Watchet Harbour Advisory Committee

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 31st July 2013

5.00 pm at Watchet Town Council


Mrs Sally de Renzy-Martin – Chair WACET

James Burnell Watchet Marina

Martin Stephens Watchet Boat Owners Association

Ray Ventura Watchet Boat Owners Association

Loretta Whetlor Watchet Town Council

David Mainwaring Watchet Seascouts

Kelvin Rufus

Cllr Tony Knight West Somerset Council

Rachel Mulcaire West Somerset Council (minutes)

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Steve Watts, Donald Sutherland, Steve Yeandle and Adam James
2. / Minutes of meeting 30th April 2013
The minutes were amended to reflect that Martin Stephens was to be the WHAC representative on the EDF Hinkley Point Harbour Board.
3 / Marina Matters
It was noted that the Bristol Channel Yachting Association were coming to Watchet the forthcoming weekend.
The Marina have recently purchased a new crane which will be arriving next week.
James Burnell advised that the Marina had had a restructure of staff and one employee would be leaving the company in September. The Marina is also starting up another business specialising in Marine Engineering. This would mean bringing all repairs to plant and equipment in house. A new employee has started that will be working in this business. As part of his work he will be assisting in keeping the dredger going. At present the dredger is the main priority but the Marina will be looking to gradually expand this business. James Burnell refuted all rumours that the Marina was suffering problems and that the restructure was to keep the Marina sustainable in the economic downturn similar to any other business.
The dredger has been to Swansea and was very successful and provided income. The mud level in Watchet is gradually going down but not as fast as the Marina would like but they are working on this. They are looking at options to increase the hours per day dredged but will have to look at the noise. The old dredger is now up for sale.
A question was raised as to whether the problems with the gate had been resolved. James Burnell advised that on the whole the gate was working but there were a couple of minor issues.
4 / Harbour Matters
A sheet was handed around the room giving an update on Harbour matters.
Sally de Renzy Martin advised that the Watchet Town Council had discussed the issue of railings on the West Pier at a meeting and were virtually unanimous that there should be no railings installed.
It was suggested that perhaps the District Council should include a sign at the street end of the West Pier advising people not to venture beyond this point in rough weather.
It was questioned as to who used the landing platform on the West Pier. It was noted that it was used by some of the commercial boats.
5 / East Quay Update
Martin Stephens acknowledged that the East Wharf position was in a transition stage but there was still a big issue with parking on the East Wharf.
Cllr Tony Knight advised that he had been at a meeting to discuss the East Wharf that morning and parking was discussed.
It was suggested that permits were issued to boat owners and strongly worded letters put on windscreens of those without permits. James Burnell advised that he was speaking to Steve Watts about the issues.
Ray Ventura advised that following the last WHAC meeting representatives of the Boat Owners met with the Onion Collective to try to pull together an alternative option. The meeting did go well, however a few days later he was advised that meetings were taking place between the Marina, the Council and Urban Splash. Martin Stephens and Ray Ventura did meet with the Leader of the Council to express their concerns and opinions and were advised that Urban Splash did have a proposal on the table.
There is a report going to the District Council’s Cabinet meeting on the 14th August in relation to the future of the site.
The meeting ended at 6:05 pm.
The date of the next meeting will be agreed following the outcome of the Cabinet meeting on the 14th August.