVED that Mrs J Dent and Mrs S Coulson be Co-opted as members of Wimblington Parish Council. They duly completed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and were welcome by the Chairman.

The following appointments and contact roles were approved:-

Parish PathsE WrightSchool P CrawfordParkfield J Dent

Street lightingA R KnowlesWeb site J ClarkeWar memorial FieldJ A Clarke

AllotmentG BellardStonea/HookS CoulsonParish HallJ Rose

Play equipment J A ClarkeFlag MarshallJ Rose

Sub-committee planningM T Davis, G Bellard, P Crawford, A R Knowles

Finance Committee. M T Davis, G Bellard, J A Clarke, A R Knowles

Internal auditor – Mr I Cooper a retired Finance Officer of FDCappointed as Internal auditor for 2015/2016.

944/15Confirmation of minutes–RESOLVED – that the minutes of meeting held on 10th March 2015 were correctly recorded and that they be signed as being a true record.

945/15Police representative report– The Chairman read out the report from Pcso Sam Dyer. (report attached|)

946/15Matters Arising

a)Play equipment - Further to minute 927/15(a) Offending graffiti. The Chairman reported that details of three companies had been obtained. Cllr Clarke would seek quotes. Cllr Clarke

b) Grass cutting – The Clerk reported that a meeting with the Grass cutting Contractor had taken place after complaints regarding the poor state of the cemetery and the state of the monuments.

947/15Income Expenditure

a) The members considered and approved the following accounts for payment

British Gasmaintenance20.004.00 24.00

R WrightMarch salary plus petty cash622.25

R BarkerCaretaker salary140.83

Mrs M MoultonBooking duties 95.90

Cambs CCClerks pension257.90

BTHall phone60.3312.07 72.40

CABOutreach worker152.00

National Allotment SocSubscription55.0011.00 66.00

Wimblington NewsPublications/advertisement 56.90

CommuniCorpSubscription 12.00

Fenland DCStreet light1116.64223.33 1339.97

British GasHall gas234.7146.94281.65

Anglia SignsSign play area 153.0030.60183.60

JezO’sFun day100.00

Cambs CC Clerks pension257.90

R WrightClerk duties – April123.89 24.71 705.25 853.91

Mrs M MoultonBooking clerk 95.90

Mrs R BarkerCleaning hall140.83


Playsafety LtdPlayground inspection139.00 27.80166.80

British GasGas at hall 90.50 0.47 9.97

S WrightVillage duties140.00

Zurich MunicipalInsurance 2360.05

Information Commissioner Renewal of registration 35.00

Fenland DCEmpty wheelie bin - hall125.42

Fenland DCEmpty wheelie bin Church125.42

Harradine PlumbingNew boiler and taps3155.00 631.00 3786.00

Jaks GraphicsFun day224.80

b) The Clerk presented the Annual Accounts for 2014/2015 and the Annual return and Annual Governance Statement.

RESOLVED – that the accounts be adopted and approved along with the Annual Governance Statement. The Chairman and Clerk duly signed section1 & 2 of the Annual Return

c) Risk Management & health & Safety – The Council were currently reviewingStanding Orders,FinancialRegulations, Cemetery Fees, Systems of Internal Controland other Council documents. RESOLVED – that the Clerk includes in the Financial Regulations a procedure for paying invoices through internet banking. It was agreed that then Clerk be authorised to pay invoices on the approval of the Chairman and Vice -Chairman.

The Vice – Chairman be added to the bank signatories.


Observations on the following applications

FYR15/076/FA R Lecomder 3 Rose Cottage Gardens - garage - supported

F/YR15/0281/FK Grange west 2a Bridge lane – 3 dwellings – supported but street lighting, footpath issues needed to be addressed

FYR15/0317/OK & D Clarke north 3a Bridge Lane – demolition of bungalow and bldgs., 20 dwellings – not supported as Bridge Lane was considered inadequate for increased traffic, lack of footpaths, street lighting, does not meet requirements of FDC Local Plan, poor drainage and village has already met quota for new housing.

FYR15/0313/FRSPCA Block Fen – stable block with tack room - supported

The Clerk reported that the application regarding the Spinney at Hook had gone to appeal and any representations should be sent by 12th June. RESOLVED – that the Chairman sends in the Councils thoughts. Chairman

949/15Highway Matters/Street Lighting/Transport

a) Street lights – although the category one lights have been replaced they are not connected and the old columns are still in place. The Chairman will also look into the lights at Eastwood End. Clerk/Chairman

b) Footpaths and highway issues

The Clerk reported that the1.8km of cycle path from March to Wimblington was now complete at a cost of £432,000.

Cllr Crawford reported that she had met with Rod Marshall and the following issues were discussed – Addison Road problems where hedge removed – Blue Lane faded road markings – Eaton Estate fire hydrant sign (reported to AWS) – Lyon Walk overhanging vegetation (Community Payback) – Pot holes Chapel Lane, King Street and Hook.

Cllr Davis reported that a man hole cover was missing between Boots Farm and Stonea Camp.

950/15Recreation Ground

a) WMPF –The Clerk reported that in April Rospa undertook their annual safety inspection of the play equipment. The equipment was given a low risk assessment but some items needed attention. RESOLVED that the Chairman would take up these matters with the company that re-furbished the equipment. Chairman

A quote from CGM to spray with glyphosate herbicide in WMPF for £44.65 has been accepted.

The Clerk would attend with 4Global to inspect the recreation ground on 21st May as a venture from Sport England.

G Bellard mentioned that the plastic matting used by the allotment may help with waterlogging in the play area. The Clerk to investigate with M Knight whether it would be feasible. Clerk

b) J Clarke to get new demolition quotes but no works would be undertaken until after the Fun Day.J A Clarke

c) Parkfield – The Rospa report had been sent to P Jolley. It noted strimmer damage to wooden posts reported along with adjustments needed to gate/post of all-weather surface compound.

951/15New Cemetery/Churchyard

a) New Cemetery – The Clerk to confirm that the feesfor 2015/2016will be obtained from Fenland District Council.

A quote for spraying around hedges £64.76 with glyphosate herbicide from CGM has been accepted. The Clerk would look into grass cutting and levelling of plots with M Knight.

b) Wimblington St Peters Church – The Clerk reported that the Churchyard looked in good order.

952/15Parish hall

a) General matters – Harradine Plumbing & Heating had completed the installation of the new boiler and set the temp at 20c. He had taken the thermostats from the radiators which meant thatadjustments could not be made by the general public. The Clerk would contact James Harradine to re-set the summer temperature at 18c and how the system worked.

b) Hall Hire arrangements - The Chairman reported that the Golden Age Fair will be coming in January 2016. RESOLVED – that as a Community event the hall would be free of charge.

The Clerk referred to a letter from the WI regarding a reduction in the hall hire as no heating or hot water were available. The Clerk informed the Councillors that they were informed of the situation and offered electric heaters which they declined. RESOLVED – that no concession be made.

953/15Correspondence & Other matters

a)Cllr Rose reported of a complaint of road speed, dust and grit in Doddington Road. The person was prepared to assist with a speed Watch scheme and was directed towards the Neighbourhood Watch Committee. Stones on footpaths was also mentioned.

b)Cllr Crawford raised the concern of circus signsaround the village and the sign in Norfolk Street regarding daddy Cabs was mentioned. It was agreed to report the matters to Rod Marshall.

c)Cllr Rose mentioned that a coffee morning would be held on Saturday 16th and all Councillors were welcome.

954/15Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 9thJune 2015